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suji last won the day on December 30 2020

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About suji

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    ✝ヴァジャイナ✝ [公式]
  • Birthday 02/06/1995

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    メリー / マルコ / Megaromania ♥

    visual kei/jrawk/dungeon synth/black metal/techno/ 🎵

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  1. how tf are yall even able to afford frequent trips to Japan? I've never even been out of state

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Flights to Tokyo from east coast USA (using myself as an example) costed about $1800 for coach last year. Looking at google flights now, it's around 1100 ~ 1400.  However, if I'm going to be on a plane for that long, I'm getting bougie seats lmao. That usually means I'd also have to fly to either Seattle, LA, or San Francisco (all of which are about 5~6.5 hours), have a layover, and then fly direct to Tokyo.  


      I've seen other flights that take you to Cali, then have another layover in Hawaii, then go to Japan. Others have you stopping in Hong Kong of Seoul first, then to Japan.


      I know it is possible to fly directly from NY to Tokyo, but do you really want to be stuck on a plane for 18 hours????



    3. Takadanobabaalien


      So seems like the prices are about the same. It takes longer to fly from Sweden to Tokyo though, and there's no direct flights either. However you can get by in Tokyo cheap. I lived there for 2 years so for me I wouldn't go back for any tourist-y stuff. Just to live "the everyday life" (as a bangya). You could easily get by for 500-600$ for 1 months rent and food if I decide to live cheap af.  But if you're there for the first time you're bound to spend more, obviously. 

    4. Komorebi


      I can live cheap af XD


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