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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    any updates in the ~drama~ or has it died down
  2. emmny

  3. emmny

    for all the shit i talk about oshare, i actually love oshare well if you count baroque, ruvie, kannivalism, clavier and kalvary as oshare kind of more jazzy/smooth bands rather than disp's rainbow vomit, but similar eitherway
  4. emmny

    u want for me to divulge my whole life and then become a victim of kawaii minpha? truely evil
  5. emmny

    k_m lives in a buttfuck empty village a few hours away from me...he's getting a visit from yours truely, bitch!!
  6. emmny

    i came here after seeing yuuga clap back to the tune of 400+ RTs whats the gist of what he said
  7. emmny

    i love pissed off gya...dragging him for fucking minors, lying and now...being a straight up flop
  8. emmny

    they'd never...but they fucking should if this shit storm gets a lot worse that said its not like their fans have morals like kaya's LMFAO they probably dont care that avanchick are shit
  9. emmny

    THANK U LORD noah said something about lawyer and this girl tweets at him saying she should contact lawyers for herself cuz they fucked while she was underage and was mitsu while she was underage LMFAO (super paraphrasing) and now kiryu's responding to his lying while the meary and egoist guys are backing him up lmfao this 1 drama turned into like 5 and now as @cvlticsaid, he's getting dragged by a bunch of gya LMFAO also: their american live wont be cancelled unless the con itself gets wind of this drama, and they probably wouldn't care eitherway.
  10. emmny

    LMFAO the google translate for the jouren was wild i saw instability, drug addiction, fraud, embezzlement LOLOL @cvltic babe can u translate what she was saying in those tweets
  11. emmny

    LMFAO bad example on my part, totally forgot this dude's name is also kiryu @UglymouthQWEEN WHAT ARE THE DK MEMBERS' comments
  12. emmny

    noah's known to be a bitch, so not surprised its from him its embarassing because hasn't this guy been in bands from like 2004? im pretty sure he's way older than anyone in avanchick, its annoying that noah wants to act like a hotshot just bc of his band. so that whole senpai/kohai thing is based off popularity im guessing, rather than actual experience--which seems so fucking backward lmfao also this label preference thing isn't news, its a thing by shitty mgmt who puts all their finances behind their cash cow band. there was a lot of drama back in the day about psc bands being shafted for gazette's purposes, and im sure a lot of other labels have this happening implicitly too (kiryu vs codomo dragon, for say). where this is embarassing is where it reveals their money was directly given to avanchick's promotions, which is totally fucked up im happy he's dragging noa, u go kiryu
  13. emmny

    depends on your taste in visual kei, if you like deviloof--there's a chance it might never show up for you :/ sorry for the inconvenience
  14. lycaon did this...

    1. blackdoll


      more like @herpesand Dir en Grey aka the rich

    2. herpes



  15. emmny

    undecided was the best thing about kisou filth a close second heh
  16. hey gossip stans whats the last song they sing on the preview @ 0:39
  17. emmny

    A LITTLE LOUDER in case those "hurr durr i am #1 gaijin fan i buy all types of cd durrr durrrrrrr i am best fan u all suck" people here didn't get the message. technically (according to jp girls) u arent a true fan unless you attend lives, buy cheki, attend in stores, buy merch. thats where their money is, of course, but its also ridiculous. so then who is a real fan? visual fans love to impose hierarchies of devotion onto each other, so think about how fucking stupid you look bragging about what you do compared to jouren or girls who actually do stuff for their band. at which point do u draw the line between a bandomen money sink or a true fan? exactly, there's always a bunch of people above you, so don't be a twat to those below. lets all be nice to each other, and support our bands as much as we want to without dragging others down because they support their bands in different ways u might not think is the best (except jouren/mitsu because duh). i hate to go on this off-topic rant but i think its important considering some of the behavior i've seen on here recently. also its none of my business *wink* BUT a lot of the people abroad claiming they are "good fans" because of buying 3 types of a cd or something (god forbid spending 100s on live dists on auction which give more profit to gya then the musicians) don't do much financial for bands considering how much of the cut they actually get from CD sales lmfao. NOW THAT I HAVE THIS OFF MY CHEST...LETS PROCEED. i wanna see kai in a band less mejibray styled and more djenty tbh, it'd suit his vox more.
  18. if u were ever wondering what the worst song of the year was....here u go


    1. Tokage
    2. Tokage


      it's so bad pitchfork had to disable likes & comments lmao

    3. XàYamiJamp


      AHAHAH WTF IS THIS? AHAHAH. Btw is not VK related so, for "our " little competition, in vk scene the winner is still Chiodo :X'D:

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  19. emmny

    kodama is gobsmackingly good RUN N TELL DAT
  20. emmny

    their kaisan oshirase blog tweet got like 300 retweets, which seems pretty low i think even more flop bands got more attention on theirs LOL. more people are inclined to tweet members' selfies rather than to spread their disbanding notice, so this is kind of hilarious. even for a band with mostly netgya i don't think anyone cares about their music LOLOL. this is why u dont fill ur band with hotties cuz it'll flop they would have flopped anyway but thats none of my business cuz they suck wink wink
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