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  1. Like
    Serox reacted to Kaye in Trombe has disbanded   
    To all the people complaining that now "there won't be any news anymore" let me tell you this as a person who's written for newswebsites for years: when you see one person do 95% of the stuff, you're easily demotivated to even go and try to see if whatever news you've bumped into is already there or not. So people who want to help but aren't as quick will either see that person as an easy way out, "they'll do it, I guess. Maybe already did", or will just start believing they're simply "not good enough" to bother posting anything at all.  With such a person not around anymore, people will be more inclined to actually post a thing when they come across it. The "next gen" MH news people will show up by themselves for sure.
    That said, Trombe did lots of work through these years, and all of it was because they felt like it. While they might not have made the best decisions concerning issues and MH as a team, the work itself can't be ignored. But doing lots of work (essentially no one's asking you to do) doesn't equal being able to do whatever the fuck you want to. Rules are rules. And they are there for every single one of us.
  2. Like
    Serox reacted to chemicalpictures in Trombe has disbanded   
    Oh well...
    1 - I kinda know what this is about, and rules are indeed rules. News section are a section of the forum as any other, so ANYONE could and should post there. While I understand that it's kinda lame for people to manipulate timestamps, use older posts or alter shit just to appear to be the first post and stuff like that, I also think that says much more about the person who did it than it affects the community as a whole. That's why we have mods, I guess. To do what's necessary, even when that means hurting the form in some way;
    2 - That being said, people should absolutely NOT dismiss the service @Trombedid for the community all those years. I'm here for I don't know long, and no one will be able to match him/her in news broadcasting EVER. MH is THE frontpage of western VK on the internet, and the news section is one of the big reasons for this. Trombe work was so good and fast that it spoiled us, to be honest. THANK YOU, Trombe;
    3 - Him/her/it describing itself as a band is a joke guys, c'mon;
    Wish you luck, Trombe. maybe bringing up your own news site/tumblr/twitter will provide you the control of the news you think it's necessary, or maybe your're back next week, since we old forum geezers apparently can't stay out for long, as someone said before. In any case, hope to see you again pal. Thanks again! cheers!
  3. Like
    Serox reacted to Danao in Trombe has disbanded   
    I am not his pet, nor his friend, nor anything to him at all. 
    I am posting in this drama thread for the simple reason that VK news is the main reason why I am here on  MH, and thanks to this drama, again, VK news are going to vanish little by little 
    I don't know what happened and I don't care AT ALL
    Like it has been said before, even when you follow 10000 twitter bandmen, you can even keep track of everything, since not everything is posted there and there are like 20 messages/minutes. So yes the fact that Trombe will no longer post in this section is a huge problem for me and probably for many others who DO care about your so-called "no1cur about bands"
    I get it that stuff happened, shit happened either and I get it that Trombe nor anybody in this forum should have the right to do whatever they want, that's a fact, still this one thing will have an impact on a very important section of this forum.
    And yes, it is an important section, just look at the number of answers, even people nobody knows are posting atm to say how it will change MH
    So of course you are all able to say whatever you want  and think whatever you want about Trombe and the people who kinda "support" him, but if your throw you egos away for a moment, you will agree with other people who say he is a huge contributor in this forum and not having him will clearly change a part of MH.
  4. Like
    Serox reacted to IGM_Oficial in Trombe has disbanded   
    Trombe's leaving.
    I don't know why you were banned nor the motivation of your rule-breaking behavior, but the fact that you made an amazing work can't be denied.
    Monochrome heaven and the international visual kei fan community won't be the same without you.
    So, thank you.
  5. Like
    Serox reacted to inartistic in Trombe has disbanded   
    I'm just sad I never got to find out who/what Trombe is, and how they manage to post 24/7 (job???)
    Btw, I just wanna take this opportunity to invite everyone to weloveucp.com―maybe now the news won't be 3 months old by the time I get around to posting it
    What are some other barely-current vk news sources? Shattered Tranquility, ... ?
  6. Like
    Serox reacted to Naaaaani in Trombe has disbanded   
    Come on, Trombe, create your own blog with VK-news. I suppose, most of the mh members will read it like they have read it here.
  7. Like
    Serox got a reaction from inartistic in Trombe has disbanded   
    ?? Italiano? 
  8. Like
    Serox reacted to saltofstones in Trombe has disbanded   
    I don't know what happened, so I'm going to assume there is some reason the mods have all  converged towards that ban and they weren't just being bullies. But even if Trombe was in the wrong, that does not in any way invalidate all the valuable contributions this person brought to the News section and the forum in general. I find it in poor taste to suddenly start acting as if his work wasn't such a big deal or even worse, that it was inconvenient this person was so thorough in news coverage.  I didn't see anyone complain about this before, so It feels disingenuous to start downplaying his/her work now that he/she won't post anymore.  I'm sure it's not the same for everyone here, but take a step back and it's easy to realize some of us were really appreciative of all the news posted, either minor or major, and in very due time. Just an opinion from someone who barely posts and has no  particular sympathies for anyone.
  9. Like
    Serox reacted to Gaz in Trombe has disbanded   
    bull. i don't want to follow 100500 twitters/amebas/facebooks of all my favorite bands because i don't even like these crappy networks to begin with. and also don't have time to check everything that is relevant for me. it is (was?) MUCH easier to just check the news section once per day and spend like 5-10 minutes to know everything i need to know. now, though... i guess i can survive without these news afterall. 
    @Trombethanks a lot for all your hard work and good luck in your future doings~
  10. Like
    Serox reacted to Seimeisen in Trombe has disbanded   
    Everyone thinks you're a robot there I said it
  11. Like
    Serox reacted to Jigsaw9 in Trombe has disbanded   
    You shall be missed, @Trombeif this is really your final decision. Thanks for the awesome work!
  12. Like
    Serox reacted to Tokage in Trombe has disbanded   
    if you literally gave half as much of a shit about the bands you stan then you'd know where to find relevant news about them yourself anyway lmao
    being ''the news guy'' shouldn't be an excuse to just go around breaking the rules, insulting mods and acting like a diva for no fucking reason, if other people aren't allowed to bandodge then why should he?
  13. Like
    Serox reacted to Danao in Trombe has disbanded   
    Congrats for killing MH, the main thing of this forum is the fact that there are news posted daily, you can track every releasse including live limited releases
    if those news don't appear anymore, or 1 out of 10 news appear, where's the point now ?  I honestly don't give a **** about your dramas as long as it doesn't change anything on MH, apparantly now it does.
    so far nobody was able to post as much news as Trombe does/did
    if you really decide to stop posting news Trombe then thanks for your amazing work throughout these years and have fun !
  14. Like
    Serox reacted to Chi in Trombe has disbanded   
  15. Like
    Serox got a reaction from appl- in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区(lolita23q) one-day revival with Vo.颯(sou) & live-distributed single   
    THE EVENT (Live At Tsutaya O-East) IS OFFICIAL SOLD OUT!!!!!! (1300 people!!!)
  16. Like
    Serox reacted to Yukami in EMIRU (ex-LAREINE) produce his music studio "METAMORPHOSE STUDIO TOKYO"   
    EMIRU announced on July 22 that has opened his own music studio called "METAMORPHOSE STUDIO TOKYO"

  17. Like
    Serox reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in V.A. abum "SHOCK WAVE CD Edition.7" release   
    Does FEST VAINQUEUR just know the right people to get on basically every omnibus ever, or are they producing them?
  18. Like
    Serox reacted to inartistic in MALISEND will disband   
    Ok, we need to start using these powers for profit
    (Seriously though, I guess after talking shit so much, I literally thought this had already been announced when I saw the tweet today, lol)
  19. Like
    Serox reacted to jesusphobia in MALISEND will disband   
    they're....... malisending
  20. Like
    Serox reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in MALISEND will disband   
    @inartisticdid we will this into coming true???
  21. Like
    Serox got a reaction from blackdream in KILLANETH 丐(kai) produce brand "Another Neid Kerberos"   
    In fact I have expressed my personal opinion about the "band", NOT on who listens to them. for me everyone is free to listen to what you want! ^^ /
  22. Like
    Serox reacted to sakuran in MALISEND will disband   
    The Great Ains Tax Evasion Scheme continues...
  23. Like
    Serox got a reaction from suji in KILLANETH 丐(kai) produce brand "Another Neid Kerberos"   
    In fact I have expressed my personal opinion about the "band", NOT on who listens to them. for me everyone is free to listen to what you want! ^^ /
  24. Like
    Serox got a reaction from itsukoii in KILLANETH 丐(kai) produce brand "Another Neid Kerberos"   
    They make horrible plagiarism and try to be a ugly copy of Mejibray
  25. Like
    Serox got a reaction from suji in KILLANETH 丐(kai) produce brand "Another Neid Kerberos"   
    They make horrible plagiarism and try to be a ugly copy of Mejibray
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