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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    I actually can't stand gackts music or voice so I have to disagree with you on that. They're too vastly different to me. I think Ice/Eros choice in look concepts are cheesy and looks like he tries too hard sometimes, but he has vocal talent in my opinion. I actually prefer their more recent releases over their older ones. I think the last two releases are a good improvement from the album, which wasn't terrible, but it was just kinda hey this is alright.
  2. togz

    I tried blue eye contacts this time to enhance my natural color. v___v
  3. togz

    AY AY AY. I KNO U. Glad to see an introduction post. This is a neat guy be nice to him. o/
  4. togz

    I don't think they should do death metal. If they did they might as well disband and remake under a new name and whole new look concept. Plus Ice has way too goo of a singing voice to switch to death metal. What a waste.
  5. togz

    I have to agree on this. He seems to be doing less auto tune. I actually like his singing voice over the screaming, but it's fine to add here and there. Unfortunately I think the song that best showcases his voice is Misty from Xodiack. It's not BFN... but... IT'S REALLY GREAT OK. Also surprised to hear positive feedback on this band from jigsaw <3 me gusta :'D
  6. togz

    So I happened to come across this thing today. I think it's a lot better than the release previous to this one. I know many people probably look at BFN as some kind of joke because of the cheesy synths and the hella auto tune on Ice's voice sometimes. Rame, Ice and Toki having come from well known bands in the past, this is probably a very different project that people may not exactly prefer. I personally dislike over use of auto tune most of the time when it's clearly used to AUTO TUNE BAD SINGING. Considering BFNs theme and the kind of music they claim to aim for I think the auto tune they tend to use sometimes (often) is acceptable. From live videos I have seen, it seems it's difficult for them to perform such a strong electronically inspired sound. Regardless i think this band is really fun, and while they're not technical, they're very very enjoyable. Thoughts? Even if it's on their A+ CG in their PVs lol <_> What about that Party City commercial they did ( joking)
  7. The Cell instore event they had at the xenon shop was really really fun. I'll be in the cure magazine maybe.... idk i had to sign a paper LOL but don't look for me i probably look bad. *____* Also the XENON shop has so many cds, and lots of really nice clothes, and the over all concept and look of the store is super great.

    1. togz


      do like would bang

  8. togz

    Lucy. While I found it interesting i think it's marketing choices and advertisements were a little misleading as a lot of action movie lovers showed up and were disappointed. I mean it has some cool action stuff in it... but they're a lot more to it than just.... you know bad ass stuff.
  9. How much does Japanese music add to your life? Honestly, not to sound hella weaboo... but I feel like it's the only thing that really helps me feel like me. It's something I discovered on my own, grew passionate about on my own, and have been a fan of for 10+ years. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out who i am and where I want to be, but coming back to this makes me feel like at least I know a little bit of myself. It's helped me really become open minded and accepting towards a lot of things, not just music. Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it? Maybe I wouldn't feel so lost if I had liked something more common to listen to in my own country. Maybe i'd have more money. Maybe I'd be happy doing what I'm doing and wouldn't care about doing something more creative in my life. I think this kind of music really helps me continue to dream and have a creative soul and mind. Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music? I do have amazing friends and memories I would have never had otherwise. My life would be COMPLETELY different. Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music? I think maybe it has made me feel more secluded or less social only because most people find it weird and I'd rather avoid being judged for it so I spend time alone or with people I already know through events we had in common. I used to have interest in Japanese culture and I wanted to go to Japan to study, however recently I've been giving up on all that, I just can't seem to kick the music out of my life. I'd probably only be listening to classic rock, or rather anything from the 80's really... classical music and jazz.
  10. haha I did say anywhere between 3 weeks to a month x3
  11. As some of you may have noticed I've been posting here and there. Can't say I'm super back for sure. I have just been so busy. Not that anyone would probably care too much, but I started a new job with a two hour commute to and from work. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from the drive. Working 8 hours and driving up to 4 hours a day doesn't really leave much time for yourself other than eating, maybe a movie or laundry, shower and sleep. My free times are really on my weekends, which i'm privileged enough to have Saturday and Sunday off now. Considering that soon my siblings will start school and they already don't live with me, I have been using those weekends to really spend time with family and relax. I'm hoping that once I relocate closer to my new job that I will have more time for myself to interact with this forum again. I really do miss the chat, and late night plug sessions, but unfortunately when I get home I just want to sleep by then or play a quick hour of FFXIV >___> which if any of you play that please let me know what server you're on if it's an NA server. I'm specifically on Lamia (NA) Anyway, I just wanted to check in and see how everyone had been doing. I miss you all and I really hope to be back sooner rather than later. ;;
  12. togz

    I have now started playing again, I'm on Lamia (NA) Saro Atzoth - Lancer lvl. 25 currently | Marauder lvl. 7 lol
  13. I'm still alive *___*

    1. CAT5
    2. Tetora


      Nice.Btw, are those dudes in your avi smoking in an airplane bathroom?

    3. togz



      and no... i think they're just backstage in hair and make up room or something.

  14. wow.

    1. Tetora


      World of Wookies.


    2. togz


      and the winner is..... PRETSY

    3. Show next comments  141 more
  15. togz

    I'm stunned with the poll results. 3 | 3 | 3
  16. I'm still lurking ocassionally. Just really busy with life. so until everything settles, I won't be in chat or posting much. T_________T I'm not going away forever.
  17. togz

    CAT5 and I must know, so please.
  18. I know I just recently became active here... and it has been really great so far.... However, recently a lot of things have been going on in my life, and for personal reasons i won't be able to be here for a while. I could be gone anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months. Thank you everyone and I hope i can come back in a much better state of mind. I may still lurk from time to time, just because i'm curious about all of you. creeper game is real. Until then. Will miss you.
  19. togz

    DID YOU JUST COMPARE THE BROTHERS?! One Ok Rock for me though!
  20. togz

    -rolls away-
  21. togz

    im actually pretty chubby so that goal may take a while wwwww
  22. togz

    Are you sure, though? You haven't even bought me dinner yet... Jkjk ( ̄▽ ̄)
  23. we are about to go on plug now if you're free
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