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Posts posted by Saishu

  1. I think the voting is only open to Japan. When I try to get to that album listing via the English version of the site, it sends me to the Japanese version again. 

  2. I don't think it's going to be limited to the last decade considering the poll on their site covers the entire discography, including stuff like Kai and bonus discs. I'm really curious how they're going to handle this one. The DECADE collections were a combination of singles and just seemingly random picks like Audience Killer Loop and Repetition of Hatred. 

  3. 1 hour ago, NICKT said:


    Maybe just that at the end of the day all this is opinion and none of it counts for shit.


    Of course it's all opinion. This whole forum is filled with nothing but opinions. Though I'm curious how you listed a lynch album that's still three months out from release. 

  4. Dir en grey's output has only lessened by VK standards, but it's about on par with music industry standards in general. I know a lot of these younger bands shit out new music every few months, but, really, how much time is spent on creating it? Take Nightmare for example. Using the same timeline as DEG where they've released only three albums since 2008, Nightmare has released SIX! And three of those were over the last three years. And considering the quality of Nightmare's material has been a big debate for several years now, I think that has something to do with the band just having no real time to compose good material. 


    Same with Gazette. Dogma is arguably their first good album since DIM. What happened between DIM and Dogma? They released one album a year for three years (only 10 months between Toxic and Division), and those three albums are huge points of contention amongst fans. I don't think that's a coincidence. 


    Sure, there are varying opinions regarding Uroboros, Dum Spiro Spero, and Arche, but you can't argue that they aren't three totally different pieces of work. They don't blend together. 

  5. I feel like the remakes were part of an era that got them into the whole "back to roots" thing that culminated with Arche. They might re-record some stuff, but I don't see them doing major reworkings like they have in the past. 


    I wouldn't mind some less messy sounding Withering to Death songs, that's for sure. 

  6. "Best of" and "Greatest Hits" compilations are pretty commonplace, especially when an artist has been around for as long as DEG.  It doesn't necessarily mean "this is it", just "here's a bunch of good stuff/ hits they've released so far". 


    And a proper best of DEG is fine with me, because the DECADE releases had no effort put into them. 


    Not that Best of comps never mean a band is done, but usually the band announces the disbandment first (Rentrer en Soi, Kagerou, and Nega come to mind).

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