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Status Updates posted by togz

  1. meeting with the photo department manager at the space needle tomorrow. kinda excite.

    1. psychtiger


      That sounds like an amazing job! Good luck!!

    2. togz


      I used to work in reservations... actually if you call the space needle... I'm that annoying voice you hear for the menu options lol

  2. Met the president of Cure today and scored about 17 CDs will upload anything not posted yet. It was a busy day!

    1. togz


      No the president is at the xenon shop I'm Cali

    2. togz


      Japan... Ain't nobody got time (or money) fo dat

    3. hitsuji-hime


      Fuckin' awesome! ♥

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  3. Mission fucking complete

  4. MONSTER and Gravitation are literally the best things girugamesh has released in regards to my musical interests.

    1. Greyen


      Same with me, I moved more towards the style they're playing now around the time they released GO so I find it really cool that they are making music that match my current taste.

    2. togz


      Hey that is pretty cool, it's like you guys are growing together *___*

  5. my car lives to see another day... for now.

  6. My co-worker mentioned how she left facebook and all these social media sites and how she felt so cleansed... so I deactivated my fb *___* / let's see if i can last.

  7. My cousin tried to insult me by calling me liberal. What a compliment. :D

    1. Biopanda


      *giggles more*

  8. my hair is orange : |

    1. whitegrey


      still better then "my orange is hairy" ;)

    2. togz


      ha. hahaha true.

    3. Tetora


      Nice, and nice pun WG.

  9. My mom likes Fever Ray now... I'm doing something right.

  10. Need mbhi .___.

    1. Elazmus
    2. togz


      I don't have a job right now so I wasn't able to order the singles so I hope someone else uploads them soon because idk when I'll be able to get them...

  11. New HNIB release in April !!!!!!!!!!! Yasssssssssss!!!!!!!!

  12. not enovgh cvlt to be nv goth

  13. Obtain food... suddenly not hungry.

    1. orangetarts


      Ugh that happens to me all the time.

  14. ofc Wagakkiband is going to AX in california. : | fucking tell machiya i love him whoever is going.

  15. Officially fucking hate two story houses and officially want to move the fuck out of here.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Try a three story house, being the one in the middle :P

    2. togz


      Two story house, parents getting it on in the room above you.

    3. Tetora


      Ahahhahaha, AYYYYYY LMAO^^ Das it mane.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  16. Oh god I think I threw up a little.

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. yakihiko


      @Tetora hmm delicious XDD

    3. togz


      Idk what the heck y'all talkin bout but carry on.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  17. ok i'm hella home.

    1. beni


      hella wb~ ^^

  18. Ok, ok. Working on my review~ Then back to sketching.

  19. OKAY. I have a list for the trade off. That was actually... really hard.


    1. togz


      Idk I found out that kobayashi from the novembers recently had a daughter and that's so exciting and cute I can't even!

    2. PsychoΔelica
    3. CAT5
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