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Everything posted by vanivani

  1. vanivani

    Got kinda excited for this..and then... Ya... only 4 new songs?
  2. vanivani

    That's a bummer... Wish they would just release their minialbum in case they disband...
  3. vanivani

    That was unexpected...
  4. vanivani

    Like this song a lot better than their heavier music.
  5. ヒマワリノウタ http://www.brand-x.jp/product/9827
  6. vanivani

  7. vanivani

    Sounds chaotic and all over the place...
  8. vanivani

  9. vanivani

    For anyone curious about ordering from PureSound: I wrote to them in Japanese and gave them all my info and which items I wanted to buy. They replied quickly. They didn't have new copies of what I wanted, but informed me about used copies they had and asked if that was alright. They were very polite and communicated well with me. Once I paid, they shipped the order quickly, and it arrived quickly. Everything was wrapped very well in bubble wrap and the used CDs were in good condition and came with obis. Highly recommend ordering from them!
  10. vanivani

    ich habe nur Bratwürste gegessen~ keine Currywurst. wenn ich in Berlin war, habe ich einem Stand gesehen, aber leider hab' ich den nicht besucht (>_<)
  11. Overall I thought the whole minialbum was really good. The opening track took a second to get used to for me, but the rest of it I felt was really solid. I'm excited to see what these guys come out with next.
  12. vanivani

    A lot of beautiful people ♡ togvro: your picture with minimal makeup is my favorite! You look really pretty with less makeup in my opinion. But the cool makeup you did looked really nice too!!
  13. Needa get my hands on all of their music > : D lol
  14. vanivani

  15. vanivani

    They don't have the bets of luck, huh?
  16. vanivani

    That PV is amazing! & the song is really good! They're really outdone themselves.
  17. vanivani

  18. It's okay. I was never really a fan of them before anyway lol.
  19. They seem fun! May have to try and grab this!
  20. vanivani

    Oh, wow. Unexpected! Not good :/
  21. vanivani

    ^ Naw, thank you for that info!! Great to see them with new members and everything!! Looking forward to some new music by them!
  22. vanivani

    ^ That's a really cool picture
  23. vanivani

    Hehe they're so cute!
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