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Status Replies posted by emmny

  1. Wishstar and Sunlight and Darkness <3

  2. TANUKI RUMORS: Kamijo recently purchased a monster truck & wont stop popping sick wheelies and thats why Versailles reformed

  3. I CURSE VALENTINES DAY but i <3 MH valentines!! YAY PINK NAME

  4. Yeah, I got offended 'cause I'm not Heresy. I REALLY love this fandom.

  5. So i finally gave DEZERT a chance and im in love <3


  7. highkey furious that i got into varyl like a week after they disbanded. they were everything i loved about visualcore from the late 2000's and now im so sad

  8. What's new music releases are coming out this month?

  9. oh shit ruvie was pretty good, why didnt i check em earlier??? damn........

  10. I like how AvelCain's new single has eve's drums in the first and third track. Whats the point in having Byou and eve is drumming for half the single?

  11. I like how AvelCain's new single has eve's drums in the first and third track. Whats the point in having Byou and eve is drumming for half the single?

  12. I like how AvelCain's new single has eve's drums in the first and third track. Whats the point in having Byou and eve is drumming for half the single?

  13. WHERE IS MORAN BEST ALBUM :"(((((((((

  14. WHERE IS MORAN BEST ALBUM :"(((((((((

  15. I don't think I will ever understand people who refer Dir en grey members to their "real names" (who btw are not even their real names). I mean, what's the reason?

  16. Does anyone here plan to order Moran last live DVD?

  17. Saikou no Shokutaku made me so happy, I needed this so bad.

  18. Does anyone here plan to order Moran last live DVD?

  19. I wanna fight Emmny. Square up!!!!

  20. Busted my ass on my first day of school coming down the stairs (thanks, snow!), but I'm actually really looking forward to this semester! Wishing all the students a good new semester!

  21. I wanna fight Emmny. Square up!!!!

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