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    togz got a reaction from Ito in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    So... I've been practicing photography a bit and really trying to discover what style is my own. 
    I was able to do press for Band-Maid at Sakura-con so i hope to have some of those posted up on my photography page too. (given that they were here 2 months ago) 
    I've also started just kind of taking pictures of anything.
    I'm currently shooting with a Canon 60D and a Tokina 11-16 ( as recommended to start with by senpai @Ito )
    My stuff can be found here.
    Hopefully I get to update it as often as I'd like to. It'll probably just be a lot of picture of people and my cat. BUT FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW. i WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. 
  2. Like
    togz got a reaction from beni in Top 10: PLASTICZOOMS - Song Edition   
    This is one of my favorite posts of all time. <3
    Great job with this @beni !!!
  3. Like
    togz reacted to beni in Top 10: PLASTICZOOMS - Song Edition   
    Top 10 - Song Edition
    If you're new to an artist, you might want some recommendations before you dive into their whole discography, and what better way to help you out on that than to present to you a handful of favourite songs from across a band/artist's whole work? You might be wanting a heads up, especially those with a hefty discography, or just a starting point to lead you to the best spot and work your way down from there. Whatever the case, here's a personal list of my favourites by Gothic rockers PLASTICZOOMS.
    This list is ranked, so the numbers are meant as a specific order in this case. I hope this proves to be helpful for any members who are interested in trying them out, or even encourage other fans to make their own lists in response on whatever PLASTICZOOMS related they might want to also do.
    Vocalist Sho Asakawa, guitarist Taiyo Ikeda, bassist Jun Yokoe, drummer Yuta Kurata, and keyboardist Shinpei Morishige make up the band. Their style can be described as alternative, shoegaze rock, but they touch upon many different sounds with each release ranging from post punk to electronic. They also have just as much of a focus on their appearance as they do sound. They're well known for their Gothic appearance, and are more popular overseas than in Japan due to this and their almost Visual Kei-esque attire. They have even collaborated with fashion label Discovered, had a photo shoot exhibited by professional photographer Nao Takeda, and appeared in "The Reality Show", a magazine where they worked with photographer Nobuyoshi Akari and designer Jill Sander. Sho himself has a brand called Venus Eccentric and is a DJ. PLASTICZOOMS are a very active band that are constantly evolving as musicians. In an interview, Sho has even compared the band to a chameleon in that they change "color from time to time" with each release. While this is certainly true, as evident with their first album (Charm) being especially punk influenced while their second (Starbow) has more of a pop sound, they continue to get better and better in my eyes. 

    10. SWAN
    9. SAVAGE
    7. Witch
    5. P A R A D E
    3. PINK SNOW
    2. Cry. Distance.
    1. Sleepwalker
    It was difficult just picking out ten PLASTICZOOMS tracks, who admittedly don't have that big of a discography compared to most, but even so there were two specific songs that unfortunately couldn't make it in that still deserves mentions.
    "MONOCHROME" really can be the only reason you need to check out their second album CRITICAL FACTOR just because of how perfect it is of an opening to the release. The messy yet grungy execution and overall dark sound makes this one an instantly repeatable tune all on its own."The Shadow" is a fine example of how the band used to sound early one, and easily my firm favourite from their early discography. It's a hauntingly beautiful yet quite simple post-rock tune compared to their recent output.
    So, do we have any other PLASTICZOOMS lovers in the house? Anything you'd like to add, or change, or comment on? Give us your thoughts below! Also feel free to suggest other artists you might want to see be ranked like so: song wise, release wise, PV wise, you name it! I hope you enjoyed!
  4. Like
    togz got a reaction from emmny in Show Yourself (again)   
    I did an outside today.
  5. Like
    togz reacted to Tokage in Show Yourself (again)   
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    togz got a reaction from Seimeisen in [Lyrics] THE NOVEMBERS 1st mini album   
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    togz reacted to Seimeisen in [Lyrics] THE NOVEMBERS 1st mini album   
    she lab luck
    Next up is picnic.
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    togz got a reaction from The Reverend in The 10 Song Shuffle!   
    Okay so like real shit.... the black skirts... if that's the korean black skirts.... my friend was super in that band at one point in time. 
    BUT HEY THAT BARETTA THOUGH. That was my favorite GazettE song for my whole GazettE fanning career. Probably because each instrument has a chance to shine in that song.
    2. LAST CALIX - Anenome
    3. Hands Like Houses - Lion Skin
    4. Death From Above 1979 - Always On
    5. wrong city - Blood Libel
    7. fox capture plan - With Wind
    8. Animals as Leaders - Tooth and Claw
    9. THE NOVEMBERS - Blood Music.1985
    10. The Plot in You - Take Me Away
    A lot of the stuff in this one I don't want to think about... but SHRUUUUG
  10. Like
    togz reacted to TJK. in Show Yourself (again)   
    My most recent pic. Back In Feb. I believe
  11. Like
    togz reacted to paradoxal in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got new glasses last week! My first brand glasses by Tommy Hilfiger haha. I love these so much, they are so huge compared to the ones I previously used! I wasn't even supposed to buy myself new glasses, but the shop had a sale and everything was -50% off...

  12. Like
    togz got a reaction from ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    I did an outside today.
  13. Like
    togz reacted to Chi in ゲスの極み乙女。(gesu no kiwami otome) 川谷絵音(kawatani enon) has divorced   
    Now u just have to marry becky
  14. Like
    togz reacted to freesia in ゲスの極み乙女。(gesu no kiwami otome) 川谷絵音(kawatani enon) has divorced   
    I wonder if this has anything to do with Becky
  15. Like
    togz reacted to TJK. in Show Yourself (again)   
    All I can says for some reason you do go down that road, please don't show me. Some things are best kept in the shadows lol

    My band, er... former band, was basically Alternative Hard Rock with hints of metalcore. However, I play just about everything.
  16. Like
    togz got a reaction from TJK. in Show Yourself (again)   
    oh damn. If the definition of a crazy cat lady includes bathing with your cats... I don't think I'll ever fill those shoes. 
    What type of music do you play, bruh?
  17. Like
    togz reacted to TJK. in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah, most of my pics of late are of me either rocking out, band pics, and Various fan selfies. However, I do have some personal pics laying around.
    Well, at least it's not a pic of you and the cat bathing.... I know crazy cat ladies, believe me lol
  18. Like
    togz got a reaction from TJK. in Show Yourself (again)   
    actually my avatar is also me lol.
    but i'm not rocking out on a stage... i'm just being a crazy cat lady or something idk.
  19. Like
    togz reacted to TJK. in Show Yourself (again)   
    My avatar is of me, but I can always post something different.
  20. Like
    togz got a reaction from Shir0 in Show Yourself (again)   
    I did an outside today.
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    togz got a reaction from Biopanda in Show Yourself (again)   
    I did an outside today.
  22. Like
    togz got a reaction from Nagisa in Show Yourself (again)   
    I did an outside today.
  23. Like
    togz reacted to Seimeisen in [Lyrics] THE NOVEMBERS - 1st demo   
    螺旋と水 - The Internet
    marble - THE NOVEMBERS (mini album) booklet
    echo - @plastic_rainbow with the help of @peffy
    天井と管 - @peffy (highlighted parts she's unsure of)
    Source for tracks 3 and 4: lyric card scan
  24. Like
    togz reacted to nick in Girugamesh will disband   
    I feel so "INCOMPLETE" inside as if I lived in a "DEAD WORLD" with no "EXIT".
    I wish it was just a "BAD END DREAM" that would be over when waking up, but there is no such thing as a "Never ending story".
    It was such a "destiny" that would eventually fade into "COLOR".
    Let this "Break Down" not be a "Drain" but an "evolution" because I believe in your "Vision", so I'm "Calling" for your comeback.
    As long as you are still "ALIVE", just "Go ahead" and remember that you are not "ALONE"; no "BORDER" between us.
    You "ULTIMATE 4" are all "ROCKER'S", and there is a "shining" "Future" waiting ahead at the "Horizon".
  25. Like
    togz got a reaction from Seimeisen in the GazettE   
    The concert itself was great but the VIP organization was a disaster. Basically they had us go in by groups of 10 to buy merch and get out free shirt (merch was 100% sold out by the end of the show) and then head out in the same order we entered so no one lost their spot. My friend was lined up at 6am and was the first person at the venue. But after she went outside ... Halfway through the VIP line they just start keeping people inside. So the people who didn't wait at all got in first while the people who were outside the longest and waited longer got the shit end of the stick. 
    San Francisco was fun but the crowd was overall whiny and trash talkers all around me and they made me feel how old I am. 
    It was nice to meet and see them but one VIP was enough for me. I'm going to LA but imma hang in the back cuz I don't have time to listen to people bitch about each other and fix their hair and make up.
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