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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

  2. emmny

    bumping my own thread just bc this is too amazing avelcain - zange... (final live) avelcain had activities in tokyo for most of the latter part of their career (or at least thats where their major onemans were held) and i totally forgot they were based in nagoya to begin with. 4/5 days or so (from what i remember) is when they announced that they sold out the live, which was a huge thing for a band of avelcain's size to sell out such a historic and iconic venue. they were inspired a lot by the old school, and even hina tweeted saying how much avelcain had resembled a matina band (which was as big of a compliment as they deserve). zange is a sad song, and avelcain play it at neck breaking tempos compared to its original. the band can barely keep up most of the time, even the drummer is prone to flubbing but it makes for a manic live song; as seen here. the band's fake despair is pushed to the max as karma literally gets up there to the tune of the whole floor headbanging furiously, mostly unable to sing judging how hoarse his voice sounds and proceeds to cut his hair while mouthing some particularly scary lyrics. the camera then pans to him tossing his hair into the audience...i swear im not a fanboy but that was fucking sick
  3. emmny

    1.) this thread is amazing and restored the braincells i lost listening to deviloof 2.) how did i not read this earlier 3.) @Disposableis a jrawk god and the day he leaves us is the day god will DIE 4.) if anything was to happen to MH i'd point blank quit vk until i magically end up in japan and maybe then entertain it 5.) this was insanely informative, i didn't get into the scene until 2014 and i literally could not believe that an cafe video. its cool to hear about these relics and weird memories that exist only in the minds of u old farts so thanks for sharing 6.) @hirokihow you aren't some world renowned vk academic authority is beyond me...please make my dreams come true 7.) imma cite this for a pending weeaboo course you are ALL my people
  4. emmny

    mama this preview isnt coming for another month save yrself the checking time
  5. emmny

    something tells me these guys are confident enough to try it (they've been listening to periphery, messhuggah and tesseract for a year or so, saw leda in concert once and suddenly think they can do it) bc its a significant investment to change their rig around to support 2 8-strings and a new bass (idk whether they'll go 6 string or stick with 5 and just re-configure it for whatever tuning). money's on itsuki and jin's diru stanning ass somehow pushing the band into thinking its gonna be a good idea. that said, even the diru guys from their vk background struggle on their 7 strings and itsuki+makoto are for all intents and purposes more vk players than they are actual metal....so unless they pull a magic act its going to suck guaranteed. leda was incredibly talented well before he donned an 8-string and even then he didn't debut new music on the thing for a few years or so after undivide/babymetal 6-string days (if im not mistaken) i have no clue how anyone thinks this will end well...no one in the band can pull a prog metal sound like this off because they're simply not that kind of a musician. these are vk guys for gods sake, even if the guitar work ends up passable there's no way their rhythm section can keep up. the best result we can hope for is something that'll sound like dss with an extra string.
  6. emmny

    an extra 2 strings just might
  7. emmny

    keep your fingers crossed ladies and gentlemen...
  8. emmny

    FUCCCCKKKK the bassist can lose that ratchet wig tho vox's outfit is giving me INTENSE hizumi vibes omfg ;__;
  9. i think its been established that misaruka is a band full of attention whores; good to know even kiwamu has some sense of morality that said, i hope they kick the can so more money goes to promoting FIXER and labaiser ^>^ (hell even synk;yet and UFJ)
  10. old royz got me on the verge of tears its REALLY the most wonderful time of the year

    1. fitear1590
    2. hiroki


      time to embrace your repressed host-kei desires <3333333333

    3. emmny


      @fitear1590i love eve:r and across world a lot ;____; it was my intro to vk back in 2013 and it was such a simple time then...now im a DARK hoe back then was just diaura, royz and mejibray LOLOL i miss that !!

      @hirokii swear im gonna end up a partial hiroki kei stan by the end of the year ur influence is toooooo strong

  11. emmny

    chiaki singing kusatta umi? im literally rolling WHAT
  12. emmny

    try to get into exercising, work harder in school with networking etc so i can get closer to the ma/phd programs i want to attend and get a job in cosmetics!
  13. lick my twat haters...im just tryina hear kirito on some arche style ballads MMMMMFFF
  14. how can tsurugi have been apart of the same band that was responsible for this audio-visual abortion
  15. come on 4th wave we got tosinn, deadman, emmuree, kagerou, rentrer en soi, gullet, d'espairsray, merry go round, goth malice mizer but mid 5th wave was flawless tho
  16. not much else that we know other than this. between me and @Ro plzthis wont be much more than a coupling tour and an excuse for the pierrot ojis to get some diru coin, but i hope its a full on collab orgy http://www.arlequin.jp/
  17. emmny

    35-47 min or so anything above that has to PROVE its length
  18. emmny

    a pretty safe boundary for nagoya kei is that it died after 2004; this is the boundary most often drawn by jp fans (based on what i've read and seen). lynch. don't consider themselves nagoya kei and they are the single biggest name to come out of the nagoya kei underground after it basically died so that should mean something. no one commonly labeled as nagoya kei post-2004 refers to themselves as a nagoya kei band from what i've read, mostly they just see themselves as rock musicians. calling avelcain nagoya kei is the same as calling old lycaon nagoya kei; just because they were nagoya based doesn't mean it had anything to do with lamiel, phobia, rouage, laputa etc. also, if you want your thesis/dissertation to have any weight you should have some kind of logic as to where you, the writer, draws the subgenre boundaries and how it compares to the actual fandom.
  19. i don't know what bandmen in their right mind would go and set out to make a band with akane given how unreliable he is; i mean he more or less drove a danger crue level band to total flopdom. it seems the other guys were in D.I.D. only because of how much they loved the band and fans, so its kind of sad they worked so hard to end up with nothing in the end. i too will hope akane continues in music, he is a phenomenally talented guy with enough balls to be open about his mental health struggles in a subculture which probably looks at him like a crazy person. I hope his recovery has been going better and that he can enter the bandscene with the strength to continue and make a new band to snatch off all of our wigs.
  20. pretty look, why does judy look like kate gosslin though
  21. emmny

    lamiel are quickly becoming a fav ;___; it reminds me of older oshare n im living @saishuuback me up on this i cant be the only one getting kazoku vibes from dis
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