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Everything posted by Suuu

  1. Suuu

    V STARis the accomplice on the outside sneaking in tools baked in cakes and waiting outside with a private plane for a quick get away
  2. Suuu

    Just thought I would clear this up quickly. V STAR PROMOTION took the artist photos for Jaldan. and we are hoping to continue a long relationship with Jaldan in the future as we see them as a fresh new band with potential. We plan to help Jaldan run amok worldwide V STAR PROMOTION is not a label, but a company that helps visual kei bands reach out and promote worldwide.
  3. Suuu

    Jaldan A gang of villains trapped at pre release. But they will soon perform a jailbreak and run amok worldwide Vocals - KID Guitar - RizE Bass - Kurono Drum - Kaito Are you ready for a jail break?
  4. Vocals: Rukia Guitar : YOSI Bass: Tsubasa Drums: Kiro PHOTOS TAKES BY V STAR PROMOTION
  5. Suuu

    Its ok, no credits needed~! credits are not on the video so it would be impossible to know
  6. Suuu

    You beat me to it. The footage used for this live digest is recorded by V STAR
  7. Suuu

    Announcing our first guests. Azlina tune in on the 7th of March, at around 10:30pm Japanese time to catch the show! (please be aware that 10:30 is a estimated time as Azlina has a concert prior to the live stream)
  8. V STAR is happy to announce our new project. In store style live streaming events! Hosted by John (formally Mew) ex guitarist of the band BLAZE. In Japan it is common practice for bands to hold what's called a instore event, where fans of the band can attend a local music store, ask the band members questions and then watch the bands play a event or put on some sort of show. We at V STAR PROMOTION want to create a similar experience for international visual kei fans. So from now we will run trial programs of our Instore Live Streams! For now the live streams will be hosted on youtube live from the V STAR PROMOTION office in Osaka Japan. You can ask your questions live on the youtube chat box. Stay tuned for updates and news about our upcoming streams and guests.
  9. Suuu

    Ex. BLAZE guitarist Mew has changed his name to John and has become a member of the V STAR PROMOTION staff. He will be helping and doing various different projects as part of V STAR PROMOTION! Also please be sure to follow John's new twitter @jo_hn95 to keep up to date with his work and projects!
  10. Suuu

    【V STAR STAFF】 V STAR PROMOTION is happy to welcome ex. BLAZE guitarist Mew, now known as John to the family. Everybody please warmly welcome John! He will be helping and doing various different projects as part of V STAR PROMOTION! Also please be sure to follow John's twitter @jo_hn95 to keep up to date with his work and projects!
  11. Suuu

    I'm not 100% certain but I am pretty sure it isn't Keisuke, furthermore it's also unlikely that the bassist is Daiki. edit: I just found the video on youtube, the publish date was in early/mid 2013 and if my years are correct that was when Keisuke was in another band so it's not him in that video
  12. Suuu

    Its a common misunderstanding, but not all members were originally part of ALL MUST DIE. only Keisuke, Hiroto and Daiki. and beyond that Hiroto was the only orginal member of ALL MUST DIE. with the lineup including Keisuke Daiki and Hiroto I think they played for around a year and a half.
  13. Suuu

    Yes that is their next oneman live. it's a male only live, and as I am female staff I am currently unsure on if I will be attending.
  14. Suuu

    I will ask the band for permission then see what I can do
  15. Suuu

    I will see what I can do! on a side note I did record and process the entirety on HERO = MURDER but I think Twitter has a limit so it was cut short
  16. Suuu

    Unfourtunatly it didn't end up happening.
  17. Suuu

    Trying to get tereko at a visual kei live could risk getting a person kicked out. but if you search Instagram or Twitter you can sometimes find live Deviloof recordings from their more metal based concerts. However in the future I will try to do more recordings like the recording I did of HERO = MURDER filmed at the countdown live
  18. Suuu

    I will need to ask @DarkWaterto check. please check back again soon I appolgieze for the inconvenience
  19. Suuu

    I personally am a huge supporter of Ray. I have known him for a year now as he has been support guitarist for another band I work with and in that time he has consistently proven himself to be extremely hard working and vastly talented. His vocal work is also quite good, and is improving, so that is a extra bonus. In my opinion Deviloof will be very lucky to get him if he does eventually join full time. I know Ryuya was and still is very popular in the fanbase, but everyone please welcome Ray as well <3
  20. Suuu

    I still haven't heard many details about the album as of yet. Bus I do know some work has started on it, I have already checked and twerked some English lyrics. From my perspective, Deviloof is still growing as a band, I expect them to try a few new things in the album but I think they will still maintain the same intensity they are known for throughout it all. But I am sure it will be another great release.
  21. Suuu

    Ray is a busy boy! he plays support in another band as well, and also does vocals in his own band. he is very talented and hard working, I personally would like to see him become a official member.
  22. Suuu

    Live filming from the 31.12.2016 countdown live at Esaka Muse Deviloof - HERO = MURDER filmed by V STAR PROMOTION
  23. 1 countdown live

    I did live photography for four bands

    resulting in a estimated 1300 photos!

    1. -NOVA-


      Always working hard :)

    2. Yukimoto


      looks like you are doing more and more! great job!

  24. Additionally all of those photos were taken by me.
  25. I can usually organise the sale of limited CD's for MORRIGAN. however this time may be more difficult considering the stipulations. however I will see what I can do anyway.
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