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Posts posted by Koike

  1. These guys were completely new to me, even the previous vocaloid stuff, but as you mentioned, they have quite recognizable style and vocalist blends really well with the instruments. The album itself felt really solid combination as some songs felt like they shared same story and theme with others.



    終着点 begins quite fast but steadies after the first couple beats and chords. Vocalist sounds pleasant and doesn't stand too overblowingly. I personally loved the bass in chorus and final pre-chorus. It stood up beautifully and created some depth to the sound.


    インパーフェクション was really catchy! Almost started jumping around my room when it began. Verse had really マトリョシカ'ish feeling on it, but it didn't bother me and the chorus was catchy and once again the bass was amazing in final chorus/outro.


    N/A intro and outro rocked so much! After the intro, the song turned a bit dull and simple compared to the other songs and I didn't really like how they finished it but then 5カウントハロー  started which almost felt like a fast forward sequel to it. Both songs had quite eerie-like bridge also. Amazing consistency between these two, even though N/A was a bit too repetitive.


    Oh boy ピューパ・シネマ and its distorted intro. This song took me into some oriental metropolis and I was just running around there observing everything. Bass was really noticeable again and it feels like it is one of their strongest points. Bridge was rather long, but the acoustic part in the end of it was great addition.


    癖 was nice breathing room after all this pounding and energetic outbursts this album had been so far. Vocalist showed that he can sing heartbreaking tunes also, but it didn't turn the song into sobfest, but it actually felt rather relieving.


    NONSENSE was just like the name suggested. Crazy intro to huge outburst of guitar and drums. So much stuff happening in the verse and suddenly it turns more peaceful just to burst into fastpaced chorus with bass once again having nice groovy tune on the back. Bridge was also nice in this one as it highlighted the drums quite a lot. One of my favourite tracks!


    ボートマン first sounded like it was some love child of 5カウントハロー, but the verse was a bit more minimalist than in it, and the pre-chorus was a bit of a disappointment. Chorus was catchy though, and it had nice groove in it, but the outro was a bit out of the place. Probably my least favourite track in this album.


    なぜなぜ was a great minimal, and the chorus got this same oriental theme as ピューパ・シネマ. The vocals were not too over the top and the whole oriental'ish sound complimented it quite well.


    In 我楽多遊び the instruments were really over the top, but that's what this band is about. A lot of different vibes, with the same oriental'ish guitar sound in it. This was also really cheerful and enjoyable.


    Bass had really strong influence in ゴーストロール and the guitar was a bit more "behind" compared to other songs. The verse was nice, but the chorus was a bit too pop'ish for my own taste, but great song nevertheless.


    Soo, the final song of album, センスレス・ワンダー continued with the fast paced 9001 punches into air/second and it didn't really give me time to breath. It didn't have really traits that stand out compared to other songs, but it was interesting and kept me entertained for the whole time.



    A bit half-assed review, but I seriously recommend this album to every indie rock junkie and those who want to have fast-paced and fun 45 minutes! Just as sai mentioned, the vocals aren't Ling Toshite Sigure level, so it's easier to approach. The bass is really groovy in most of the songs and stands out a lot. Fun, eccentric and joyful would be the three best words to describe this album. Definitely going to keep an eye on these guys' future work.

  2. I got pair of Audio Pro Addon Six active speakers a while ago, and I got to say that I prefer to listen music with these rather than headphones. Also makes watching TV more enjoyable as TV's usually have kinda bad sound quality. Probably going to get new headphones soon so the comparison is a bit more fair since speakers were quite a bit more expensive than my shitty headphones ^^'

  3. Yay for cocklobin and DEATHGAZE \o/


    01. DELACROIX - 廃色の雨に想う

    02. アヲイ - 夜光ブギー

    03. Lapko - King & Queen

    04. MEJIBRAY - カルマ -瓦礫のマンティコーラース-

    05. Dir en Grey - embryo

    06. The GazettE - センチメンタルな鬼ごっこ

    07. DIAURA - endless loop (cover song)

    08. Lustknot - PARANOID BOX

    09. Poets of the Fall - Someone Special

    10. Dir en Grey - 砂上の唄


    It has been ages since I've listened Lapko, but I always have some kind of spot for it. Awoi is awesome too, but I don't really like that song :l

  4. Yo everyone. I'm a guy from Finland who has been interested in Japanese culture and music, especially a bit heavier one since... 2005'ish or something. I'd say Gazette, An cafe and Miyavi were the first ones I listened to, but nowadays I prefer deathcore, progressive rock and grunge-esque music, but also umm... I don't really know where to categorize Finnish bands as Rubik and Pariisin Kevät, but they are awesome too! Such variety, many bands, wow. I also like to make terrible jokes and I like memes, especially doge. Doge is love, doge is life... ok not really, but you get the point. I love video games and manga and anime and yada yada from Evangelions to shamisens and so on. I also play LoL on both EU servers, so if someone wants to play, feel free to message me!


    Yea that pretty much sums up my dull life at the moment... I guess ^^'

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