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Everything posted by emmny

  1. both everyone in the live house is crazy im sure even the bartenders start hitting the girls
  2. emmny

    this is such a mess i feel horrible for the brazilian fans and kamijo must be like lol wtf is this rn
  3. the kiwamu thread has 30 pages aka guess what tonight's fun activity will be!!!!

  4. emmny

    fav: the bird on gallows is gorgeous least fav: the wolf with the wig is still traumatizing o mg next animal: fish fishes are fucking metal
  5. 9GBO need to get back together and destroy all of visual kei one more time PLZ

  6. emmny

    i really like akane's clean vocals, he sounds like a fairy (!!) i think his growls sound rlly thin tho, but his high range reminds me of satsuki which is super cool.
  7. emmny

    checked out cuz d'espairsray teehee love that song pretty good, i just wish there was a little more variation in the tempo; i would have loved to hear a fast section but i love the section before the chorus also ur a pretty good vocalist! great job for ur first song
  8. emmny

    when ur mind is trying to fight but your body's already given up <
  9. emmny

    can anyone speak on whether their japanese saizen were present at the EU gigs??!!!?
  10. emmny

    pearl u look amazing hunty slay
  11. emmny

    #dont follow me on insta if u not about this dick #dont compliment if u dont wanna fuck #yes im fragile #goddamn #stop boys 2015 #jk stop me im just crazy
  12. english, some limited french (though i took it to the highest secondary school level, im still shit) and my mother tongue is farsi/persian which isnt in the poll D;
  13. emmny

    i like arche but an 1:1:1 dss arche and uroboros for the main set would be perfect and 2 encores for the old shit people like to hear except the final im so mad for missing their ghoul tour, their setlists were perfect !!!!!!IF I WANT TO HEAR ARCHE IN ITS ENTIRETY I'LL GO THE JAPANESE SHOWS LET ME ENJOY MY LIVE BEST OF SINGLES COLLECTION GODDAMN IT!!!!!
  14. emmny

    bringing this back because deadman are god tier and flawless and everything
  15. emmny

    ^thats like all of arche start to finish damn DEG dgaf
  16. emmny

    i'll do a mix of unskippable & perfect albums ones since they're two different things but tend to overlap at times theres like 3049849 more for each but i cant name off my whole library!!
  18. what sjws and force feeding fetishes have to do with each other is beyond me demi lovato is also reaching for her mcdonalds, crying because meghan dethroned her. yeah but its not rlly about oppression its about making body image into something positive for everyone i agree on the skinny shaming though its kind of stupid like y'all got all sorts of representation everywhere but the way meghan promoted big girls left a bad taste in my mouth i sound dumb but i remember a post calling her out and it made perfect sense i'll try to link it
  19. she makes eating disorders sound like a choice and shames skinny people like sure encourage thicca girls but body positivity encompasses all body shapes lol not just curvy "womanly" bodies. its mostly SJW nitpicking but they have a point
  20. emmny

    i just saw the guillotine drop... im speechless eventhough i was spoiled
  21. emmny

    idk whats worse: the pv or the shit vocalist who can barely hold a note
  22. yay goth thread! i love goth vk but im not sure what western bands to look into that sound similar i love emmurée, merry go round, laputa, lamiel/blast and klaha era malice mizer so can y'all rec me something that sounds similar to any?
  23. emmny

    i'll probably go for umbrella who the fuck are ecchi hentai noise??? the canadian promoter couldnt pull anyone actually relevant this year? their best year was when they had awoi / umbrella which i toooootally wish i saw meh better than nothing in toronto
  24. tfw when ur more popular with a web forum of western vk weebs enthusiasts than with actual japanese people
  25. emmny

    they're all trash fuck the 2010's visualcore dubstep GARBAGE jk while mejibray are pretty awful 70% of the time, the other 30% is far more compelling and amazing than royz could ever be. try comparing mejibrays best songs to royz like lol there's no comparison.
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