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    togz got a reaction from platy in #67: ペンタゴン (Pentagon) - WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL   
    1. FRONT
    3. 少年ワルツ
    4. Believe
    5. Here I am
    6. Jesus phobia
    7. 素晴らしい「教育」
    8. 二面相シンデレラ
    9. テツキズ
    10. 冬唄
    11. 踏切迷子
    12. デジャヴパニック
    13. 勘違い革命

    | Spoopy down for what?

     For those of you who may be new to ペンタゴン (pentagon), the band was established on December 14th of 2014 by Chizuru and Minpha of Call Me. The band completed their line-up with members from bands such as METEOROID, LucaRia, and Vared. The band, as young they are, have been quite impressive over this past year. ペンタゴン is notable for having a consistent visual appearance and prominent themes in their releases that go very well hand in hand and in their short career , they've already released a full album and 2 singles that come in various types. While 2015 was a significant year for them, they have yet to slow down and have hit 2016 in full speed. [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] hit the shelves on January 27th and is the band's second full-length album with an impressive track-list of 13 songs.

    [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] states its theme clearly from the start with the intro title "FRONT". Though it's more of an SE track, it's almost an asset in setting the mood for such a theme. Envision yourself coming across an abandoned mansion or house. You approach it curiously, but there's a sense of uncertainty mixed with your eagerness to explore such a sight. From the light music box and thunder to the anticipation that the strings build up, you wind up at the entrance of Ghost Hotel, and with a creak of the door, the album takes off in to our titled track "WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL". A seamless transition from the intro jumps into an upbeat and somewhat heavy set of guitar riffs accented with a unique accordion tune and chanting. It's a mildly chaotic song that makes a big entrance for the story they seem to have for this theme. We've heard "少年ワルツ" (Shounen Waltz) before from the single, but it fits right in with the on-going theme. Ghosts and spirits are remnants of a past time, so the vintage distortion to the vocals in the beginning add a nice touch. "Believe" is a rather confusing song, both placement wise and the way it was written. Aside from the somewhat spooky techno in the beginning, it's made up of very common VK riffs. Though the vocal melody is somewhat solid, the key change takes the setting in a different direction that pulls away from the creepy and spooky theme they started with. While it may not exactly fit the theme, it does seem to be a song that may have been composed with live shows in mind. "Here I am" is also a song that doesn't give the same feeling as the beginning of this album, though it transitions well from "Believe". This song is a lot lighter and lifting, which is quite the opposite of what is expected from this release. However, it serves justice as a nice power ballad with strong vocals. Another rough transition brings us to "Jesus Phobia", a sort of circus-y sounding song with powerful screams, a signature music box in the background, and a relevant key change.

    Once "素晴らしい「教育」"(Subarashii 「kyouiku」) drops, the setting changes to a waltzing ballroom dance. The setting of the album was consistent enough to transition into this song and it almost fools one with its mellow intro. This song is full of psychedelic guitars, synths, and even a nifty drum solo that leads into a distorted guitar solo. The next song, "二面相シンデレラ" (Nimensou Cinderella), is another upbeat song with a prominent bass line and feels like a solid continuation of the previous track. These last two songs combined creates a new, playful and devious side of the album. Earlier we imagined entering ghost hotel and discovering the wonders inside, but those songs didn't exactly give a sense of direct contact with what presented itself. The combination of the previous two tracks represent that interaction in a playful ballroom dance where whatever malicious being or figures do show themselves and, for lack of a better word, toy around with their visitors to humor themselves perhaps.

    "テツキズ "(Tetsukizu) transitions well, but doesn't quite hit home with the theme or its generic alternative riffs backed up with drumming on the offbeat. However, the piano is a nice touch. It's not a bad song, but it's forgettable. "冬唄" ( Fuyuuta) is a slower song that fits better with the vibe this album should have, but it feels more like an ending song. Even though this track is most reliant on piano,ペンタゴン do quite well at enhancing the build up to a piano and vocal melody duet. The build and anticipation in this song is favorable with the contrast of soft verses and phrases that have more prominent guitar, bass and drum work that makes the track swell with power. "踏切迷子 "(Fumikiri Maigo) starts strong and follows the last track well until the chorus key change. Something with the instrumentals and key that the vocals are in sounds off ever-so slightly. Other than that, every other element in this song fits well with the concept and offers probably the most pleasing guitar solo on the whole album. "デジャヴパニック" ( Deja-vu Panic) starts to wrap up the album as it revisits a few similar instrumental motifs from previous tracks in the beginning of the album. Don't let the intro fool you though, because this track certainly excels into the danger zone (IN A GOOD WAY!) and lives up to its name. The guitar work beautifully contrasts with the chorus' vocal melody, and when the growls and shouting happen, the double bass is tastefully used. If you like songs that have a fast paced break down at the end, this is the song for you. "勘違い革命" (Kanchigai Kakumei) doesn't feel like a goodbye song. This song feels more like an 'until next time' and doesn't give a sense of closure and may have worked better as the second to last song. The door creaking back shut at the end is a cute reference to the beginning, which brings the album full circle.

    To sum up the album, it had songs that clearly worked together to paint out a sort of story, but it had inconsistencies in keeping it flowing smoothly. There were songs that didn't transition well with others, but the songs on the album itself were quite good. Having a type of horror or creepy theme is difficult to maintain in 13 tracks without having to stray away to create some sort of contrast, but otherwise it could have ended up having too many songs that sounded too similar. [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] is certainly a good release from ペンタゴン and though it's a little rough around edges, it shows potential for even stronger releases in the future.

    CDJapan | HMV
  2. Like
  3. Like
    togz reacted to enyx in TK from 凛として時雨(ling tosite sigure) new mini album "Secret Sensation" release   
    Yeah, not feeling this at all. It's weird how his songwriting has degenerated into something so... lazy. Hard to think that this is the same guy that wrote songs like シャンディ, mib126, film A moment, etc.
  4. Like
    togz got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in #67: ペンタゴン (Pentagon) - WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL   
    1. FRONT
    3. 少年ワルツ
    4. Believe
    5. Here I am
    6. Jesus phobia
    7. 素晴らしい「教育」
    8. 二面相シンデレラ
    9. テツキズ
    10. 冬唄
    11. 踏切迷子
    12. デジャヴパニック
    13. 勘違い革命

    | Spoopy down for what?

     For those of you who may be new to ペンタゴン (pentagon), the band was established on December 14th of 2014 by Chizuru and Minpha of Call Me. The band completed their line-up with members from bands such as METEOROID, LucaRia, and Vared. The band, as young they are, have been quite impressive over this past year. ペンタゴン is notable for having a consistent visual appearance and prominent themes in their releases that go very well hand in hand and in their short career , they've already released a full album and 2 singles that come in various types. While 2015 was a significant year for them, they have yet to slow down and have hit 2016 in full speed. [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] hit the shelves on January 27th and is the band's second full-length album with an impressive track-list of 13 songs.

    [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] states its theme clearly from the start with the intro title "FRONT". Though it's more of an SE track, it's almost an asset in setting the mood for such a theme. Envision yourself coming across an abandoned mansion or house. You approach it curiously, but there's a sense of uncertainty mixed with your eagerness to explore such a sight. From the light music box and thunder to the anticipation that the strings build up, you wind up at the entrance of Ghost Hotel, and with a creak of the door, the album takes off in to our titled track "WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL". A seamless transition from the intro jumps into an upbeat and somewhat heavy set of guitar riffs accented with a unique accordion tune and chanting. It's a mildly chaotic song that makes a big entrance for the story they seem to have for this theme. We've heard "少年ワルツ" (Shounen Waltz) before from the single, but it fits right in with the on-going theme. Ghosts and spirits are remnants of a past time, so the vintage distortion to the vocals in the beginning add a nice touch. "Believe" is a rather confusing song, both placement wise and the way it was written. Aside from the somewhat spooky techno in the beginning, it's made up of very common VK riffs. Though the vocal melody is somewhat solid, the key change takes the setting in a different direction that pulls away from the creepy and spooky theme they started with. While it may not exactly fit the theme, it does seem to be a song that may have been composed with live shows in mind. "Here I am" is also a song that doesn't give the same feeling as the beginning of this album, though it transitions well from "Believe". This song is a lot lighter and lifting, which is quite the opposite of what is expected from this release. However, it serves justice as a nice power ballad with strong vocals. Another rough transition brings us to "Jesus Phobia", a sort of circus-y sounding song with powerful screams, a signature music box in the background, and a relevant key change.

    Once "素晴らしい「教育」"(Subarashii 「kyouiku」) drops, the setting changes to a waltzing ballroom dance. The setting of the album was consistent enough to transition into this song and it almost fools one with its mellow intro. This song is full of psychedelic guitars, synths, and even a nifty drum solo that leads into a distorted guitar solo. The next song, "二面相シンデレラ" (Nimensou Cinderella), is another upbeat song with a prominent bass line and feels like a solid continuation of the previous track. These last two songs combined creates a new, playful and devious side of the album. Earlier we imagined entering ghost hotel and discovering the wonders inside, but those songs didn't exactly give a sense of direct contact with what presented itself. The combination of the previous two tracks represent that interaction in a playful ballroom dance where whatever malicious being or figures do show themselves and, for lack of a better word, toy around with their visitors to humor themselves perhaps.

    "テツキズ "(Tetsukizu) transitions well, but doesn't quite hit home with the theme or its generic alternative riffs backed up with drumming on the offbeat. However, the piano is a nice touch. It's not a bad song, but it's forgettable. "冬唄" ( Fuyuuta) is a slower song that fits better with the vibe this album should have, but it feels more like an ending song. Even though this track is most reliant on piano,ペンタゴン do quite well at enhancing the build up to a piano and vocal melody duet. The build and anticipation in this song is favorable with the contrast of soft verses and phrases that have more prominent guitar, bass and drum work that makes the track swell with power. "踏切迷子 "(Fumikiri Maigo) starts strong and follows the last track well until the chorus key change. Something with the instrumentals and key that the vocals are in sounds off ever-so slightly. Other than that, every other element in this song fits well with the concept and offers probably the most pleasing guitar solo on the whole album. "デジャヴパニック" ( Deja-vu Panic) starts to wrap up the album as it revisits a few similar instrumental motifs from previous tracks in the beginning of the album. Don't let the intro fool you though, because this track certainly excels into the danger zone (IN A GOOD WAY!) and lives up to its name. The guitar work beautifully contrasts with the chorus' vocal melody, and when the growls and shouting happen, the double bass is tastefully used. If you like songs that have a fast paced break down at the end, this is the song for you. "勘違い革命" (Kanchigai Kakumei) doesn't feel like a goodbye song. This song feels more like an 'until next time' and doesn't give a sense of closure and may have worked better as the second to last song. The door creaking back shut at the end is a cute reference to the beginning, which brings the album full circle.

    To sum up the album, it had songs that clearly worked together to paint out a sort of story, but it had inconsistencies in keeping it flowing smoothly. There were songs that didn't transition well with others, but the songs on the album itself were quite good. Having a type of horror or creepy theme is difficult to maintain in 13 tracks without having to stray away to create some sort of contrast, but otherwise it could have ended up having too many songs that sounded too similar. [WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL] is certainly a good release from ペンタゴン and though it's a little rough around edges, it shows potential for even stronger releases in the future.

    CDJapan | HMV
  5. Like
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    togz reacted to Zeus in MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS to tour Canada!   

    Tour dates:
    NMFT vol 8May 20: Toronto @ Soybomb
    May 21: Toronto @ Lee's Palace
    May 23: Montreal @ t.b.a.
    May 25: Vancouver @ Biltmore Cabaret
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    togz reacted to Jigsaw9 in Girugamesh-CHIMERA [REVIEW]   
    I quite enjoyed this mini too, a lot more than what they had to offer in the past few years. Far from AOTY material, but a pretty fun listen. Low-key hyped to see them live in a few months!
    Oh, and cool review.
  9. Like
    togz got a reaction from Aferni in The 10 Song Shuffle!   
    Honestly the only thing I'm familiar with is Dir en grey and Malice Mizer. I'd say Berry is... ok~
    1. Hi:BRiD - Seventh Heaven
    2. クリープハイプ - 明日はどっちだ
    3. Galileo Galilei - パイロットガール
    4. Kimbra - Carolina
    6. letlive. - Lemon Party
    7. Radwimps - Tayuta
    8. D.I.D. - until the day i die
    9. Bring Me the Horizon - Seen it all before
    10. SUG - 39GalaxyZ -Rebirth Version-
    Interesting mixture of things I guess. I'd say Hi:BRiD is definitely my favorite of the list. The rest of the stuff is just kind of there in my library. haha. Was listened to at some point but kind of on a back burner right now.
  10. Like
    togz reacted to CAT5 in Recommended Tracks: January 2016!   
    Recommended Tracks: January 2016Greetings, fellow Monochromians! The Official Review team has rebranded our "Best New Tracks" series to "Recommended Tracks"! We've also revamped our format! New Year, new improvements! 2016 has blasted off to a brilliant start, and with so much great music being released, we've got a good batch of new music to recommend! So have a look around! We hope that you discover some new music to get into!
    If it conveniences you, we've also made a playlist of the embedded YouTube videos here! ^^
    @Zeus's Pick: "OUSIA"byTHE BLACK SWAN I have had a lot of time to digest THE BLACK SWAN's magnum opus thus far. "OUSIA" is vocalist Jin's first eleven minute progressive behemoth, birthed with no formal training in music theory. I'm sure he got by with a little help from his friends, but having the pleasure of reading Jin's translated comments concerning the origins and motivations behind "OUSIA" emphasized some elements of the song more. I must admit I am biased and find progressive wankery a much better alternative to a breakdown or simple repetition any day of the week, and the effort is impressive. The five or so minutes of melodic rock sound like a NEGA homage thanks to the piano played by Yuu (who used to play piano and drums in NEGA) mixed together with a section that reminds me of Dir en grey's "Macabre". The breakdown halfway in is ripped straight from NEGA's "虚しき「生」の寓意≒「死」の真意", and then the band buries their homages in guitar solos so frenetic the mood switches from depressing to energetic and back in under a minute. I wouldn't blame anyone for finding it a tiring, confusing mess, but I love every second of the ride.

    @emmny's Pick: "「ここにラブソングを」 (koko ni love song wo)"byDEZERT Leave it to DEZERT to return unfazed after a seemingly long lull after the departure of their guitarist, which, in their defense, could have easily killed any other band. Kira is out, Miyako (ex-Moran) is in, and DEZERT came back more brutal, melodic, twisted and catchy than before—take “「ここにラブソングを」” off their second full length album “「最高の食卓」”as an example. The song blasts through its incredibly quick two-minute run time with an even faster drum blast-beat as 千秋 half-sings, half-raps like a madman while the guitars chug in Miyako's hideous, extra-distorted tone. This brief sequence ends with 千秋 belting the sugary chorus, and a little breakdown before closing off the song in his surprisingly angelic falsetto. It all shows just how well DEZERT mix uglyness and beauty to make their one-of-a-kind style of alt-metal—a style that was sorely missed and well worth the wait.

    @fitear1590's Picks: "Open your heart"byLONDBOYB.P.Records has been on my shit-list thus far. 己龍 (Kiryu) may be one of my favorite active VK bands, but that has nothing to do with this multi-type-obsessed label. With no long-term interest in their other bands, I considered their signing of Kiryu to be a fluke. Then came LONDBOY, whose PV seems to have been produced by the label. Silly name and cheesy song title aside, their first song has me very interested! The song begins with a simple, but beautiful synth line. Gone are the cheap trash synths (I need to make a thread about this) we hear with Royz, for instance. Though the drums could use some production work, I'm pretty impressed with the catchy and dynamic pop-rock composition in "Open your heart"! It's unclear whether B.P.Records will actually sign the band, but whatever the case, I'm hoping their March single "アイリス(iris)" will impress!

    "MOON" by LUCKY TAPES About 4 years ago, I discovered Lamp--truly "love at first listen". Their sublime, relaxing brand of jazz/easy-listening infused pop is unmatched. Having said that, I've been keeping an eye on a few musicians who approach their style, such as the Indonesian solo artist Noh Salleh,  the quirky シンリズム (shin rizumu). LUCKY TAPES is my latest find. Their new song "MOON" might be one of the closest I've ever heard to Lamp! Unfortunately, a quick YouTube search seems to indicate that their previous music isn't quite in the same vein. But if this single marks an overhaul in their sound, then I'm all ears for what they'll come up with next!

    "光線 (kousen)"byクウチュウ戦 (koochewsen)"Kousen" is the single from their 2nd mini-album Sukoshi Fushigi and it's so fun. While it might not exactly be the psychedelic romp of their 1st mini-album's single, there's still plenty to love about their compositions. It opens with a kind of off-kilter kookiness, before moving into an extremely groovy verse. Vocalist Riyo also has an intriguing style, at once raspy and breathy, proving to be a surprisingly strong singer. You gotta love that PV as well! Special shoutouts to @doombox and @seurong for turning me on to them! 

    "N_tower"byLILI LIMIT LILI LIMIT's new mini-album #apieceofcake might be a hodgepodge of indie sounds from the math-poppy "morning coffee" and Czecho No Republic-esque "Festa", but "N_tower" is the standout track for me! I hope you'll allow me another namedrop, but right from the first pulsing beats of the song, APOGEE came to mind. Tight bass lines and cosmic synthwork create a gorgeous soundscape. The late chorus is massive and you'll want to sing along 'Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuume!' Somehow, the song sneaks past the 5-minute mark in the blink of an eye. LILI LIMIT still seems to be finding their sound, but I'd love to see them explore this synth pop style even more!

    @beni's Picks: "Speaking"byMrs. GREEN APPLE I wasn't expecting Mrs. GREEN APPLE to be as rocking as they are. They've been on my 'to listen to' list for quite a while now, and seeing their album promoted on the net encouraged me to finally get into them. If I could talk about the majority of their first ever full length album's tracks, I'd totally go into more detail as the album itself is well worth a full listen, however, here's hoping the rocker tune will get the majority of you guys on board to give them a go. Not only does "Speaking" make your blood pump with a super quick delivery in every way, but it manages to make me feel depressed over the fact that they've not only been under my radar for so long, but for plenty of others too, I'm sure. So don't make the same mistake I did and give this awesome song a listen and then get straight to TWELVE!

    "Mobile Phone" by Swinging Popsicle Adorably pleasant indie darlings Swinging Popsicle finally release some new material after a good moment of silence. "Mobile Phone" has their signature Engrish (fluent in fact!) lyrics and a sweet, chirpy beat (modern bass sounding at that!) they always incorporate together with cute (and repetitive~) lyrics. If you're new to these guys and enjoy some indie now and then, as Swinging Popsicle being one of the first I ever discovered and still love to this day, I cannot put them forward any more, so please give this MV a shot. It's a treat you'll wish would never end.

    "ゴードン (Gordon)"byFINLANDS What caught me at first and what kept me listening to their mini-album ULTRA was Fuyuko's voice. Her super squeaky and off-pitch vocals when it comes to certain words in their songs and choruses are both endearing and engaging, and something different compared to those note perfect bands. My favourite song from them is the leading MV for their recent mini-album, which is totally worth a listen with simple yet catchy melodies and a rough and quirky singer to top it all off. Be sure to add FINLANDS to your indie, female fronted collection. 

    "タイムマシン (Time Machine)"by加治ひとみ (Hitomi Kaji)The first thought I had when Kaji's voice graced my ears is that 'this is one of the most distinct voices within J-pop'. Against the lush and elegant music, it only emphasizes her sophisticated sound and tone more, which is anything but your typical popular J-pop music. Her discography is super small, with only two singles and her first mini-album being the source of this MV track. We can only hope and pray for more material after this impressive release.

    @CAT5's Picks: "1 Nite Wonder"byATATAIt's been four years since ATATA's splendid self-titled debut EP, and I've been longing for new music from these guys ever since. Thankfully, their follow-up EP JOY was worth the wait. The guys haven't augmented their sound at all - everything from the production, to their songwriting and musical competence is right where they left off in 2012. While this might be a bummer for some, I found JOY to be a most welcome addition to ATATA's scarce discography of roughly 9 songs (a 'whopping' 15 now, including the new material). More of the same doesn't hurt if the music is still good, right? With that said, pinpointing a standout from "JOY" is almost impossible - the EP is thoroughly awesome. "1 Nite Wonder", with all of its punk spirit and post-hardcore brovado, works just as well as any track from the EP. In fact, you should just pick the EP up on iTunes for a meager 6 bucks.

    "Luv U Tokio" by METAFIVE Yukihiro Takahashi of Yellow Magic Orchestra has recruited the likes of Leo Imai, Tomohiko Gondo, and legends Towa Tei, Cornelius, Yoshinori Sunahara to be a part of METATIVE - to call them a superband would almost be an understatement. With so many brilliant musical minds together, expecting any less than greatness was not even an option. Their debut album META may not have been the instant masterpiece that fans might have hoped for, but it was also lightyears away from being a disappointment! "Luv U Tokio" is among the most straightforward tracks on the album, but production is absolutely pristine, it's insanely catchy, one of the few with majority Japanese lyrics!

    "ブルース (blues)"byGalileo Galilei After almost a decade of unexpected success, fraught with applaudable triumphs and inevitable setbacks, radio-friendly rockers Galileo Galilei are calling it quits after touring in promotion of their final album Sea and The Darkness. The album isn't as gloomy as its title suggests, though. In fact, it's full of the light and airy pop-rock that their career was known for. However, if there's one emotionally poignant moment on Sea and The Darkness, it's undoubtedly the aptly titled "ブルース (blues)". It's a rivetting track with amped-up instrumentation, and a passionate vocal performance from Yuuki Ozaki. In a farewell message from the band, they expressed that they put all of their last thoughts into this album, and in this track, you can literally feel the heartache and sorrow that they've experienced on their road to the end.

    "女子達 (joshi-tachi)"byNakamuraEmi In an era where Jpop artists are either rehashing tired trends or trying too hard to be different, aiming for alternatives and missing the mark, I found NakamuraEmi's debut album NIPPONNO ONNAWO UTAU BEST to be completely refreshing. It's your typical pop record through and through, but Emi takes everything back to the basics. She doesn't overextend her reach, yet she's got enough going on to seperate herself from the hordes of Jpoppers playing 'follow the follower'. "joshi-tachi" almost perfectly encapsulates what NakamuraEmi is all about - lush acoustic-pop that neatly draws from both jazz music and hip-hop. And what's best is that this blend sounds completely organic and natural. The only gimmick you'll find here is 'good music'.

    "Captive of Mists"byCHERRYBOY FUNCTION Unless you're some kind of Japanese club music afficianado, then chances are you probably haven't heard of CHERRYBOY FUNCTION. Hell, even if you're just a casual fan of electronica, coming across him or his music is unlikely given his sufficiently weak social network game and scanty remix work. Yet despite this, he's been quietly cranking out his bleeps & bloops via the small record label ExT Recordings for about a decade now, and also plays alongside more prominent electronic acts like DE DE MOUSE and TOFUBEATS. "Captive of Mists" is but a small, yet healthy dose of the colorful techno and house grooves to be found on his latest work "Word in the Petals"!

    ☆Guest☆ Picks: "Big Bear Remix from Gravitation" by ギルガメッシュ (Girugamesh) Once again, Satoshi and his mates were able to make a good and refined release, and the "Gravitation" remix has turned out to be my favorite on their new mini album. They and Big Bear were able to manage a decent remix at an 8:00 length that makes me not care if it was ten minutes or more. If you like to dance in night clubs with all that crazy remix and related, this is definitely a thing you could enjoy.
    -submitted by @yakihiko
    "FANTASIA"by魔天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera)In such a long time, I have never heard an album like this from 魔天楼オペラ, full of precious songs. "FANTASIA" could be pointed as a normal instrumental song, but they have Anzi, an amazing guitarist that has learned to improve himself to do really great solos, and was able to excellently carry a six minute track with the help of his band mates: Yo, Yu and Ayame. This has become my favorite song from 地球 (chikyuu).
    -submitted by @yakihiko
    See you next month!
  11. Like
    togz reacted to Trombe in HER NAME IN BLOOD new mini album "Evolution From Apes" release   
    it is announced at HER NAME IN BLOOD live at LIQUIDROOM ebisu at 2016/01/23 that their new CD (type & title not yet finalized) will be released at 2016/04/27, although details have not yet been announced
    SET-LIST at 2016/01/23:
    02.LET IT DIE
    03.BLEED ON
    09.Pretty Fly (for a White Guy) (The Offspring)
    14.WE REFUSE
  12. Like
    togz reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #41: What are the things you *LOVE* about Visual Kei?   
    MH POLL OF THE WEEK #40: What are the things you *LOVE* about Visual Kei?
    HUGE thanks to @paradoxal, @Seimeisen, @kyoselflove, @kyoisKILLINGME and @togz for contributing to this poll!   

    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  13. Like
    togz got a reaction from sakuran in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    That's right, that's the way to do it. How to like the thing: Like the thing.
  14. Like
    togz reacted to herpes in MH FEATURED POLL #40: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?   
    I hate that anti-fans are only really a thing in japanese vk fan culture. more people should be actively rooting for the destruction of bands they don't like. like mejibray.
  15. Like
    togz reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #40: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?   
    MH POLL OF THE WEEK #39: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?
    poll suggested by: @togz!

    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  16. Like
    togz reacted to Delkmiroph in MH FEATURED POLL #40: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?   
    Indefinite hiatuses and "Musical Differences"  AND Discovering a favorite new band only to find out that they've disbanded 

  17. Like
    togz got a reaction from Original Saku in Last.fm and other music sites   
    Saku... you sound like a super hero right now.
  18. Like
    togz reacted to Original Saku in Last.fm and other music sites   
    I just use google music to upload my entire 500GB music collection to their cloud service and then stream it anywhere and everywhere I want, on my phone or in a browser on any computer. The only thing is if you have a huge music collection like me then uploading it all to the cloud will use a fuck ton of data so you might want to make sure your bandwidth can handle it or just go to a friends house or somewhere with free wifi (like McDonald's or Starbucks) lol.
    best thing ever and I don't have to worry about space constrictions or tagging issues since I've already correctly tagged it all myself.
  19. Like
    togz reacted to Elazmus in My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND to return from hiatus   
    Love the spacesuits. Reminds me of goodbye to my old avarice
  20. Like
    togz reacted to Shaolan974 in My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND to return from hiatus   
    eehhh.... really ? I expected Chemical Pictures comback. MBHI is a bit... meh.
  21. Like
    togz got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    idk i went to the zoo and the arctic wolves were really cute and this guy had a cold nose.
  22. Like
    togz reacted to CAT5 in I'm leaving   
    Your post was removed because coming onto a thread and saying "wow, there's a lot of retarded messages here" in simply inflammatory and in no way contributes to discussion.
    Furthermore, going on to statuses and bitching about staff decisions is equally unwelcome. If you'd like to discuss this further, you can reach me via P.M. But if you're not satisfied with the way we handle things, then you're also free to leave.
    Thread closed.
  23. Like
    togz reacted to Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
  24. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    Hay. Hi. I'm ill, what it do.
  25. Like
    togz reacted to Lestat in Dubtrack.fm / plug.dj   
    We thought about changing it to Saturday instead, but this will likely be an evening / day where people are enjoying themselves otherwise. The timeframe will always be an issue as it's revolving mostly around Europe and the United States as most people on the forum are from those areas, and this is unfortunate for the few people living in Asia, because it's always the middle of the night for them. 
    You can always advertise for your own sessions in your own time, though — and simply see who will join. It's no doubt that there are always members around who are also having trouble with this schedule and that they're looking for a different time to play.
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