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Everything posted by Suuu

  1. In my determination to get a lot of work done yesterday I ended up coming down with a 39.4 fever....
    so not much work was done.
    But I have just finished processing a new comment video, will hopefully be made public tomorrow

  2. Suuu

    I am translating Seirios now!
  3. I apologize for my recent absence, a few personal life issues forced me to have a slight holiday.
    but from today I am back to work with way too many things I need to catch up on.

    1. -NOVA-


      Youve done incredible things for the bands and us in such a short amount of time, the time off was well dezerved and also super glad that your back :)

  4. Suuu

    Honestly, I am not upset about it. In this situation, I don't think it was done on purpose or with any malice. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like I said, I have been injured several times while working, most of the time its not on purpose, so I am fine with it, after all I want the fans to enjoy the live and I am the one getting in their way (although i try my best to not be as troublesome as possible) so if i get bumped, or hit while somebody is fistpumping or headbanging I apologize as its my fault not the fans. however that is not to say that this is always the case, there have been a few times where I have been "accidentally" purposely hit or bumped. for example there is one band, working with them is no problem, they are friendly and professional, a good band all around, and the fans are generally nice. all except one member who's fans tend to 'accidentally' bump or hit me much much more than any other fan group. But it comes with the job
  5. Suuu

    I was just slammed against the railing one day. when it first happened I kinda of ignored it until the next day while at my day job the pain was so bad, and i could barely breath, I needed to be taken to the hospital, where the doctor cam eback and informed me that I had broken three ribs. I still kept going to concerts and doing stuff despite it though, their are actual a few key points during V STAR's initial growing period where i was in a huge amount of pain and secretly wearing a brace.
  6. Suuu

    I myself did actually break three bones in my ribs at a live. I still have reoccurring problems with it from time to time~! Be careful out there, its a crazy world for everybody
  7. ohh, it doesn't show my birthday on the birthday chart....
    atleast that means I'm not another year older in the eyes of MH!

  8. I have had a discussion with a member and we will be putting the live limited up for sale on the webshop just need to iron out the last few details
  9. Suuu

    All I can say is look forward to future news on the V STAR thread
  10. Suuu

    I think more so than the band, that is a issue I would need to discuss with the convention organizers. but that is something we are considering but in a different way!
  11. Suuu

    Still enough time to buy/steal a new car! I did write that line, but the rest of what they said was mostly what they came up with themselves (with minor corrections made by me) Once again, thank you for your support everyone, I hope we at V STAR can make events like this more regular worldwide
  12. on the 28th it was Rides In ReVellion's first one man live, which also conicides with their 1 year anniversary. due to my job, I get to see many great concerts, many of which are Rides In ReVellion due to the strong relationship between Rides In ReVellion and V STAR PROMOTION. but the live on the 28th was spectacular, the members put so much effort in preparation leading up to the live, and then twice as much during the actual live. and at the end of the night they announced that they will be playing in America in October! I can not express just how proud I am of this band. Picture taken by me.
  13. Suuu

    Thank you all for your support. for those living in other parts of the world, this is a huge first step for us. in the future we hope to help take artists to various countries. I myself am Australian, so nationality or a home country pride does not come into play. the goal is to purely and simple spread vkei world wide.
  14. Big announcment made!

    We are going international!!!!!

    1. -NOVA-


      OMG thats amazing :D congratulations, unfortunately im in Los Angeles so i don't think ill be able to go but non the less congratulations to you and RIR :) 

  15. V STAR PROMOTION is proud to present the overseas debut of Rides In ReVellion! They will be appearing at Anime USA in Washington, DC at the Washington Marriot Wardman Park Hotel on October 21-23, 2016. There will be a live concert, autograph signing, and other events included with the price of convention admission. For more information, stay tuned or visit http://animeusa.org We look forward to meeting many of you while we are there, and hope that this is the first of many opportunities for us to bring visual kei artists to the international stage. Thank you for your support.
  16. The time for the big announcment has been decided and confirmed!

    it's going to be within the next 24 hours

    so stay tuned!


    1. -NOVA-


      Plot twist: the big announcement was the time for the next big announcement xD 

  17. Time is growing closer to the big announcment!

    look forward to it everybody!

  18. V STAR PROMOTION will be making a big announcment in the next few days! look forward to it everyone

    1. -NOVA-


      The real question is

      How many days equal a few ? 

    2. Suuu


      The final details are being ironed out.

      so expect it sometime in the next two days, at the latest three!

    3. -NOVA-


      My hearts racing :D Heres hoping for the best :)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  19. Rides In ReVellions new single Seirios, which will be released on the 28th of July is now available for pre order on the V STAR webshop. Pre order comes with a free gifted cheki bonus! Be sure to order your copy! Order Here
  20. Suuu

    Individual Vo. 纏(Matoi) @syringe_matoi Gt. sawma @syringe_sawma 莉零 (Rio) @syringe_rio Dr. 稀弥(Kimi) @syringe_kimi
  21. New band Kobe band シリンジ (Syringe) has formed. Vo. 纏(Matoi) Gt. sawma Ba. 莉零 (Rio) Dr. 稀弥(Kimi) They will participate in their first live at Kobe VARIT on the 8th of September.
  22. Suuu

    I am very glad this song is so well received, although I myself cant bring myself to listen to it without getting to weirded out by hearing myself.
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