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    Nagisa reacted to Pretsy in Popular/Legendary/Respected Japanese bands that you've NEVER listened to...(and probably should)   
    I've seen and experienced such situations in which people who do not usually digest vk or don't listen to it at all are not capable of stomaching "Feminism" either - especially when it comes to overall criticism in which "Romance of Scarlet" is considered to have much less "dated" sound than "Feminism" (which is kind of true though). Also: it's little to no wonder that this (Feminism years 1995-early 1996) was coined as their "sellout era" back then - not that many would even glance at their past but worth knowing anyway.
    I would have suggested it too but as I saId it above - it's not everyone's cup of tea. We could also say the same about post-Fake Star era which is unfortunately totes devoid of originality genre-wise (while being "fun").
    Regarding Luna Sea - Nagisa (as the Gazette fan) should definitely give Luna Sea's STYLE  and LUNACY eras a try (MOTHER would be too old school-ish of an experience to you tbh) - especially the single/b-side department:
  2. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    I feel the same. When I purchase a digital release I don't actually feel as if I own that release. I only own something if it's on my shelf or in my drawer, with an actual disc, booklet and case.
  3. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
    I kind of like owning the physical copy. It just feels weird for me owning something digital with my hard earned monies for some reason.
  4. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Zeus in Adobe confirms major Flash vulnerability, and the only way to protect yourself is to uninstall Flash   

    What a shitty piece of technology. How can one product have so many security holes? The sooner Flash dies the better...
  5. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Zeus in [HELP] Redirecting   
    Thank you for filing this issue.

    and I are aware of this. We know that you are not the only user to suffer from this problem because I get it all the time too. We've been researching it for quite some time and we think we know what it is, and the problem is buried somewhere within the skin.

    Tonight or tomorrow morning, we will temporarily disable the Innovation 4 skin and enable the Chameleon Dark skin for all users so we can test our hypothesis. It may stay this way for anywhere between a few days and a few weeks.
  6. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from Furik in [HELP] Redirecting   
    When I go to MH by clicking from Google the first time I am always redirected to a website that looks like spam. When I type the website's URL I don't get this problem. Does anyone else have this happen to them?
  7. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from Zeus in [HELP] Redirecting   
    When I go to MH by clicking from Google the first time I am always redirected to a website that looks like spam. When I type the website's URL I don't get this problem. Does anyone else have this happen to them?
  8. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
    this test got me like
  9. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Zeus in Anyone see this article: `The Story of Visual Kei`?   
    I got you guys.
  10. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Deathtopi4 in "Spoilers"   
    I'd say spoilers don't really bother me. I always go for super slow shipping because it costs less, so I always download the leaks if they become available first. I tend to listen before I buy unless it's a new release from a band I know I really like because I don't have the funds to buy things willy-nilly. I'm not crazy about previews, I usually just listen to them once and then leave them alone because I'll start building up expectations for the what the rest of the song will sound like and then it'll be weird when I finally so listen to it.
  11. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Zeus in "Spoilers"   
    If I'm waiting for a CD, I won't download the album unless the entire album leaks before I get my CD. In my mind I've already supported the band by purchasing the release. I don't buy CDs just for the music; I also like the way they look and the fact that I'm owning them.
    I don't intentionally "try before I buy", but it tends to work itself out that way with Japanese music. There's no way in hell I'm spending upwards of $40 on a release from a band that may or may not disappoint me.

    I don't read lyrics and I don't watch PVs all that much. Most of the time because it's not translated (or the translation isn't the greatest). When I do find them it's a nice addition but it is never necessary for me to enjoy the music.

    No they most definitely did that. It was intentional to get you to buy the album. That's what most singles and promotional materials are for.
  12. Like
    Nagisa reacted to doombox in "Spoilers"   
    It really depends on the artist. Certain artists I've been collecting cds from for a long time and good or bad, I don't care because I'm so biased towards them. I'll want the cd jacket, bonus dvds/materials, or whatever just because it's a favorite band of mine. So I buy them without even hearing previews half the time.
    Bands that I'm not so familiar with I'll definitely need more than a 30 second preview to go on. Whether that's word of mouth from someone I trust to have similar taste as mine or listening to a rip before I buy it. If there are full music videos released I tend to use them to judge if I'm gonna a buy it.
    For me, listening to a rip before my cd arrives isn't a spoiler. My first listening experience feels the same if it's from a rip or a disk. It doesn't effect my enjoyment at all.
  13. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Aferni in "Spoilers"   
    When it comes to music, I'm very impatient.....So I really enjoy spoilers because the sooner its leaked, the sooner I can play it over and over and over. I really dislike having only the preview to listen to over and over.
  14. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Rosebetz in The GazettE new single 「UGLY」11/18 RELEASE !   
  15. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from emmny in The GazettE new single 「UGLY」11/18 RELEASE !   
    In the commentary, Ruki says that UGLY is a continuation of DOGMA, and Uruha says that UGLY does not tell the same story as DOGMA, but keeps its atmosphere. He also says that making the PV with Heresy fans is a memory that will stay with him. 
  16. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Rosebetz in The GazettE new single 「UGLY」11/18 RELEASE !   
    If anyone wants here are the two comment for DOGMATIC/UGLY
    Sadly no translation ...
  17. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from yakihiko in Pick a band and answer some   
    Very interesting game.
    Pick Your Artist/Band: the GazettE
    Are you a male or female: HEADACHE MAN
    Describe yourself: Burial Applicant
    How do you feel: AGONY
    Describe where you currently live: 奈落 (Naraku)
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: 泣ヶ原 (Nakigahara)
    Your favourite form of transportation: THE STUPID TINY INSECT
    Your best friend is: ワイフ (Wife)
    You and your best friends are: Beautiful 5[shit]ers
    What’s the weather like: 生暖かい雨とざらついた情熱 (Nama atatakai ame to zaratsuita jounetsu)
    Favourite time of day: DAWN
    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: 泥だらけの青春 (Doro darake no seishun)
    What is life to you: DRIPPING INSANITY
    Your Relationship: AN UNBEARABLE FACT
    Your fear: Maggots
  18. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Muma in Pick a band and answer some   
    So I found this thing on the world of the tumblblogrrrrrr and I thought it was p cool so...
    (excuse the lame ass topic title0
    Using only song names from one artist/band, cleverly answer these questions without repeating any songs
    Pick Your Artist/Band: La Dispute
    Are you a male or female: For Mayor In Splitsville
    Describe yourself: Nobody, Not Even the Rain
    How do you feel: Fall Down, Never Get Back Up Again
    Describe where you currently live: A Broken Jar
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: The Lost Last Continent
    Your favourite form of transportation: A Letter
    Your best friend is: You And I In Unison
    You and your best friends are: Damaged Goods
    What’s the weather like: New Storms For Older Lovers
    Favourite time of day: Stay Happy There
    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: Then Again, Maybe You Were Right
    What is life to you: The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit
    Your Relationship: Bury Your Flame
    Your fear: He Is Here, He Is Not Afraid
  19. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from wesjrocker in Disbanded Favorites/Bands That You Miss So Much   
    Definitely Kagrra
  20. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from eiheartx in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    After listening to this album about a dozen times, I guess I can review it.
    Nothing in this instrumental really stands out. The vocals are rather haunting and the dubstep also sounds cool but the track as a whole felt unremarkable. The transition into DOGMA is perfect, though, which is where I think the value of this track lies. Without that, I think this is one of the worst instrumentals the GazettE has done, even worse than INFUSE INTO on TOXIC, which I actually liked.
    Amazing. One of the best tracks on the album. This was the song I was most excited for after hearing the album preview, and it didn't disappoint me one bit. It has just the right combination of darkness and heaviness, like 13STAIRS[-]1, which I really like. The transition from NIHIL is flawless, and the opening just sounds epic, especially with the stringed instrument. The variety of Ruki's vocals in this song also contribute to its greatness. The screams are also not overdone, and it was interesting that there wasn't really a chorus. Interesting use of female vocals at the end. 
    Despite the shouting, I really liked this song (although that might be because this song appears earlier in the album). The piano and melodic chorus are amazing. 
    Like a lot of the songs on this album, my feelings are mixed on DAWN. The chorus is rather interesting, and I like how it mentioned 13 stairs. However, the shouts didn't really contribute anything, I felt. I did like how Ruki laughed in the middle and the part about redefinition (how he sings it, not thematically).
    I must admit that the opening for this song was amazing. I'm always a fan of nice openings, and I think it is hard for a song to be good (in my opinion) without having a good opening. With that said, the shouts detracted from the rest of the song. The [Cradle and grave] part sounded cool, but the screaming took away from it. An above-average song compared to the rest of the tracks.
    Again, a good opening. The electronic elements throughout this song made it more interesting for me, and I also liked the thing that sounded like a piano (not sure what it was). Unfortunately the screams kind of ruined it for me. I'm not against screams, but I think they should appear in heavy songs like DISCHARGE and not randomly in songs that try to be more melodic. It was also interesting that the song was about someone who committed a crime in their youth.
    After DOGMA and OMINOUS, this is my favorite track on the album. Although the guitars don't really stand out on this track, I really like how Ruki is kind of rapping in the beginning. I also really enjoyed it when he sang the shorter verses. The slow pace of the song fits and I love how there are no screams in this one. I like the solo too. With the way some of the lyrics are spoken, I think it would have been interesting if a lyric video had been made for this song. Overall a very enjoyable and unique track. The subject of this song also reminded me of 泣ヶ原, my favorite song by the GazettE.
    This track grew on me. The French is kind of random but it is interesting to see the GazettE experimenting with other languages. The "I arise to broken nights" is pretty memorable, as are the excellent female vocals. It would have been interesting if they had had the female vocals go on for longer in the end. They convey emotion effectively. This is a nice track, but not on the scale of DOGMA or OMINOUS.
    I thought this was one of the worst tracks on the album. It sounded too typical to me. The drumming from Kai was nice, and I liked the solo, but they aren't enough to make this song stand out. The best vocal parts for me were the single verses in the beginning and halfway through the song.
    Although this song was completely in Japanese and the shouts were minimal, I still feel it was mediocre. There wasn't any buildup of emotion. It was somewhat like a ballad and then again not quite. The random shouting part kind of ruined the song. Midway through the song, the drums seemed to drown out the guitars. I did like how the voices overlapped at the end though. Nothing special.
    This song made me notice how Ruki's best vocals are still in Japanese. This goes for many of the songs on the album but this one made me notice it. I guess I hadn't really compared them before. Again, the shouting interfered with my enjoyment of the rest of the song. Another lackluster song.
    I liked the piano in this track, as well as the opening. The way Ruki says "inferno" sounded really cool. The chorus was good and I liked it as soon as I heard the album preview, but the shouts again ruin the song. For me, the highlight of the song is the long section of Japanese near the end. It was melodic and beautiful. I wish that the track had ended after that instead of adding all that gratuitous shouting at the end. It was interesting that this track and INCUBUS both mentioned closing of eyelids. I'd say this track is on par with DERACINE.
    The chorus of this song reminded me of TOMORROW NEVER DIES. My favorite part was at the end where Ruki is begging someone not to abandon him. Like in INCUBUS, I felt the emotions in the song in that part. Other than that, the other parts don't really stand out. I wonder if the "goddess" mentioned at the end has anything to do with B-side on UGLY. It would be interesting if there were some link between the two songs.
    Tied with DOGMA for best track on the album. I think they probably released a lyric video to promote the album because they knew it was the best song on it. Everything about this track just screams melody. I especially enjoyed one of the parts where Ruki finished singing and the guitar continues on from his voice. The atmosphere of this track fits the title perfectly, and the solo is amazing. I think it is interesting that both this track and DOGMA don't really have choruses. The bridge on this track is also great and the song just gives you a sense of foreboding.
    Before giving my final opinions, I just wanted to say that the production of this album reminded me of NIL. First, there are no images in the lyrics booklet (at least in the regular edition), which was also the case with NIL and wasn't true for albums in between. Also, the color scheme on the CD of brown and black is similar, and the fact that both albums ended with amazing tracks and not instrumentals make me wonder whether or not it is a coincidence. Just something interesting that I thought I would throw out there.
    Initially, I thought that the songs on this album were too similar, but after listening to it a few times I was better able to distinguish between them. Nevertheless, the fact that over half of the songs contain shouting/screaming does not help the album. I would say that this album is a step backward from BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY, although not a large step because there are a few amazing tracks. Even if BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY didn't really try to do anything thematically, at least there were several songs on it that I enjoyed.
    The only tracks that I can unconditionally say I enjoyed were DOGMA, RAGE, WASTELAND, and OMINOUS. Many of the other tracks have enjoyable parts, but the screams prevent me from fully enjoying them. I also think that on many of the tracks there was a distinctive lack of melody. I was fine with RAGE because early on, the combination of screams and melody still seemed fresh but it grew repetitive after a while. 
    The biggest thing I don't like about this album is that while many of the songs are heavy (or try to be), only a few of the tracks succeed at being dark or dim. This is more of a personal preference, but my favorite tracks from the GazettE (besides Defective Tragedy) all have one of those qualities. For example, 13STAIRS[-]1 is dark and heavy, and I think DOGMA emulated those qualities quite well. 千鶴 and 泣ヶ原 are examples of what I consider dim, and we get something similar in OMINOUS. When I heard that the theme of the GazettE's project had the words darkness and ominous, I was stoked. And when I heard OMINOUS, I was extremely excited for this album. But when I finally heard it, it was a disappointment, because to me only a couple of the songs had the qualities that were advertised. I guess what I am trying to say is that if the whole album had gone with replicating the atmosphere in DOGMA and/or OMINOUS in the other tracks, it would have been an amazing album.
    I'm not sure what to expect with UGLY, but since it is being promoted under the auspices of OMINOUS YEAR, it would be nice if it could have at least one song with the atmosphere of DOGMA or OMINOUS. At the very least I hope they take out the excessive screams.
  21. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from Zeus in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    After listening to this album about a dozen times, I guess I can review it.
    Nothing in this instrumental really stands out. The vocals are rather haunting and the dubstep also sounds cool but the track as a whole felt unremarkable. The transition into DOGMA is perfect, though, which is where I think the value of this track lies. Without that, I think this is one of the worst instrumentals the GazettE has done, even worse than INFUSE INTO on TOXIC, which I actually liked.
    Amazing. One of the best tracks on the album. This was the song I was most excited for after hearing the album preview, and it didn't disappoint me one bit. It has just the right combination of darkness and heaviness, like 13STAIRS[-]1, which I really like. The transition from NIHIL is flawless, and the opening just sounds epic, especially with the stringed instrument. The variety of Ruki's vocals in this song also contribute to its greatness. The screams are also not overdone, and it was interesting that there wasn't really a chorus. Interesting use of female vocals at the end. 
    Despite the shouting, I really liked this song (although that might be because this song appears earlier in the album). The piano and melodic chorus are amazing. 
    Like a lot of the songs on this album, my feelings are mixed on DAWN. The chorus is rather interesting, and I like how it mentioned 13 stairs. However, the shouts didn't really contribute anything, I felt. I did like how Ruki laughed in the middle and the part about redefinition (how he sings it, not thematically).
    I must admit that the opening for this song was amazing. I'm always a fan of nice openings, and I think it is hard for a song to be good (in my opinion) without having a good opening. With that said, the shouts detracted from the rest of the song. The [Cradle and grave] part sounded cool, but the screaming took away from it. An above-average song compared to the rest of the tracks.
    Again, a good opening. The electronic elements throughout this song made it more interesting for me, and I also liked the thing that sounded like a piano (not sure what it was). Unfortunately the screams kind of ruined it for me. I'm not against screams, but I think they should appear in heavy songs like DISCHARGE and not randomly in songs that try to be more melodic. It was also interesting that the song was about someone who committed a crime in their youth.
    After DOGMA and OMINOUS, this is my favorite track on the album. Although the guitars don't really stand out on this track, I really like how Ruki is kind of rapping in the beginning. I also really enjoyed it when he sang the shorter verses. The slow pace of the song fits and I love how there are no screams in this one. I like the solo too. With the way some of the lyrics are spoken, I think it would have been interesting if a lyric video had been made for this song. Overall a very enjoyable and unique track. The subject of this song also reminded me of 泣ヶ原, my favorite song by the GazettE.
    This track grew on me. The French is kind of random but it is interesting to see the GazettE experimenting with other languages. The "I arise to broken nights" is pretty memorable, as are the excellent female vocals. It would have been interesting if they had had the female vocals go on for longer in the end. They convey emotion effectively. This is a nice track, but not on the scale of DOGMA or OMINOUS.
    I thought this was one of the worst tracks on the album. It sounded too typical to me. The drumming from Kai was nice, and I liked the solo, but they aren't enough to make this song stand out. The best vocal parts for me were the single verses in the beginning and halfway through the song.
    Although this song was completely in Japanese and the shouts were minimal, I still feel it was mediocre. There wasn't any buildup of emotion. It was somewhat like a ballad and then again not quite. The random shouting part kind of ruined the song. Midway through the song, the drums seemed to drown out the guitars. I did like how the voices overlapped at the end though. Nothing special.
    This song made me notice how Ruki's best vocals are still in Japanese. This goes for many of the songs on the album but this one made me notice it. I guess I hadn't really compared them before. Again, the shouting interfered with my enjoyment of the rest of the song. Another lackluster song.
    I liked the piano in this track, as well as the opening. The way Ruki says "inferno" sounded really cool. The chorus was good and I liked it as soon as I heard the album preview, but the shouts again ruin the song. For me, the highlight of the song is the long section of Japanese near the end. It was melodic and beautiful. I wish that the track had ended after that instead of adding all that gratuitous shouting at the end. It was interesting that this track and INCUBUS both mentioned closing of eyelids. I'd say this track is on par with DERACINE.
    The chorus of this song reminded me of TOMORROW NEVER DIES. My favorite part was at the end where Ruki is begging someone not to abandon him. Like in INCUBUS, I felt the emotions in the song in that part. Other than that, the other parts don't really stand out. I wonder if the "goddess" mentioned at the end has anything to do with B-side on UGLY. It would be interesting if there were some link between the two songs.
    Tied with DOGMA for best track on the album. I think they probably released a lyric video to promote the album because they knew it was the best song on it. Everything about this track just screams melody. I especially enjoyed one of the parts where Ruki finished singing and the guitar continues on from his voice. The atmosphere of this track fits the title perfectly, and the solo is amazing. I think it is interesting that both this track and DOGMA don't really have choruses. The bridge on this track is also great and the song just gives you a sense of foreboding.
    Before giving my final opinions, I just wanted to say that the production of this album reminded me of NIL. First, there are no images in the lyrics booklet (at least in the regular edition), which was also the case with NIL and wasn't true for albums in between. Also, the color scheme on the CD of brown and black is similar, and the fact that both albums ended with amazing tracks and not instrumentals make me wonder whether or not it is a coincidence. Just something interesting that I thought I would throw out there.
    Initially, I thought that the songs on this album were too similar, but after listening to it a few times I was better able to distinguish between them. Nevertheless, the fact that over half of the songs contain shouting/screaming does not help the album. I would say that this album is a step backward from BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY, although not a large step because there are a few amazing tracks. Even if BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY didn't really try to do anything thematically, at least there were several songs on it that I enjoyed.
    The only tracks that I can unconditionally say I enjoyed were DOGMA, RAGE, WASTELAND, and OMINOUS. Many of the other tracks have enjoyable parts, but the screams prevent me from fully enjoying them. I also think that on many of the tracks there was a distinctive lack of melody. I was fine with RAGE because early on, the combination of screams and melody still seemed fresh but it grew repetitive after a while. 
    The biggest thing I don't like about this album is that while many of the songs are heavy (or try to be), only a few of the tracks succeed at being dark or dim. This is more of a personal preference, but my favorite tracks from the GazettE (besides Defective Tragedy) all have one of those qualities. For example, 13STAIRS[-]1 is dark and heavy, and I think DOGMA emulated those qualities quite well. 千鶴 and 泣ヶ原 are examples of what I consider dim, and we get something similar in OMINOUS. When I heard that the theme of the GazettE's project had the words darkness and ominous, I was stoked. And when I heard OMINOUS, I was extremely excited for this album. But when I finally heard it, it was a disappointment, because to me only a couple of the songs had the qualities that were advertised. I guess what I am trying to say is that if the whole album had gone with replicating the atmosphere in DOGMA and/or OMINOUS in the other tracks, it would have been an amazing album.
    I'm not sure what to expect with UGLY, but since it is being promoted under the auspices of OMINOUS YEAR, it would be nice if it could have at least one song with the atmosphere of DOGMA or OMINOUS. At the very least I hope they take out the excessive screams.
  22. Like
    Nagisa reacted to emmny in Nega   
    all bands steal from each other--pretty much every visual band in the late 00's ripped off a few DEG songs, get over it. guilt trip has its own merits too, i like the bass line a lot more than zakuro.
    jin is active in The Black Swan
    ray is active in DEAD CHILDREN
    san is active in BLACK GENE FOR THE NEXT SCENE
    yuu is retired from bands as far as i can tell.
  23. Like
    Nagisa reacted to Furik in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    I do not.
    I read an article yesterday about how the newer generation of youth do not even know what love is. The 80s and 90s babies have been brainwashed, so to say, with what love even is. The media's portrayal of love has obviously been poured into a seismic swamp. The Snapchat children send dick pics thinking that'll attract someone to bang. That's not love.
    I've hand a handful of meaningful long relationships that have lasted more than a year at a time but the constant dread of being cheated on (or me cheating on them) ultimately take tolls.
    No one has security and trust anymore and I ultimately cannot believe in true love. Not in this day and age anymore.
  24. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from Crube in Get 'Peanutized'! Turn Yourself in to a Peanuts Character   
  25. Like
    Nagisa got a reaction from yakihiko in Get 'Peanutized'! Turn Yourself in to a Peanuts Character   
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