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Posts posted by Koike

  1. that's your childhood trauma showing up beholders share tbh.

    the entire madara era music, looks and videos are iconiq and are still ripped off by lesser coming up bands, remaining superior 10+ years after.

    Oh the music was good I admit, but I just never found the looks appealing. Maybe I just am a boring person who prefers more casual look with blazers and cardigans rather than all those accessories and complex outfits.

  2. I've never really cared about the looks. Some bands just looked ridiculous with their "drastic look". Lets take this not-so-old picture (sorry about the potato quality), which looks more like toilet paper wrapped around his hand than something cool and unique. Some bands pulled the drastic look off pretty well, but those were rare cases IMO. Maybe I'm just boring, but I'm rather pleased that most bands have ditched the idea to ride with the outfits rather than the music.


    I agree that the music used to sound more eerie and dark, but I'm just pleased that there's more diversity in bands instead of everyone trying to sound the same.



  3. Had to put down my dog today. I was about 7'ish when she came, so she has been in my life ever since I started school. She always came to greet me when I came home, but now there's no one at the door. Thanks from these 13 joyful years, Mimmu.

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