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Everything posted by vanivani

  1. vanivani

    What?! Seriously! Fuck... no!!!! >_< I really like this band. Well... this sucks ; _ ;
  2. ^ That's good to hear they're good!
  3. Just discovered this band, and they sound so good. WTF?! At least they're honest about what's gone done.
  4. vanivani

    They look weird... lol.
  5. Wonder where you'll be able to buy that single that's coming out this month...? Can't find it on Zeal Link or anything...
  6. vanivani

    They're ok... Too heavy for me personally.
  7. vanivani

  8. ^ That's cool Licht Entertainment is Ray's label :D Didn't know that!
  9. Awesome!!! & my copy shipped today! I can't wait! I can't wait! lol
  10. vanivani

    Pretty good samples! Keeping my eye on these guys!
  11. This band is amazing! How did I miss out on this release... >_<
  12. vanivani

    Oh, cool~ This band had some decent songs.
  13. vanivani

    ^ Lucky you got "Haunted Vox"!! I'm waiting on my copy to ship!
  14. vanivani

  15. vanivani

    Seem interesting~!
  16. vanivani

    Currywurst? lol der Faden lebt~~~~~~
  17. vanivani

    Vielen Dank! Das freut mich sehr ( ^ ^ ) Mein Deutsch ist aber nicht fliessend, aber ich schaff's!
  18. Holy shit, these guys are amazing! How did I not know of them till now?!?!?!
  19. vanivani

    Darf ich hier mein Deutsch üben? Dieses Semester nehm' ich ein paar Deutschklassen bei der Uni, und ich habe mein Deutsch für 'ne lange Zeit nicht benützt. Ich habe Angst, dass es schlecht geworden ist ( ^ ^ ; )
  20. vanivani

    They're ok. Not a fan of metal with tons of electronics.
  21. Not sure if they do mean "merry" like make me happy or "marry" lol Oh, engrish.
  22. Yeah, this band is really good. Single is on Zeal Link... had to special order it. Man, if Zeal Link shipped overseas, they'd make a killing (>_<)
  23. vanivani

    Better previews of the upcoming single!
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