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Everything posted by vanivani

  1. Update on order: Ordered a CD from this lovely person. They were very helpful and polite with any questions I had. Mailed off the CD as quickly as possible, and it arrived safely. CD was well taken care of and bubble wrapped.
  2. vanivani

    Like the music sample! Will keep an eye on these guys :D Plus... love the picture! Yes to those legs
  3. YESS!!! I still need to buy their other CDs lol
  4. vanivani

    I still need to check out their new album. I'm actually excited for this!
  5. It's okay. This band is a hit and miss for me.
  6. vanivani

    Guess I'm outta touch... Already thought they released their last single? Ya, they're probably charging for that "20-paged lyric booklet"... lol
  7. vanivani

  8. vanivani

    Was not expecting the abbreviation to be that lol
  9. vanivani

  10. Looks like 5 old songs from their singles on this? Not bad.
  11. Nice new look! I still needa grab this CD... >_<
  12. vanivani

    don't even know this band...but... ugh, I don't like those vocals lol.
  13. I would do what I've always done in the past when introducing visual kei to people... Introduce them to my favorite bands, but the ones that may interest them based on their own musical interests. Hasn't failed me yet lol. Even got my dad and my boyfriend to like some visual kei.
  14. vanivani

    That's cool if that's what their music sounds like... As for the Nazi look... Idk...
  15. When I first saw this, thought it'd be because of his history with schizophrenia. Still a bummer to see him have to excuse himself from performing. Hope he starts feeling better soon!
  16. vanivani

    I've heard that's normal for some people. You gain a little weight, then start losing weight. I don't remember why... Maybe it's your body trying to adjust to the sudden exercise? Keep it up, though! That's great you're taking care of yourself. You've motivated me to get back into running!
  17. Oh, wow! Cool! I still need to grab their other singles...
  18. vanivani

    Their music is really catchy ( ^ ^ )
  19. vanivani

    I like their look~! Keeping an eye on these guys!
  20. Hate how expensive it's become... 4 songs for 2,400yen? >_<
  21. Like An Edison is selling their single. http://ktai.la-edison.com/pc/0044-rel.html?rel_id=11493 You can buy via it a shopping service!
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