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Posts posted by Kiryu999

  1. 16 minutes ago, TheZigzagoon said:

    Thank you for the reply, but I own these ones. I just remember a month or two ago NOAH posting about the Akasaka BLITZ DVD being available through a new webshop, I'm assuming since they left ROCKSTAR RECORDS they have to sell new releases independently


    Ah okay well I don't know where you can find it then sorry :/ btw are these two DVDs nice ? (quality of recording ect) because I'm considering buying one of them, maybe the O-WEST one 


  2. 5 hours ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    MEIDARA - 鬼門 + signed fotocard

    素晴らしき日々。 - ココロリアクトル


    dizSolid -偶-hitogata- / 烟月と歪んだ愛と闇 + fotocard set

    VRZEL – Dear Omen (forgot to include in the picture though XD )




    Did you listened to 素晴らしき日々。 - ココロリアクトル ?

    If so, how is it ? I'm planning on buying it eventually but there is no samples so I'm not sure if I should throw my money at it ahah


    I also bought MEIDARA first single, can't wait to receive it, I hope the 2 other songs are as good as 鬼の目にも! 

  3. dexcore Ba.Tetsu will depart from the band after their live on 2017.06.05.


    Official statement:



    dexcore を応援してくださる皆様へ大切なお知らせ [メンバー脱退のお知らせ]

    いつも dexcore を応援頂き有り難うございます。
    大変急なお知らせではありますが、Ba.tetsu が6月5日のライブを最後に脱退する事になりました。



    今後は新たにメンバーが見つかるまで、dexcore は架神と直樹の2人で活動を続けていく事になります。
    それまではサポートメンバーを迎える形になりますが、変わらず全力で進んでいきますので、今後とも応援の程 宜しくお願い申し上げます。

    dexcore 一同


  4. 12 hours ago, Elazmus said:

    That's incredible I wonder what the PV will be like... will the budget be like Plantman or like M.A.D loll ?


    I'll keep my eye out on shopping services I was lucky enough to find Beginning Of Darkness when I thought it was too late anyone feel free to point it out if they see it!


    More like M.A.D since they dropped their label I guess lol but we'll see

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