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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    73 I just woke up
  2. http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=62 come play cards against humanity with me and val
  3. togz

    41 lol
  4. togz

    35 no one gonna stop us. should we quit and let them catch up lol.
  5. togz

    25 I'll message you sometime soon Maiko, rest well friendmatebromodachi
  6. togz

    22 I skipped over the part about replacing meku. A lot of people would say Leda was the the only one in the scene with that sort of skill level, but ofc he's not gonna join galeyd. I'm actually galeyd biased, but i appreciate Deluhi and actually like a lot of the side projects they've done after. I think it was the vocals mostly that didn't tickle my fancy for some strange reason.
  7. togz

    22 Yeah, I'm not sure why his composition wasn't as favored... it actually still ran along the same lines of Meku's skill level. I think people just wanted a reason to complain. Once word was out that Meku was not composing, people suddenly wanted a reason to tear the band down I think. But had it not been a spoken of thing... I doubt people would have noticed. At least not to the extent people made it sound. I mean we had people who probably had no idea what elements they were talking about jumping on the hate toki's compositions train. Garo was in some comic band for a bit, but recently left that too. He updates twitter maybe once every few weeks? My heart hurts. As for Meku... again I just feel that he's not ready for a solid commitment. Even with Kamijo he is only support. Galeyd wasn't even given a chance to blossom.
  8. togz

    21 you're mathing really well Maiko. I'm very proud <3
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