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Status Replies posted by Chi

  1. It's actually snowing here, this is rare! ^^

  2. I wanna fight Emmny. Square up!!!!

  3. o dam that piqnic band is good & fre$H

  4. All vip tickets of gazette already sold...

  5. It was so nice to see all of these personal 2015 fav lists and see what was stuck in our own rotation, let's do it again next year lads!!

  6. Gazetta no BR.. vai custar o rim de vcs UHAUEHAEUUAEAEHU. Ja aqui nas alemanha... uns 100 euros ou menosney rs

  7. I just did the planning and I'm not going to finish my backlog until August. I'm not getting to things I grabbed in December until May.

  8. I just did the planning and I'm not going to finish my backlog until August. I'm not getting to things I grabbed in December until May.

  9. Really nice to see everyone going out of their way to do their own review and favorite songs and shit. This community is way too awesome!

  10. curious: do you also have those days where you listen to music of your motherlanguage(for me its croatian which I didn't listen since end of 2k14 xD)

  11. Clearing out everything in my downloads folder I haven't listened to this year yet! Wish me luck. lol


  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR MH!! <3

  14. Happy New Year, even though it's not midnight here.

  15. happy new year everyone! hope you'll have an awesome year <3

  16. Just me that didn't like so much these last list of Top 50 Tracks of 2015 ? sorry guys :/

  17. rip MH chat

  18. happy birthday God!! best wishes from me and MiA

  19. going back into the shadows...

  20. going back into the shadows...

  21. going back into the shadows...

  22. Goodnight sweet ログ。

  23. The shaaaaade of it all

  24. stay in school

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