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Posts posted by fictioninhope

  1. Next time you get a nest for those two Kelly I want one like the little male with okapi.. only female. XDD

    Aaahhhhh festival~! Maybe I'll luck out and get a nature egg finally after like 3 weeks of hunting for one. :|


    If you feel like it. ^_^ I just was digging around for the newbies in the ice forums and thought it was worth sharing. <3


    I'm trying to keep all the helpful guide-like links in the main post updated so people can just look there instead of having to weed through the replies(not that we have a lot of replies in this thread yet but you know what i mean lol). I'll probably work on it tomorrow after work. :3

  3. reg_window_may15.png



    In regards to the nuzlocke blogs I am soooooo behind on working on mine. Maybe I'll get to it soon. I've been really lazy in terms of FR stuffs the last few weeks. D;

  4. I encountered one of these at the store today and was straight-up flabbergasted:


    It seems like a peanut butter filled chocolate bar. Anyone ever tried one before?

    I haven't wanted to spend the money to try this yet(we sell it at work but our prices are kinda high unless something is on sale). It's supposed to be Reese's XL equivalent to like the XL Hershey's and Kitkats. I assume they thought they couldn't just make one massive peanut butter cup or something, idek. Kinda a shame, a massive peanut butter cup would be heaven.

    I am all for that Reese's shopping service idea tho. Or like.. MH Christmas penpal present thing and us Americans send gifts of Reese's to those less fortunate than us.

  5. I stopped following both some time ago(SuG was shortly after Vi-Vi-Vi and vistlip was after the first release after their wreck that killed their manager) so I'm not sure of the progression of their sounds between now and then. Having listened to both bands' new albums, I'd have to go with vistlip. Their sound has remained consistent through the entire album, and LAYOUT touched a bit on their old style(even though I hear some Kyo-esque pterodactyl screeches in there.. Tomo stahp). SuG's BLACK was mostly a letdown, the only decent song to me being the title song that wasn't even placed in the tracklist appropriately. The album was all over the place and made me kinda sad. :c

    Gonna stick with my intimidating-but-adorable bassist Umi and vistlip. ;3;

  6. I have a feeling the next open registration is going to be in June. But don't worry Furik, we'll annoy the fuck out of you to join the dragon cult. <3

    I hatched a shadow egg today that I had found during Trickmurk for my nuzlocke and got an adorable little Mirror girl that I named Grizzly to match the other's animal names and her primary color was brown shade so I thought it worked lol. Poor Panda's all outnumbered.

    You and your challenges, ender! XD I'll be good to manage this nuzlocke without giving up.

  7. Poor London's parents both were exalted(still can't believe the person who bought his mother from me named her MissIce.. like really?), I'm super happy he survived the culling. Also still super happy to have Chiba in my lair, tho I need to keep an eye on when he's ready to breed.. I swear it said he would be ready in 9 days like.. 6 days ago. I need Chiba/Naos babies. They are gonna have such pretty babies.

    More derg pics aww yiss~.



    These are two of my babies. First one is Theodore, named after my favorite US President. He is dapper as fuck. Second is Skittles. Skittles comes with a story. I was going through the Dragon Trades forum and happened upon a "Give a Smoke, Get a Smoke" trading thread where you post and give the person above you a dragon with the smoke tertiary gene. I had posted and given the person above me a really gorgeous Snapper girl. I mean I knew the poor baby was gonna get exalted or continuously passed around(Snappers aren't a very popular breed even though they are fat and adorable) and that I was gonna get a really crappy dragon in return but I posted anyway. And then I got Skittles. Talk about one of the ugliest mirror babies I had ever seen. His colors were gross, as well as the gene combination. His colors literally looked like if you partially chew up one of each of the colors of skittles at the same time and then spit the multi-colored mass out. Bad. So I got to looking and poor Skittles was only two days old and he had already been tossed around to more lairs than was really acceptable. I decided to keep him and never let him leave my lair. Now he's getting prepared to be one of my coli dragons to be trained by my Naoto and Zero and sports a gorgeous skin from last month's Mistral Jamboree(Teddy is also wearing a Mistral Jamboree skin). Eventually I plan on spending the treasure to get him new genes(planning on bar/daub/underbelly combo).



    To copy off ender, my nuzlocke team~!


    Panda, Fox and Bengal. I really lucked out with Panda, found him in the Auction House for 9000 treasure, I think it was. He was already named and I figured I'd go for an animal name theme with my nuzlocke dergs. Panda has glasses because it's part of my clan lore/nuzlocke story that I'm working on. And it's also part of the website's lore that tundra dragons have really bad eyesight lolol.





    I forgot to mention in the main post but I've got a few breeding pairs so if you guys check out my nesting grounds on occasion and see a nesting pair that you like the looks of just let me know and I'll let you have one of the pair's babies when the nest hatches. :3 The derg market is shit right now so selling dragons isn't really that great plus I'd love to continue to help you guys build your lairs. <3 I'll probably edit the main post as I think of new things to add that I've forgotten so make sure to check it every so often!

  8. So yesterday was open registration and  and I managed to convince a few of you of how awesome virtual dragons are. Yay! So glad to have some fellow MH peeps to play draggins with. Figured I'd start a thread where we can converse about how badass our lairs are etc.



    **6/13/15: I removed the majority of my typed up cheat-sheet under the spoiler tag due to it becoming mroe and more irrelevant as new things are released on the site. I left a few important things but please make sure to refer to many of the linked guides for assistance as they cover a lot of things more indepth than I can. Happy dragon times to everyone~.


    Feed your dragons. You can earn a gem a day after 3 days of keeping their energy over 80%(and continuing to keep it over 80% after those three days). It's super easy to do, I usually only feed my dragons two to three times a day. The lowest my dragons energy has gotten has been 96%. It pretty much takes forever for it to go down. Good rule of thumb is feed them in the morning before you leave for work and in the afternoon/evening. You could probably even get away with just feeding them in the afternoon when you get home from work. Might be something to test out.


    DO NOT BUY THINGS IN THE TREASURE MARKETPLACE WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING THE AUCTION HOUSE. I made this mistake often when I first started. Would spend 10k+ on an item only to find out it was selling in the Auction House for under 1k. The Auction House, generally speaking, is your friend. Even genes are typically cheaper in the Auction House(unless it's something brand new or a gem marketplace gene). 




    Exalting dragons

    Exalting dragons for profit is actually a pretty great way to make treasure once you have an established lair with more than just your clan progens to breed. It's recommended to get your exalt fodder to level 7 before you send them off to serve the dragon god of your chosen element. At level 7 exalt fodder generally brings in around 10k treasure profit, occasionally they will also leave you a few gems. With exalting, you no longer have access to that dragon, so don't exalt a dragon you love/are attached to because you will never get that dragon back. Training exalt fodder is a lot easier/faster once you have at least one dragon that's level 25, two dragons at level 25 make it even easier.





    Also gonna include some helpful forum threads ender and I have acquired over the past few months. Also, the Guides subset of the FR forum is great, go check it out.

    New User guide ****SUPER IMPORTANT READ FIRST****
    Coliseum guide #1 (This is my go to for leveling and stats for melee build!)

    Coliseum guide #2 (similar to #1)

    Coliseum guide #3 (offers details on two other coli builds)

    BBCode guide for FR

    Dragon size statistics

    Color Predictor (if you plan on breeding dragons for specific colors/genes this is good to check ranges of possible offspring)

    Lair Spreadsheet (a little time consuming when you have a large lair but good for keeping track of things!)

    Food guide (many images are broken because of a recent forum change and hasn't been updated but still a good general guide)

    Dragon size comparison (if you want a visual comparison of your dragons sizes, it's pretty amusing)

    FR Nuzlocke Challenge
    Hoard Autosell guide

    Breeding stats card

    Chest drop locations and contents

    FR Abbreviation guide

    Familiar Bonding guide

    Elemental Flight Festivals and YOU! 





    Hopefully this helps you wonderful new clans and any future clans that are created in future open registration periods! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I'm always willing to help. Also please let me know if any included links are broken and I'll make sure to fix the problem asap.

  9. Welcome to the forum officially! :3

    Hope you enjoy all of your future time here. Also feel free to check out the user review and staff review sections of the forum, they're a great place to get ideas on what new music to check out~.

    What level of Japanese are you at?

    PS- your intro isn't dumb. I also don't see any ramblings!


    jk ilu bbgurl, your gay mommy is glad to see you are gonna be around. Cause, you know, I don't really take the opportunity to talk to you on facebook. Cause I'm lazy and inadequate. But you should seriously stay this time and not leave. I'm here now so it's gonna be a requirement that you don't leave again.

  11. You are entitled to your opinions, this is true. But we are just as entitled to think your opinion is misguided and call you out on it. -Kanye shrug-  At this point I think you're just fishing for reactions but hey, whatever floats your boat. You want to keep giving people reasons to avoid you like the plague, be my guest. 




    I'm excited for the EU fans that plan on going. You guys better have a blasty blast! Who am I kidding tho, we all know you'll have a great time! :3 I expect many a cell phone picture to be uploaded. Don't let me down. I'll need something to get me through until they come back to the States.

  12. The fact of the matter is that right now, the people who are interested in non-vk and would want to post and read news on such music don't have the time for spam posting news or keeping track of yet another section of an already large forum. We don't have a non-vk-Trombe to spend every waking moment scouring Japanese webpages for news. Your suggestion isn't a horrible idea, it sounds pretty decent when you get to the bare bones of it, but at the current point of the forum and the members who do enjoy non-vk there just isn't enough time in the day or need for news segregation. There is maybe 1 in every 50 vk posts that's non-vk. That is no "surge" at all. You make valid points, I'm not trying to say you're not or anything like that for suggesting this. It's more along the lines of it just not being practical currently. Do you want to be the one sitting at your computer mindlessly posting thread after thread of news on non-vk to substantiate your suggestion of a separate news section? The answer is probably no. The prefix idea is probably going to be the most useful option until there is enough demand for and people who can post consistent non-vk news threads. The search function, tags and the "start date" option are in place for a reason.

    I can't say what vision the admins have for this forum in the future, I just download music and write reviews. I personally would love to see a bigger fanbase for non-vk, be it pop, rock, metal etc. But I don't think a segregated news section is gonna do that right now. There's just not enough people here to keep a separate news section updated enough to draw new people. A few news posts a month isn't gonna do what you are wanting it to do.

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