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  1. LOVE!
    -NOVA- got a reaction from jduv86 in DEVILOOF TABS   
    Seiya Gt. of DEVILOOF has been posting tabs for some of DEVILOOF's songs so just thought i'd make a thread for them.
    I'll update this thread in the future in case more get added. 

  2. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to Shaolan974 in Neverland 2nd DVD live 『Ⅳ』release + full album release   
    "IV" tracklist :
    ■2017.04.12:TSUTAYA O-WEST
    01. Dummy
    02. 666Hz
    03. ハイカラ輪舞曲
    04. セカイのハジマリ
    05. 『嘘と月』
    06. Heart sleep
    07. 桜時計
    09. 絶交×キャンディ
    10. アグリマン
    11. Merry go land
    EN1. DeadMAN
    EN3. 憂鬱チェリー
    EN4. ノンフィクション
    EN5. ココロアンブレラ
    01. Missing memory
    02. Dummy
    03. 『嘘と月』
    04. Land Escape
    05. ハイカラ輪舞曲
    06. 絶交×キャンディ
    08. DILEMMA
    09. セカイのハジマリ
    10. Daydream
    EN1. 666Hz
    EN2. アグリマン
    EN3. ココロアンブレラ
    EN5. Jupiter
  3. LOLOL
    -NOVA- reacted to pawzord in DADAROMA new mini-album 「This is “LIVE”」release   
    i mean, what did yall expect? kinky flower picking?
  4. I feel ya..
    -NOVA- reacted to Kiryu999 in Vexent 1st MINI ALBUM 「BLAZE」Release   
    This new look kinda suck but that's maybe not their look for the mini-album (I hope)
  5. Like
  6. Like
  7. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to suji in new band "CHOKE" has formed   
  8. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to The Piass in Deviloof have signed with DangerCrue 9thRecords + new single   
    Limited edition : 1620 yen
    CD :
    01. 「開花」(Kaika)
    02. 孤独死(Kodoku shi)
    03. Ruin(LIVE)
    04. EGOIST(LIVE)
    Regular edition : 1000 yen + taxes
    CD :
    01. 「開花」(Kaika)
    02. 孤独死(Kodoku shi)

  9. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to Yukami in DiSPiИA members new band "ジグソウ" (Jigsaw) has formed   
    1st release "Hasami" [2 type] (2018.06.06)

  10. 悲しい
    -NOVA- reacted to patientZERO in Deviloof have signed with DangerCrue 9thRecords + new single   
    And it seems that there will be a live-limited version.
    Fuck my life.
  11. Like
    -NOVA- got a reaction from Mamo in Deviloof have signed with DangerCrue 9thRecords + new single   
    The new single 『「開花」』(Kaika) will be released on 04.25.18
  12. LOLOL
    -NOVA- reacted to suji in ZIN (ex-Jupiter) to commence solo activities   
    it probably
    ....declared independence.
  13. LOVE!
    -NOVA- got a reaction from spockitty in DIMLIM ONEMAN 【THE SILENT SONG】Review   
    Gt. Ryuya, Vo. Sho, Gt. Retsu
    Ba. Yume (ex-Pisaro, Now in DIMLIM)
    Dr. Hibiki (ex-A Ghost of Flare)
    1. Birth
    2. Innocent Passion
    4. Limit of reverse
    5. Age of lies
    6. Destroy a desire
    8. 浄土の花
    9. 記憶、紺碧の微笑み‬
    10. 初潮
    11. 虚妄の歌
    13. 「」
    15. 塵外
    16. ハレワタ
    17. MASSACRE (Chorus)
    This was one of my first concert experiences in Japan and it was one of the most memorable concerts I've ever been to.  The venue is Takadanobaba AREA and I must admit in pictures it looks tiny, but once inside it’s a lot larger than I expected. The venue is divided into 3 sections: the front, middle, and back. Of course, your boy here was in the front! There was a lot of guys at the live; to my surprise I think it was an even number of girls and guys. Walking into the live, there was a curtain raised with a projection of the DIMLIM logo and the sounds of baby’s crying and screaming. It was very fitting because I wanted to scream as well, I was thrilled to finally see DIMLIM live. The live started a bit late but once it began the projection went away and the SE track “birth” began. The curtain was still raised, but a light from the other side projected the shadows of Ryuya, Sho, and Retsu onto the curtain. They stood still until “birth” ended. A few seconds of silence passed, and they just gained life as they began playing “Innocent Passion
    . The song began with the opening riffs, and once Sho gave his scream, the curtain was lowered revealing all of them. 

    Everyone looked amazing, but Sho stood out since the paint on him was inverted from the paint he had on the MV for “THE SILENT SONG”. He had a white colored face with black details. He still looked killer. As they played, Sho hits all the screams, including the intense high-pitched ones. Most bands skip these types of screams, but Sho made sure he hit each one. Other noteworthy standouts are Ryuya and Yume (At the time he was in Pisaro but he’s now officially in DIMLIM). I was shocked at how skinny Ryuya was, even though he still looked great. Yume, well, he’s short. I’m not joking. He’s so tiny, he had a box next to him, that he would use to stand when he wanted to yell something or get the crowd’s attention. It was cute haha. Everyone was noteworthy because Hibiki (ex- A Ghost of Flare), despite not being in a visual-kei band, still wore eye shadow, did his hair, and wore a cool outfit. He looked wonderful. And Retsu… well he’s fucking beautiful, so nothing else I can say there.

    They played a few more songs, but I was so unprepared once they got to “Destroy a desire”. A lot of the songs had dance moves that go with them, like fist pumping or waving your hands side to side, etc. (AKA Furitsuke). For the most part, it was headbanging. But for “Destroy a desire”, people started jumping side to side. They first jumped to the right and before I could make it and realize what was going on, they started jumping to the left (towards me) and I almost crashed in to one of the girls. Side note: Im 6’3” so I’m nowhere near little. I would have destroyed this girl. Luckily, I managed to jump left and join them.
    After this they debuted the song 「」.It began with the whispers of a women and goes into a techno like rhythm. The pacing of the song is slower than the usual songs DIMLIM puts out. Its not the heaviest song, but there are some screams. My personal favorite part is the harmonics that Ryuya adds during the slow parts. It’s a really nice song.
    To my surprise they played “初潮”afterwards. I was expecting this song to be their closing song, but I didn’t mind it. It’s every bit as beautiful and powerful live as I’d hoped it be. I gained so much respect for Yume because he owned that solo and overall did an awesome job. He even played it sitting just like Tsubasa (former Bassist) used to. Retsu executed the solo beautify and it gave me chills seeing it played live.

    And probably the most fun I had was during the wall of death. For those that don’t know, a wall of death is when the crowd splits into two and gets some distance between them, so they can run towards one another. During “MASSACRE”, Sho asked us to split and so we did and as he was hyping us up I proceeded to taunt the other side haha (I flexed a bit haha). 
    Unfortunately, I don't remember much about “Age of lies” and “記憶、紺碧の微笑み”. These two songs where part of the first live limited single so this was my first time listening to them. All i rember is one of them not being as heavy, so kind of slow. Wish I can say more but thats all I got.
    The main set ended, and they played a short video. Sadly, I can't read Japanese, or at least all the Kanji that was there. There was a lot of clapping and cheering haha. The video ended, and the curtain opened, and the band stood before us. All the lights were off and out of nowhere Sho gave a powerful scream that began “THE SILENT SONG”. Sho had a podium in front of him like the one in the MV. It was painted black and had the DIMLIM logo sprayed onto it. It was a really nice touch and I wasn't expecting it. Sho sang the song with the podium. He would lean on it in order to get closer to the crowd and even shaking it to get the crowd going. Sadly, he shook it too hard and halfway through the song the podium fell apart. Sho tried to hold it together, but it collapsed, and all the pieces fell to the floor. Sho sighed but he laughed it off and continued singing. Staff stepped in and removed the pieces off the stage.
    I figured that the end was near, and of course they closed with their debut song “ハレワタ”. All i can say is Holy Hell was it good live. The energy they gave off was incredible. They played and sang passionately and when they headbanged, everyone headbanged. The song ended, and I thought it was over. I was wrong, DIMLIM wanted to get us going one last time so they transitioned into the chorus of MASSACRE and made us do a wall of death again to end the show and we did. I taunted again hehe... and the show ended as powerfully as it had begun.

    They have this thing where if you buy cheki, certain cheki will be marked with "Lucky" in Kanji. If you get a cheki with one of these written on them you can take a picture with one of the members. I bought three and got Luky hehe... I was thrilled, and I yelled a bit and some of the girls there game me a stink eye. You snooze you lose, because I didn’t see those girls after, so they didn't get lucky HAHA.
    I waited in line to take my picture and once it was my turn I was really nervous. I went in the room and there they were Sho, Ryuya, and Retsu. I wanted to tell them something at least, so I told them I had come from the U.S. to see them. And that their music is super cool.
    Sho nodded with his arms crossed and said "hmm”. I’m guessing that a good thing, Ryuya said "Ahhh". lol and hands down the best reaction was Retsu. He said in English,
    "I can speak english a little bit.... Stay with Us!" I wanted to cry he made the effort to speak English for me and he did it so well.  I took my picture with Retsu ❤️ 

  14. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to Jiyo in POIDOL new single "エウレカ" (Eureka) release   
    POIDOL 2nd single "エウレカ" (Eureka) will be released on 2018.04.04 in 2 Type.
    Their 1st oneman live will be hold on 2018.06.03 at Ikebukuro Edge

  15. Like
    -NOVA- got a reaction from Pandora_99 in DIMLIM ONEMAN 【THE SILENT SONG】Review   
    Gt. Ryuya, Vo. Sho, Gt. Retsu
    Ba. Yume (ex-Pisaro, Now in DIMLIM)
    Dr. Hibiki (ex-A Ghost of Flare)
    1. Birth
    2. Innocent Passion
    4. Limit of reverse
    5. Age of lies
    6. Destroy a desire
    8. 浄土の花
    9. 記憶、紺碧の微笑み‬
    10. 初潮
    11. 虚妄の歌
    13. 「」
    15. 塵外
    16. ハレワタ
    17. MASSACRE (Chorus)
    This was one of my first concert experiences in Japan and it was one of the most memorable concerts I've ever been to.  The venue is Takadanobaba AREA and I must admit in pictures it looks tiny, but once inside it’s a lot larger than I expected. The venue is divided into 3 sections: the front, middle, and back. Of course, your boy here was in the front! There was a lot of guys at the live; to my surprise I think it was an even number of girls and guys. Walking into the live, there was a curtain raised with a projection of the DIMLIM logo and the sounds of baby’s crying and screaming. It was very fitting because I wanted to scream as well, I was thrilled to finally see DIMLIM live. The live started a bit late but once it began the projection went away and the SE track “birth” began. The curtain was still raised, but a light from the other side projected the shadows of Ryuya, Sho, and Retsu onto the curtain. They stood still until “birth” ended. A few seconds of silence passed, and they just gained life as they began playing “Innocent Passion
    . The song began with the opening riffs, and once Sho gave his scream, the curtain was lowered revealing all of them. 

    Everyone looked amazing, but Sho stood out since the paint on him was inverted from the paint he had on the MV for “THE SILENT SONG”. He had a white colored face with black details. He still looked killer. As they played, Sho hits all the screams, including the intense high-pitched ones. Most bands skip these types of screams, but Sho made sure he hit each one. Other noteworthy standouts are Ryuya and Yume (At the time he was in Pisaro but he’s now officially in DIMLIM). I was shocked at how skinny Ryuya was, even though he still looked great. Yume, well, he’s short. I’m not joking. He’s so tiny, he had a box next to him, that he would use to stand when he wanted to yell something or get the crowd’s attention. It was cute haha. Everyone was noteworthy because Hibiki (ex- A Ghost of Flare), despite not being in a visual-kei band, still wore eye shadow, did his hair, and wore a cool outfit. He looked wonderful. And Retsu… well he’s fucking beautiful, so nothing else I can say there.

    They played a few more songs, but I was so unprepared once they got to “Destroy a desire”. A lot of the songs had dance moves that go with them, like fist pumping or waving your hands side to side, etc. (AKA Furitsuke). For the most part, it was headbanging. But for “Destroy a desire”, people started jumping side to side. They first jumped to the right and before I could make it and realize what was going on, they started jumping to the left (towards me) and I almost crashed in to one of the girls. Side note: Im 6’3” so I’m nowhere near little. I would have destroyed this girl. Luckily, I managed to jump left and join them.
    After this they debuted the song 「」.It began with the whispers of a women and goes into a techno like rhythm. The pacing of the song is slower than the usual songs DIMLIM puts out. Its not the heaviest song, but there are some screams. My personal favorite part is the harmonics that Ryuya adds during the slow parts. It’s a really nice song.
    To my surprise they played “初潮”afterwards. I was expecting this song to be their closing song, but I didn’t mind it. It’s every bit as beautiful and powerful live as I’d hoped it be. I gained so much respect for Yume because he owned that solo and overall did an awesome job. He even played it sitting just like Tsubasa (former Bassist) used to. Retsu executed the solo beautify and it gave me chills seeing it played live.

    And probably the most fun I had was during the wall of death. For those that don’t know, a wall of death is when the crowd splits into two and gets some distance between them, so they can run towards one another. During “MASSACRE”, Sho asked us to split and so we did and as he was hyping us up I proceeded to taunt the other side haha (I flexed a bit haha). 
    Unfortunately, I don't remember much about “Age of lies” and “記憶、紺碧の微笑み”. These two songs where part of the first live limited single so this was my first time listening to them. All i rember is one of them not being as heavy, so kind of slow. Wish I can say more but thats all I got.
    The main set ended, and they played a short video. Sadly, I can't read Japanese, or at least all the Kanji that was there. There was a lot of clapping and cheering haha. The video ended, and the curtain opened, and the band stood before us. All the lights were off and out of nowhere Sho gave a powerful scream that began “THE SILENT SONG”. Sho had a podium in front of him like the one in the MV. It was painted black and had the DIMLIM logo sprayed onto it. It was a really nice touch and I wasn't expecting it. Sho sang the song with the podium. He would lean on it in order to get closer to the crowd and even shaking it to get the crowd going. Sadly, he shook it too hard and halfway through the song the podium fell apart. Sho tried to hold it together, but it collapsed, and all the pieces fell to the floor. Sho sighed but he laughed it off and continued singing. Staff stepped in and removed the pieces off the stage.
    I figured that the end was near, and of course they closed with their debut song “ハレワタ”. All i can say is Holy Hell was it good live. The energy they gave off was incredible. They played and sang passionately and when they headbanged, everyone headbanged. The song ended, and I thought it was over. I was wrong, DIMLIM wanted to get us going one last time so they transitioned into the chorus of MASSACRE and made us do a wall of death again to end the show and we did. I taunted again hehe... and the show ended as powerfully as it had begun.

    They have this thing where if you buy cheki, certain cheki will be marked with "Lucky" in Kanji. If you get a cheki with one of these written on them you can take a picture with one of the members. I bought three and got Luky hehe... I was thrilled, and I yelled a bit and some of the girls there game me a stink eye. You snooze you lose, because I didn’t see those girls after, so they didn't get lucky HAHA.
    I waited in line to take my picture and once it was my turn I was really nervous. I went in the room and there they were Sho, Ryuya, and Retsu. I wanted to tell them something at least, so I told them I had come from the U.S. to see them. And that their music is super cool.
    Sho nodded with his arms crossed and said "hmm”. I’m guessing that a good thing, Ryuya said "Ahhh". lol and hands down the best reaction was Retsu. He said in English,
    "I can speak english a little bit.... Stay with Us!" I wanted to cry he made the effort to speak English for me and he did it so well.  I took my picture with Retsu ❤️ 

  16. Like
    -NOVA- got a reaction from Kuro in DIMLIM ONEMAN 【THE SILENT SONG】Review   
    Gt. Ryuya, Vo. Sho, Gt. Retsu
    Ba. Yume (ex-Pisaro, Now in DIMLIM)
    Dr. Hibiki (ex-A Ghost of Flare)
    1. Birth
    2. Innocent Passion
    4. Limit of reverse
    5. Age of lies
    6. Destroy a desire
    8. 浄土の花
    9. 記憶、紺碧の微笑み‬
    10. 初潮
    11. 虚妄の歌
    13. 「」
    15. 塵外
    16. ハレワタ
    17. MASSACRE (Chorus)
    This was one of my first concert experiences in Japan and it was one of the most memorable concerts I've ever been to.  The venue is Takadanobaba AREA and I must admit in pictures it looks tiny, but once inside it’s a lot larger than I expected. The venue is divided into 3 sections: the front, middle, and back. Of course, your boy here was in the front! There was a lot of guys at the live; to my surprise I think it was an even number of girls and guys. Walking into the live, there was a curtain raised with a projection of the DIMLIM logo and the sounds of baby’s crying and screaming. It was very fitting because I wanted to scream as well, I was thrilled to finally see DIMLIM live. The live started a bit late but once it began the projection went away and the SE track “birth” began. The curtain was still raised, but a light from the other side projected the shadows of Ryuya, Sho, and Retsu onto the curtain. They stood still until “birth” ended. A few seconds of silence passed, and they just gained life as they began playing “Innocent Passion
    . The song began with the opening riffs, and once Sho gave his scream, the curtain was lowered revealing all of them. 

    Everyone looked amazing, but Sho stood out since the paint on him was inverted from the paint he had on the MV for “THE SILENT SONG”. He had a white colored face with black details. He still looked killer. As they played, Sho hits all the screams, including the intense high-pitched ones. Most bands skip these types of screams, but Sho made sure he hit each one. Other noteworthy standouts are Ryuya and Yume (At the time he was in Pisaro but he’s now officially in DIMLIM). I was shocked at how skinny Ryuya was, even though he still looked great. Yume, well, he’s short. I’m not joking. He’s so tiny, he had a box next to him, that he would use to stand when he wanted to yell something or get the crowd’s attention. It was cute haha. Everyone was noteworthy because Hibiki (ex- A Ghost of Flare), despite not being in a visual-kei band, still wore eye shadow, did his hair, and wore a cool outfit. He looked wonderful. And Retsu… well he’s fucking beautiful, so nothing else I can say there.

    They played a few more songs, but I was so unprepared once they got to “Destroy a desire”. A lot of the songs had dance moves that go with them, like fist pumping or waving your hands side to side, etc. (AKA Furitsuke). For the most part, it was headbanging. But for “Destroy a desire”, people started jumping side to side. They first jumped to the right and before I could make it and realize what was going on, they started jumping to the left (towards me) and I almost crashed in to one of the girls. Side note: Im 6’3” so I’m nowhere near little. I would have destroyed this girl. Luckily, I managed to jump left and join them.
    After this they debuted the song 「」.It began with the whispers of a women and goes into a techno like rhythm. The pacing of the song is slower than the usual songs DIMLIM puts out. Its not the heaviest song, but there are some screams. My personal favorite part is the harmonics that Ryuya adds during the slow parts. It’s a really nice song.
    To my surprise they played “初潮”afterwards. I was expecting this song to be their closing song, but I didn’t mind it. It’s every bit as beautiful and powerful live as I’d hoped it be. I gained so much respect for Yume because he owned that solo and overall did an awesome job. He even played it sitting just like Tsubasa (former Bassist) used to. Retsu executed the solo beautify and it gave me chills seeing it played live.

    And probably the most fun I had was during the wall of death. For those that don’t know, a wall of death is when the crowd splits into two and gets some distance between them, so they can run towards one another. During “MASSACRE”, Sho asked us to split and so we did and as he was hyping us up I proceeded to taunt the other side haha (I flexed a bit haha). 
    Unfortunately, I don't remember much about “Age of lies” and “記憶、紺碧の微笑み”. These two songs where part of the first live limited single so this was my first time listening to them. All i rember is one of them not being as heavy, so kind of slow. Wish I can say more but thats all I got.
    The main set ended, and they played a short video. Sadly, I can't read Japanese, or at least all the Kanji that was there. There was a lot of clapping and cheering haha. The video ended, and the curtain opened, and the band stood before us. All the lights were off and out of nowhere Sho gave a powerful scream that began “THE SILENT SONG”. Sho had a podium in front of him like the one in the MV. It was painted black and had the DIMLIM logo sprayed onto it. It was a really nice touch and I wasn't expecting it. Sho sang the song with the podium. He would lean on it in order to get closer to the crowd and even shaking it to get the crowd going. Sadly, he shook it too hard and halfway through the song the podium fell apart. Sho tried to hold it together, but it collapsed, and all the pieces fell to the floor. Sho sighed but he laughed it off and continued singing. Staff stepped in and removed the pieces off the stage.
    I figured that the end was near, and of course they closed with their debut song “ハレワタ”. All i can say is Holy Hell was it good live. The energy they gave off was incredible. They played and sang passionately and when they headbanged, everyone headbanged. The song ended, and I thought it was over. I was wrong, DIMLIM wanted to get us going one last time so they transitioned into the chorus of MASSACRE and made us do a wall of death again to end the show and we did. I taunted again hehe... and the show ended as powerfully as it had begun.

    They have this thing where if you buy cheki, certain cheki will be marked with "Lucky" in Kanji. If you get a cheki with one of these written on them you can take a picture with one of the members. I bought three and got Luky hehe... I was thrilled, and I yelled a bit and some of the girls there game me a stink eye. You snooze you lose, because I didn’t see those girls after, so they didn't get lucky HAHA.
    I waited in line to take my picture and once it was my turn I was really nervous. I went in the room and there they were Sho, Ryuya, and Retsu. I wanted to tell them something at least, so I told them I had come from the U.S. to see them. And that their music is super cool.
    Sho nodded with his arms crossed and said "hmm”. I’m guessing that a good thing, Ryuya said "Ahhh". lol and hands down the best reaction was Retsu. He said in English,
    "I can speak english a little bit.... Stay with Us!" I wanted to cry he made the effort to speak English for me and he did it so well.  I took my picture with Retsu ❤️ 

  17. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to The Piass in Drummer Satoshi (ex-DIV) new band LapLus have formed   
    Their digital mini album "Hakumei" will be released on 2018.03.07.
    Tracklist :
    02.RED QUEEN-禁断の果実- (RED QUEEN-Kaidan no kajitsu)
    03.「夢幻に消えた翼は砂上に歌う」(Mugen ni kieta tsubasa wa sajô ni utau)
    04.Night Drive
  18. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to The Piass in Drummer Satoshi (ex-DIV) new band LapLus have formed   
    Their first live will be on 2018.04.08 at 高田馬場AREA. 





    Members :
    Dr.satoshi (ex-DIV)
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/Laplus_official
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/laplus.official/
    Website : http://laplus-official.com/
  19. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to suji in Plastic Tree new album「doorAdore」release   
    [CD tracklist]
    01.遠国 (ongaku)
    02.恋は灰色 (Koi wa haiiro)
    03.エクジスタンシアリスム (Existentialisme)
    04.雨中遊泳 (uchuu yuuei)
    05.サイレントノイズ (silent noise)
    06.サーチ アンド デストロイ (search and destroy)
    07.残映 (zanei)
    08.いろつき (irotsuki)
    09.念力 (nenriki)
    11.ノクターン (nocturne)
    12.静かの海 (shizuka no umi)




  20. Yikes
    -NOVA- reacted to suji in New band "ヴィルシーナ" (Verxina) has formed!!!   
    kinda offtopic but...
  21. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to zombieparadise in Project 「Project.Revive-リヴァイヴ-」。 have formed   
    Enya definitely looks the coolest. Couldn't even tell that was Mao.
    Kind of strange for their to be a specific look for a session band – Methinks its the start of something bigger.
  22. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to The Piass in Project 「Project.Revive-リヴァイヴ-」。 have formed   
    This project will hold a live on 2018.04.15 at SHIBUYA DESEO.
    Members :
    Vo:真緒(Mao) (ex-Sadie)
    Gt:MiA (ex-Mejibray)
    Gt:SARSHI  (Hero)
    Ba:塩谷朋之 (Tomoyuki En'ya) (12012, More etc)
    Dr:JIN (ex-Screw)






  23. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to Shaolan974 in Nocturnal Bloodlust will release a new EP   
  24. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to chocobuzz in ヴァージュ (Virge) 2nd minialbum 「高潮トキシコーシス」(kouchou toxicosis) release   
    here's the HD version of the group photo and some slightly different solo photos~





    damn aru looks good.
    //edit: they also posted a little video from the oneman live
  25. Like
    -NOVA- reacted to LIDL in MEJIBRAY members post-hiatus activities   
    That shade of pink hair is what I am after! 
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