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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    naru's vox sound so strained with diealo and its turning me off a lot also they sold out a 300 capacity venue for their first oneman which is amazing wonder if they pulled a dadaroma
  2. i thought iori was ditching his name? lol what also byou in what seems like a b-t session band is really interesting
  3. im happy they're growing on you, they're shaping up to be a very good band. i loved izon so much it took a lot not to cover it, i found kamisori was a better written song overall but izon definitely has my heart (im a sucker for ballads but xaa-xaa did it so well with this one)
  4. emmny

    i know him for the brief period that he supported femme fatale, and while (pretty much) everyone hated his...uh...very forward drumming for the band...i loved it. he's cool.
  5. emmny

    beautiful visuals as always...ryo is especially beautiful LOL
  6. emmny

    @Uglymouthfor tea spilling queen of 2016 i was wondering who was behind bloom (they produce my kusofavs vrzel) so thanks for that
  7. emmny

    im watching gullet lives and i was suddenly reminded as to the single most cringeworthy moment of my whole jrock career i was in line at the diru consert someone brought up ryo (9GBO) and i went on to profess my love of him and so did some people around me (thank god diru stans have taste) and this girl was talking about following him since gullet and i was like cool!!! she then went on to tell me how he picked up screaming and sounded like kyo during gullet....promptly i looked at her like (>?????>>??>?>?) AND THEN she went on to tell me "yeah he started screaming to sound like kyo--he totally must have had a hard-on for kyo" this was a grown ass woman...late 20's ryo's been singing since kyo's been in diapers...entirely different scenes... and you wonder why no one likes diru fans
  8. emmny

    im calling the fbi on this thread also age isnt just a number--anyone whos been with people older/younger knows what generally comes with the territory. what you chose to make of that determines what you really want out of the relationship
  9. emmny

    "anyway I'm running to get an oxygen tank, kaya's single covers gave me a lung collapse" i FUCKING hate @nekkichi
  10. emmny

    this is so good ;___:
  11. emmny

    here's to hoping they disband and then sign onto ains >:)
  12. emmny

    i want some fucking NOISEYNESS
  13. emmny

    its normal to be frustrated, its hard sitting at ur instrument doing basic shit u barely like but the harder u work at it, the faster u can get to the tough, fun stuff/stuff u actually wanna play!
  14. emmny

    queen of gays
  15. emmny

    hitomi's vocal melodies in rub....FUCK
  16. emmny

    cant wait until they flop less, they're actually almost decent sounding
  17. they look amazing lets forgive this one time
  18. emmny

    It is disrespectful to ask who I am throwing my pussy at. Thank you.
  19. emmny

    It is disrespectful to ask who I am throwing my pussy at. Thank you.
  20. yeah i understand, as i was typing it out i realized how pointed it sounded--that totally wasn't my intent! i just had that thought in my head for a while so i just decided to blurt it out, haha. had i heard the new KEEL earlier, i would have featured it for sure. november is gonna be a visual shitstorm guaraneed though, hold on to your seats! (we better see some more guest features from you in the future!)
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