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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    Oops D: I searched and idk why I must have been blind
  2. togz

    Oh hizakami may have stole my heart
  3. togz

  4. togz

    Thank you. This is the kind of input I was looking for. I agree.
  5. togz

    But why? Everytime I talk about Galeyd there's always at least one person "Oh you mean the Deluhi copy?" Now I didn't take that to offense because I like the band, but it did make me curious as to what people are using as evidence for that, because musically, and visually they really are two solid bands on their own.
  6. togz

    Apparently their meal of choice is marbles. Those are pretty hard to swallow, so i can respect that opinion!
  7. Well, after creating the lynch vs deathgaze thread, I figured why not stir up a real debate for some answers. I see these bands get compared A LOT. After listening to both bands, they don't sounds anything a like. Their guitarists, while both technically skilled beyond belief, have different styles that they in-cooperate in to their music. The vocal styles are really different as well. GALEYD DELUHI Now i can see how they'd fall under the same power metal type sub-genre, however i still think there's some different ideas in there. I have taken in to consideration that the bands were on the same label and seemed to have the same promotional and marketing techniques from what I can tell. But sound wise, what are your opinions?
  8. togz

    I went there. Considering I like both bands, I prefer Ai's vocals from Deathgaze a little more. A friend of mine and I used to argue a lot about who was better. I honestly believe both are great in their own ways, but I'm sure I think I know the outcome but maybe you'll all surprise me. lynch. DEATHGAZE I think vocally Ai and Hazuki have very similar technique and pitch, musically they can be on completely different sides of the spectrum. I think these bands are still comparable. Also considering that Hazuki was an original member of Deathgaze at one point, I'd really like to see what people think. For nostalgic purposes, I am going to choose Deathgaze.
  9. So... can like... anyone make a band battle?

    1. Rize


      You can make one yourself too ^.^

    2. togz


      I tried.... haha. Thank you Linh-san

  10. togz

    ..... This isn't fair. THIS ISN'T FAIR. God uh.... KuRt was one of my first vk bands, and really the band that sold me on tenten's voice you know? I felt like for KuRt's time they had a pretty unique sound, and Tenten doesn't exactly have a typical voice either. I do have to choose Chemical Pictures on this one simply because I like the more refined sound, and it's alot more mature sounding. I still love KuRt to the end of the earth and back, but if I absolutely had to choose... I find myself listening to CPS a lot more these days. I feel guilty for even choosing.
  11. idk I'm kinda digging Die's PandaKiller-Kei look going on there. He doesn't look like a really freakishly tall ruki anymore.
  12. togz

    To take peoples opinions with a CUP of salt.
  13. I can totz sound sophisticated and educated. Pay attention to my opinion, it's so important. I can hate that thing so much harder than you can because my biased opinion is such a relevant fact rn OMGROFLMAOBBQSAUCE1!!!!!1!!1

  14. togz

    This whole thread makes me laugh.
  15. togz

    Sometimes thirst is mistaken as hunger.
  16. togz

  17. togz

    That video is 5 minutes and 27 seconds too long. orz But I watched the whole thing...
  18. togz

    I'm a little concerned.
  19. togz

    welcome back~
  20. togz

    werd! welcome!
  21. togz

    this. but no i did vote for Calmando Qual only because I don't prefer Lycaon. Which is ironic, I literally followed them until they lost eve and mio. After Eros came out i was gone like the wind.
  22. Maybe they'll win your heart over next release. The first was kinda meh.
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