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    suji reacted to Trombe in Magistina Saga Ba.景-kyo- will depart, 2 new members will join & new maxi single release   
    their members session will perform at Shinsaibashi paradigm at 2016/05/06
    session members:
    Vo.庵-iori- (Magistina Saga)
    Gt.潤戯-urugi- (Magistina Saga)
    Gt.裕-Yuu- (THE SOUND BEE HD)
    Ba.ムッキー(muckey) (ex-風里銃(fuurigun))
    SET-LIST at 2016/03/25:
    01.Deep affection
    02.追憶ノ音(tsuioku no oto)
    04.×る水槽(×ru suisou)
    05.パラレル戯曲トラップ(parallel gikyoku trap)
    Fate Gear
    Dark side of the Moon
    08.Invisible wall
    01.Double Face

  2. Like
    suji reacted to Lestat in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    What I think is that the reason behind people's slander towards this band lies in the thought of how many Visual Kei bands are tuning down their guitars just because this –core music does well with the audience. You see musicians who previously wore pink, frilly skirts and blush on their faces in the Oshare scene suddenly covered in black smudge and fake blood. To me it looks fake, like a lot of them do not care what they are recognized for, just that they are recognized in general. It feels as if a lot of these bands aren't doing their own thing, aren't following their own dreams. It is just a test of 'we will stick with what works best, despite our personal interests.' I think this is also why you see so many bands breaking up early-on due to 'musical differences.'
    Something came to me earlier, that Visual Kei bands are actually a lot like sports' teams — almost like human trafficking; playing styles change over the course of the season, and you have to pick players who fit your current playing style. This all happens on a short notice, in fact it changes by the months. Visual Kei musicians are being shuffled around between teams like happens during auctions on soccer players, seemingly forming no attachment to their current team and easily moving on to the other when it's there that they can be in for the prize. And a lot of fans fall for this too! (Because they have no other choice.) Your favourite member moves from band A to band B? Let's forget about band A and specifically focus on band B, because that's where he's at for an inconclusive period of time.
    Now I am not saying that Deviloof specifically is one of those cases (as they previously came from heavier roots), but in this general situation, seeing -another- band pop up who are heavy just for the sake of being heavy (as their actual musicianship seems... quite unpolished), it makes us wonder whether any of these guys are in it for their own personal joy. Their music might feel empty to people, soulless and void of something to ponder over or to get lost in, because it doesn't appear to come from the heart. You can feel it when an artist doesn't put everything he or she has into what he or she does. I am not speaking for everyone even while having read similar opinions on a variety of platforms, but it's just that a lot of these upcoming metalcore bands feel like this to me (and to a lot of others).
    (Sorry, I edit my posts a lot.)
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    suji reacted to Suuu in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    But at the end of the day lets allow the people who enjoy and like Deviloof like them, no matter what their reasons might be.
    And let’s let those who dislike them dislike them for whatever reasons they might have.
    Music is debatable; people have different views, opinions, tastes, etc.
    Even more so with Visual Kei.
    We are allowed to have our own opinions on what makes good music, what makes good vkei, as we are allowed to have our own opinions on what makes bad music and bad vkei.
    Let’s support the artists we like, and allow other to support artists they like.
    Let’s try our best to make this music scene we love as positive as possible.
  4. Like
    suji reacted to Suuu in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    Thank you for sharing reasoning behind your opinion.
    and once again, I strongly believe every person has a right to have their own opinion.
    So I am not in anyway disputing your opinion, saying its completely wrong, or that you shouldn't be allowed to have your opinion.
    I am simply adding a few additional facts to this issue.
    -To some people vkei is nothing more than the visual style, and music is additional and can be any type of music, pop, rock, heavy, etc, I have met more than a handful of artists both visual and non visual that have this belief, then even more fans.
    -Even if Deviloof decided to become vkei for the money (I am not saying this is the case) they wouldn't be the first band to do so, one example is Sid, who went very heavy with makeup and other styling until the started to tone it down once gaining enough popularity (artist growth and development)
    but their motives are their own, I am not going to discuss as a artist's motives are often something only they can understand.
    secondly as for their lives and who they play with.
    granted they do play with non vkei bands, in fact their next upcoming live is with BAND-MAID®, LAST DAY DREAM and 極楽浄土.
    however they have played with, and have schedules to play with many vkei bands, some examples;
    Just to name a few
    and also they are taking part in the CROW MUSIC PRESENTS NEW SCREAM CIRCUIT’2016.
    Once again thank you for expressing your opinion and providing reasoning.
  5. Like
    suji reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    sorry, i forgot to extend my premium membership and cat kept sending yoshiki impersonators to my house to collect money
  6. Like
    suji reacted to CELESTIAL CIEL in Ever had an artist reply to you online?   
    Unfortunately, it was 6 years ago(?) and he deleted his accounts after got insulted by someone (as far I know...) but last time I contacted with him he was quite well and played drums just for fun.
  7. Like
    suji reacted to JamesR in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    Gregory is not brutal... They sound like a Deathgaze ripoff with occasional rapping and pig squeals
    rant: can we please stop using the word "brutal" to define music? It's just ludicrous - Most music that people classify as brutal(Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, and the countless wigger slam bands from around the globe) just makes people want to bounce and jump around like complete morons. Fun as hell, but not something I would call "brutal".
  8. Like
    suji reacted to Suuu in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    First of all, I would like to thank everyone who is supporting Deviloof!
    At the end of the day, when I decided to start helping Deviloof I was very much aware that they are band that will have people that love them, people that hate them and a smaller majority of people who don’t feel strongly either way about them, more so than any other band V STAR PROMOTION’s works with.
    The reason V STAR PROMOTION decided to work with Deviloof is to broaden our market, our goal is to have something to offer to as many people with varying tastes in music.
    And the fact that people have varying and different tastes in music is what this discussion leads to.
    Everybody has their own taste in music, what one person might think sounds terrible could be a masterpiece to other people, it doesn’t mean that either person is wrong, it also doesn’t mean that the song in question is innately good or bad, it all comes down to personal opinion.
    This is also the case in defining a music style, music is a vast and ever changing entity.
    Music never stays the same for long as artists and fans are always thinking of a way to change and develop it further, by this genres of music are also constantly changing and developing.
    So any genre of music can also be thought of differently by different people, what might be brutal to someone might not just cut it to other, and on the reverse side what might be brutal to some might be too much for others.
    And there is nothing at all wrong with that.
    Working with Deviloof, I have faith that they will continue to work hard to grow as artists and that they will try their best to bring new and unique music.
    It is not always going to appeal to everyone, but that’s music.
    If you like Deviloof, once again I would like to thank you for your support.
    If you don’t like Deviloof I value and understand your opinion, but please understand that the people that like them have their reasons and right to do so as well.
    The same goes in reverse.
    Thank you.
  9. Like
    suji reacted to emmny in 凛(lin) will disband & MEMORIAL BEST BOX "the end of corruption world" release   
    oh yeah true it would be odd to do a last one man considering they couldn't fill venues to begin with (which is why i was shocked at the fact that they played nanba hatch lol) but now it all makes sense.
  10. Like
    suji reacted to Lestat in 凛(lin) will disband & MEMORIAL BEST BOX "the end of corruption world" release   
    If they didn't sell out, my friend got me one of those shirts and a bunch of cheki. I am happy.
  11. Like
    suji reacted to Trombe in 凛(lin) will disband & MEMORIAL BEST BOX "the end of corruption world" release   
    as their last live was presents live instead of one-man live, they did not play too many songs there
  12. Like
    suji reacted to Trombe in 凛(lin) will disband & MEMORIAL BEST BOX "the end of corruption world" release   
    SET-LIST at 2016/03/20:
    02.The Psalms and Lamentations
    03.Monochrome-vanished ray-
    04.Misery is nothing
    06.Sacred Xanadu
    08.Dedicate to Graveyard
  13. Like
    suji reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in SHAPE SHIFTER Ba.北條迅(houjou jin) will depart   
    He has been in like 1000230120310 bands, so I guess this isn't too shocking :/
  14. Like
    suji got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
  15. Like
    suji got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
  16. Like
    suji reacted to Lestat in J-artists' children   
    Kisaki's nephew (his brother's son). He's one angry kid.
  17. Like
    suji reacted to Ro plz in Sadie 真緒(mao) & 美月(mizuki) new unit "The THIRTEEN" new album "PANDEMIC" release   
    Lemme break this down you two Lestat, Yuyodrift.
    Everyone has opinions. If you don't like said opinions, that's too bad. We all aren't the same. We are human. Congratulations you two, you just wasted x amount of time writing a wall of text trying to police people who don't share the same opinion as you. Sad to break it to you but it probably didn't work. I might also add here that such text "also doesn't help a band improve, if you know what I mean."  Y'all both could've said how y'all felt about the project, like everyone else here has and kept it moving.  But no, you didn't and now look at this thread. Thank you so much guys. Literally, everything was fine up to this point. 

    Also, lighten up guys. Seriously....are we not supposed to have fun from time and crack harmless jokes? 
  18. Like
    suji reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    So this is what it feels like when you are forcefully torn away from your favourite band...
  19. Like
    suji reacted to Yukami in Moi dix Mois new album release   
  20. Like
    suji reacted to NICKT in Sadie 真緒(mao) & 美月(mizuki) new unit "The THIRTEEN" new album "PANDEMIC" release   
    I can't genuinely be the only one here who thought the preview was terrible?
    Man, and I thought people praising and enjoying the vocalist of Deathgaze was the weirdest thing to happen here...
  21. Like
    suji reacted to Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    One of their members left and opened a bar and the other got fired. 
  22. Like
    suji reacted to emmny in random thoughts thread   
    i want to know WHO let the 3rd birthday flop...WHO THE FUCK IS RESPONSIBLE
    biran no tsuki and dakudou ni furu were god-tier VK songs, their absence is really fuckin missed
  23. Like
    suji reacted to Ro plz in Sadie 真緒(mao) & 美月(mizuki) new unit "The THIRTEEN" new album "PANDEMIC" release   
    I just realized how quickly we were able to get a tracklisting.
    20 bucks says the majority of these songs are SADIE songs that didn't make the cut for albums
  24. Like
    suji reacted to JamesR in Deviloof ‏new distributed single "Ishtar" release   
    Imho the 2 songs they've released so far are miles better than the ridiculous dreck most deathcore bands have released in the past two years or so(their countrymen Nokubura included)... 
  25. Like
    suji reacted to saishuu in ex-DELUHI members new band "ZERO MIND INFINITY" will form   
    inb4 John leaves this new band
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