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  1. Like
    beni got a reaction from hiroki in Romance in Music: The Love Song Thread   
    Apologies if such a thread already exists (I cannot locate one at this moment in time), but I was in the mood after rediscovering an old favourite which prompted this thread:

    Lyrics under spoiler:
    The whole atmosphere, soft and somber vocals with the unbelievably gorgeous and pleasant lyrics is such perfection. The delivery is spot on and the build up is smooth as hell, never getting too loud but still putting you on edge. I find this song a hard one to explain. The usage of the rather unique theme of shutters and sunlight wanting to reach and touch your body and greeting you in the morning brings me to tears. It's such a beautiful song with a unique charm to it, making it powerful yet simple.  
    To a lesser extent, my Japanese pick would definitely go to the J-pop prince, Yuya Matushita's Kiss Me. I love the majority of his songs (there's too much to choose from when we're talking about Yuya love tbh), and Kiss Me is one of his more straightforward tunes, brimming with positive vibes and good, fluffy feels.

    Lyrics under spoiler:
    I have plenty of cheesy ones too but I'll refrain from embarrassing myself atm. Please note, as you might've noticed with my picks, this is for any kind of genre/music, any language in fact. Anyone else want to share the love?
  2. Like
    beni got a reaction from odrep in Romance in Music: The Love Song Thread   
    Apologies if such a thread already exists (I cannot locate one at this moment in time), but I was in the mood after rediscovering an old favourite which prompted this thread:

    Lyrics under spoiler:
    The whole atmosphere, soft and somber vocals with the unbelievably gorgeous and pleasant lyrics is such perfection. The delivery is spot on and the build up is smooth as hell, never getting too loud but still putting you on edge. I find this song a hard one to explain. The usage of the rather unique theme of shutters and sunlight wanting to reach and touch your body and greeting you in the morning brings me to tears. It's such a beautiful song with a unique charm to it, making it powerful yet simple.  
    To a lesser extent, my Japanese pick would definitely go to the J-pop prince, Yuya Matushita's Kiss Me. I love the majority of his songs (there's too much to choose from when we're talking about Yuya love tbh), and Kiss Me is one of his more straightforward tunes, brimming with positive vibes and good, fluffy feels.

    Lyrics under spoiler:
    I have plenty of cheesy ones too but I'll refrain from embarrassing myself atm. Please note, as you might've noticed with my picks, this is for any kind of genre/music, any language in fact. Anyone else want to share the love?
  3. Like
    beni got a reaction from suji in ex-BLACK CAT Dr.SHINTARO has been arrested & fired   
    ^ Yeah, hate to say and think it but this has probably happened on too many occassions. Disappointing, I liked how the band sounded when I checked them out a while back. Good luck to the rest of the band.
  4. Like
    beni got a reaction from CELESTIAL CIEL in What are you listening to?   
  5. Like
    beni reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
  6. Like
    beni reacted to TetsuAkira in Afternoon...   
    I've literally been stalking this site for 7 years now. (Even when it had the different name which I've now forgotten). About 9 years ago I hung around Batsu! Anyone remember Batsu?!
    This is my 3rd account, because I'm terrible at remembering passwords. I've been into Jrock & Visual Kei for around 9ish years now and I just thought id start being active.
    So, Hey. How's it going?
  7. Like
    beni got a reaction from hiroki in Favorite Visual-Kei / J-Rock albums of this decade!? (2010-->)   
    Much fk up, hopefully the dates are all good now. Thanks @plastic_rainbow, got carried away. ^^;;
  8. Like
    beni got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Favorite Visual-Kei / J-Rock albums of this decade!? (2010-->)   
    Much fk up, hopefully the dates are all good now. Thanks @plastic_rainbow, got carried away. ^^;;
  9. Like
    beni got a reaction from Koike in Pets and animals   
    The border collie cross (Male, George) doesn't mind the camera unlike Phoebe, the female springer spaniel. Or well, more like it's almost impossible getting a good picture of her as she runs around 24/7, while George is a lazy sod who enjoys sleeping instead of exercising. Sorry for the quality and poor lighting, I just can't believe I haven't given them the MH love yet. ;3;
  10. Like
    beni got a reaction from Delkmiroph in Pets and animals   
    The border collie cross (Male, George) doesn't mind the camera unlike Phoebe, the female springer spaniel. Or well, more like it's almost impossible getting a good picture of her as she runs around 24/7, while George is a lazy sod who enjoys sleeping instead of exercising. Sorry for the quality and poor lighting, I just can't believe I haven't given them the MH love yet. ;3;
  11. Like
    beni got a reaction from Tetora in Pets and animals   
    The border collie cross (Male, George) doesn't mind the camera unlike Phoebe, the female springer spaniel. Or well, more like it's almost impossible getting a good picture of her as she runs around 24/7, while George is a lazy sod who enjoys sleeping instead of exercising. Sorry for the quality and poor lighting, I just can't believe I haven't given them the MH love yet. ;3;
  12. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in Favorite Visual-Kei / J-Rock albums of this decade!? (2010-->)   
    Much fk up, hopefully the dates are all good now. Thanks @plastic_rainbow, got carried away. ^^;;
  13. Like
    beni got a reaction from yakihiko in BORN is disbanding @ 2016/05/26   
    Well this is depressing. :/
  14. Like
    beni reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #41: What are the things you *LOVE* about Visual Kei?   
    MH POLL OF THE WEEK #40: What are the things you *LOVE* about Visual Kei?
    HUGE thanks to @paradoxal, @Seimeisen, @kyoselflove, @kyoisKILLINGME and @togz for contributing to this poll!   

    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  15. Like
    beni reacted to CAT5 in Favorite Visual-Kei / J-Rock albums of this decade!? (2010-->)   
    I thought this might be an interesting thread. Some of us have been into Visual Kei & J-rock in general for so long that we're familiar with what many others might consider favorites of the previous decade, but now that we're well into the 2010's - which albums have been your all-time favorites so far? Those albums that have aged well with you, the ones that you can put on without skipping a track?
  16. Like
    beni reacted to IGM_Oficial in Hello | Olá   
      Hi. I think I have to create an introduction topic, so here I am e_e    I'm IGM_Oficial, this is how I'm generally recognized on the Internetz. I only created this account to see the downloads section and bother other users lel   I'm an 18-year-old boy who lives in Fortaleza, Brazil. This is why I want to meet other Brazilian fellas, like Delkmiroph and Jiyun.  
    My favorite band is Alice nine   and the GazettE comes second on the list. Other bands and artists that I like are Diawolf, Dadaroma, Kiryu, Versailles (Kamijo and Jupiter too, in advance), Nocturnal bloodlust, Jiluka, Nightmare, Karasu, Fest vainqueur, R-shitei, Tsukasa Mogamigawa, Rave, Paiotsu, Arlequin, Psycho le cému, Synk;yet, ManaReactor, REALies, Souiumono, Pastel holic, Royz, Lolita23q, Screw, More, Ansia, Golden bomber, Gossip, The mortal, Gackt, Mucc, Acid black cherry, LM.C, Baroque, Dir en grey, Crucifixion, La'veil mizeria, Kalimero, Allumina (Brazilian visual kei band), Vaniru, Babymetal, Flow, T-pistonz+KMC, L'arc~en~ciel and Onmyouza (the only non-visual kei bands that I listen now).  
    I like to learn about the bands and artists that I hear, and companies, labels, (sub-)divisions, distributors, live houses and, obviously, visual kei (history, important events, sub-genres and above) as well.  
    I'm an uploader, it's a hobby. My specialties are omnibus releases (I have a craze on them, this is why my Mega account is plenty of these) and discographies. If you uploaded an omnibus that has visual kei bands on it, you probably will find a comment where I beg you to reupload it. So, YOU BETTER REUPLOAD. I have a blog, and I plan to start it this year. I'm on Jpopsuki too, and my username is the same. About credits: do it (preferably), but only if you want to, and this goes to my posts here and on the blog.  
    I hope to have fun, make new friends and download fucktons of archives here!  
    So, this is it.   
    Tenho que criar um tópico aqui pra eu me apresentar, né, então... é. e_e    Sou IGM_Oficial (prefiro não dizer meu nome verdadeiro agora, mas ele vai ser revelado a qualquer momento, WOOOOOOW, MISTÉRIO já foi), e é assim que eu costumo ser reconhecido na Internet. Eu só me cadastrei aqui pra ver a seção de downloads e irritar vocês rçrçrç  
    Sou um moço de 18 anos e moro em Fortaleza. Por isso, quero conhecer mais os usuários brasileiros (e, quem sabe, daqui da cidade), como o Delkmiroph e o Jiyun.  
    A minha banda preferida é o A9   e o the GazettE vem logo depois. Outras bandas e outros artistas de que gosto são Diawolf, Dadaroma, Kiryu, Versailles (Kamijo e Jupiter também), Nocturnal bloodlust, Jiluka, Nightmare, Karasu, Fest vainqueur, R-shitei, Tsukasa Mogamigawa, Rave, Paiotsu, Arlequin, Psycho le cému, Synk;yet, ManaReactor, REALies, Souiumono, Pastel holic, Royz, Lolita23q, Screw, More, Ansia, Golden bomber, Gossip, The mortal, Gackt, Mucc, Acid black cherry, LM.C, Baroque, Dir en grey, Crucifixion, La'veil mizeria, Kalimero, Allumina (banda brasileira de visual kei), Vaniru, Babymetal, Flow, T-pistonz+KMC, L'arc~en~ciel e Onmyouza (as únicas bandas que não são de visual kei que ouço atualmente).  
    Eu gosto de aprender sobre as bandas e os artistas que escuto, além das produtoras, dos selos, das (sub-)divisões, das distribuidoras, das live houses e, obviamente, sobre o visual kei em si (história, marcos importantes, sub-vertentes e tudo que foi dito antes) também.  
    Tenho um hobby: sou uploader. Minhas especialidades são omnibuses (sou obcecado por eles, e tenho no meu Mega quase todos os omnibuses de ou com bandas de visual kei que tem pra baixar na Internet. SÉRIO.) e discografias. Se você estiver num tópico sobre um omnibus, provavelmente vai encontrar um comentário meu pedindo pra reupar. Eu tenho um blog e pretendo começar a postar nele ainda esse ano. Também estou no Jpopsuki, o username é o mesmo. Sobre créditos: dê (preferencialmente), mas só se quiser, e isso vale pros meus posts daqui e do blog.  
    Espero me divertir, fazer novos amigos e baixar caralhadas de coisas aqui!  
    Então, é isso. 
  17. Like
    beni reacted to Zeus in BORN is disbanding @ 2016/05/26   
    Considering they've been playing music together for the last twelve years (RENNY AMY -> D&L -> BORN) I think they've known each other and their musical habits long enough. When it comes to expressing yourself sometimes there is no other solution. I think it's fair that they decide to part on good terms because they've gotten into a very "BORN"-y way of making music and perhaps they want to challenge themselves in new ways? Ray says he is retiring but look forward to the activities of future members more! When one band dies another is born in it's place.
  18. Like
    beni reacted to ruki11 in hello こんにちわ   
    Hello everyone.
    First to say,please don't mind my bad English. Sometimes I think Japanese is easier to understand(not really).
    I come from China where itunes can't be used, and people can visit google, twitter, youtube, 4share.... if don't take some action or use some special tools;(
    I began to listen to vk music from January 2014(too late) and now is a vk-only listener, spend 16h a day listening so that to fetch up the lost time.
    My favorite bands ... do not want to mention disband those...are always with a great vocalist, such as Matenrou, NCBL.
    I love music itself more and bands less, love studio album more and live less. I like listen to music in deep silence without any body movements, so I seldom use the word "favor bands".
    Actually some songs I fell in love after more than 20 times played.(especially kiryu / 己龍), this is the reason why I keep on listen to those haven't fell in love yet. (Sorry to be dull)
    In 2015, I got 3 大切なお知らせ(means important notice but disband notice every time)s from sadie, rin and black gene, I feel lucky begin to know a band after it disband now.
  19. Like
    beni got a reaction from gekiai in MH FEATURED POLL #40: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?   
    I'm not too sure what I'd vote for in the poll even now. If I had to complain about one thing when it comes to VK, it definitely would be able the lack of woman within the genre. I love everything from the music to the style, but the majority of the bands consisting of only males can get disappointing.
  20. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in English songs in Japanese entertainment?   
    There's probably already a thread on this and it's probably not the best wording, but this thread is about those English songs done and performed by non-Japanese musicians that are in the OST/credited in any form of entertainment, meaning games, anime and TV/movies e.c.t.
    The instant one I think of is Franz Ferniland's Do You Want To, which is the ending theme for the anime Paradise Kiss.


    I'm sure there's plenty so I'm interested, what else is there? I'll post again with those I can remember.
  21. Like
    beni got a reaction from YuyoDrift in MH FEATURED POLL #40: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?   
    I'm not too sure what I'd vote for in the poll even now. If I had to complain about one thing when it comes to VK, it definitely would be able the lack of woman within the genre. I love everything from the music to the style, but the majority of the bands consisting of only males can get disappointing.
  22. Like
    beni got a reaction from peffy in MH FEATURED POLL #40: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?   
    I'm not too sure what I'd vote for in the poll even now. If I had to complain about one thing when it comes to VK, it definitely would be able the lack of woman within the genre. I love everything from the music to the style, but the majority of the bands consisting of only males can get disappointing.
  23. Like
    beni reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
  24. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    Bye cat
  25. Like
    beni got a reaction from odrep in Show Yourself (again)   
    ^ Remove le spoiler boi and grace us with your presence completely u-u <3


    Thought it's been a while. Been a while touching makeup too.
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