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Posts posted by Kiryu999

  1. 17 minutes ago, Disposable said:

    this band is good, their releases are uploaded nowhere, the vocalist is really ugly


    and five types for a live limited has to be a record of some sort


    They're so popular in the scene in Japan but no one care about them overseas haha I think 5 types is like one for each members.


    There is also something about them shooting a MV but they have to get some RTs on twitter for it but I just can't figure out the details about it so



  2. I'm not 100% sure if I understand it right so correction are welcome if needed but 0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan) will release their new live-limited singles from their live at Shinjuku ReNY on September 1st, more details are tba.


    They'll hold their 2nd anniversary ONEMAN at Akasaka BLITZ (!!) at 2018/03/27.








  3. That's great! Not a big fan of them but I'm happy that it isn't B7KLAN who's handling the tour, I'll still try to go if there's a gig in Paris or another city in France. Also looking forward for you to bring other bands in the future :) 

  4. 11 minutes ago, violetchain said:

    What a weird look. It feels like they just bought a big box of used VK costume pieces and kind of awkwardly stuck them on over their street clothes...


    Lmao exactly! The guy on the right with the shorts and that skulls necklace like what the hell is that ?And the guy on the far left looks cool but completely disconnected from everyone else. I do like the singer's look tho

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