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    beni reacted to doombox in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Looks matter in any manner of music that is sold by the standard music industry model. They're counting on you to pick up that CD because the boys/girls looked hot/cool in the poster or the music video, or when they opened up for that more popular band you went to see in concert. Some genres rely more heavily on those images than others, but it's still there and that's why I've never felt shame for certain bands I got into for the looks or the crazy personalities of the members. Granted, the music should be what ultimately makes people decide to stay or not. But most people aren't going to pick up that CD based on nothing at all. And basic laws of attraction are the simplest to use against the consumer so the industry goes with what works. 
    I feel kinda bad because there are certain musicians I don't particularly care for their music but I do follow them on social media or blog their pictures because I'm attracted to them or like their fashion sense. But I don't try to hide that under the guise of being a fan of their band. Like Sho Asakawa from Plasticzooms. I don't really like their music all that much, but I like Sho. I like his pictures and his asthetic, and he seems like a genuinely nice person. I just think the difference here is some people just need to admit to themselves its okay if you don't like the music. You can still appreciate the people who make it without shame. At least, I do. :/
  2. Like
    beni reacted to hiroki in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    The problem is that most discussions centered on visual kei (especially by non-vk fans, or anti-vk ppl) are often slathered with frightening helpings of overgeneralization, made worse by a common stereotype of vk fans that's, let's just say, not too charitable. People need to realize that not all visual kei fans are (or come anywhere near to) immature, rabid fangirls who creepily stalk twitter/ameblo and hyperventilate at their bandomen's zettai ryoiki 24/7. Oh yes, of course, there are those (and btw I don't believe there's anything wrong with that, but that's going off-topic). And there are also vk fans who refuse for whatever reason to listen to anything else but vk. So what? This "snobbishness" isn't even something peculiar to vk - just take a look at people who exclusively listen to classical music, or trance, or hip-hop, or whatever - and in my view, not necessarily something "bad".

    The thing is, contrary to common presuppositions, some of these people who swear by vk have actually explored other genres, found that they didn't like them, and returned to the "sanctuary" of vk music where they feel most at ease. There's a very common tendency to feel that simply because I found a mind-blowingly good band, people are "missing out" on this gem because they don't know about it (and if they do know, then they're not being critical!). I used to feel the same way sometimes, but I've come to accept that isn't the case at all. For every 1 person who's interested I can easily find 100 others who quite honestly don't give a shit. In my case I've also occasionally checked out purported "albums of the century" (hurhur) and didn't know wtf I was listening to. But this is just as well; if there were any place for aggressive musical evangelism, all of us would be listening to AKB48 and Arashi and nothing else.

    A final point. Let's face it: the music industry today is staggeringly huge and there are way too many bands/artists for anyone to listen to. For most people who are neither NEETs nor retirees, their "exploratory" phase must stop (or at least slow down) at some point. To put it crudely some sacrifice has to be made between breadth and depth of music: because no one has infinite time to sit down and listen to music leisurely, people who have less diverse tastes can channel their time to further exploring what they really like. It's not so much that vk music is irreconcilable with other genres of music; it's the practical constraint of time where spending a month to explore other genres means they will have 1 less month to explore vk bands they like. Not everyone is willing to make this sacrifice. As an anecdotal aside, I'm just a rather casual listener of classical music but I have a good friend who listens to almost nothing but Chopin since he was 14 and has developed an unbelievable familiarity with almost every single Chopin specialist from the 19th through the 21st century (he even knows who are the Nocturnes specialists, Mazurka specialists, etc. within the Chopin repertoire). I hardly think it would make any sense for me to inform him that he has wasted his time and suggest that he'd have been better off if he had traded 50% of this expertise to explore rap or J-indies instead. And if I wouldn't say that, why would it be easier to say the exact same thing to the obsessive vk fan, if not for the derogatory (and often incorrect) stereotypes usually associated with vk fans I've mentioned at the start of the post..?
  3. Like
    beni reacted to Lestat in GACKT event "神威♂楽園 de マトメナ祭" special webpage open   
    Botox or not, I'd still do him big time.
  4. Like
    beni got a reaction from ghost in Horror Movies   
    WHAT!? It's an ACTUAL genre? D: Oh my god, so, there are fans of such movies? Wow, wasn't expecting this. But to each his own. I just can't understand seeing anyone or anything getting hurt as entertaining. And no offense to Americans here, but foreign countries do take the cake for such things. I was thinking more Asian, since I have seen some messed up clips from some movies, but obviously not so brutally out there as Saw. I just thought such movies like that are a bit empty, making such thoughtless violence. As you said about those movies having more going on in it, I'm all for that. Just mindless 'fun' like that's a big no for me. I better add those to my watch list then. Those sound interesting. And thanks for the response explaining it! 
  5. Like
    beni got a reaction from Shir0 in Show Yourself (again)   
    *whispers*youdon'tseemebackhereyetagain...I don't usually let my hair down like this, and definitely not without my forehead being covered. xD I would go out like this but.. people like to pick on it... D': And just a warning, it's quite big, I always forget to shrink linked images *sigh*
    How can you all seriously look so fabulous!? 
  6. Like
    beni got a reaction from nick in Show Yourself (again)   
    *whispers*youdon'tseemebackhereyetagain...I don't usually let my hair down like this, and definitely not without my forehead being covered. xD I would go out like this but.. people like to pick on it... D': And just a warning, it's quite big, I always forget to shrink linked images *sigh*
    How can you all seriously look so fabulous!? 
  7. Like
    beni reacted to ghost in #13: OUT OF BLUE by APOGEE   
    Artist: APOGEE Album: OUT OF BLUE Score: If you like to dance then OUT OF BLUE may be for you. Serendipitous moments in life are my favorite. You’ll be going about your usual way and then run into a band like APOGEE. They’re a four-man powered synth-pop group with heavy influences from New Wave and 80’s music. And, their music is very danceable.

    We’re introduced to the album with "Runaway Summer", a fairly slow track but exciting enough to make you tap your feet. The chorus is simple but catchy and you’ll find yourself singing along every time it plays. And, those syncopated synth chords will undoubtedly bring you back to the 80’s. Things really get down with "Tonight". It opens with a double bass and snare blast and launches you into a groove so infectious you’ll wish there was a dance floor nearby. The use of electric guitar adds a nice edgy sound to the song too. It’s a really fun track and I find myself coming back to it a lot. The only drawback for me is the rather abrupt ending.

    "Losing You" keeps the album’s energy going but brings a more sobering mood to the album. It features a catchy little electronic cadence and some really great vocal work in the second melody. "Out of Blue" slows the pace down but retains the groove from prior songs. It’s relaxing and the swelling synths add an otherworldly atmosphere. As a side-note, the filter used on the vocals reminds me of vocals from the band Electric Light Orchestra.

    The New Wave influences are a lot more apparent in "Twilight Arrow" from the wonky bass line to the various clinks and clanks of metallic electronic noises. There’s a steady rhythm set by the kick drum and in the chorus everything flows together nicely. Near the end, the song picks up into something funkier and breaks out into an exciting sequence. The synths here can be a little obnoxious though. "Fall into the Sky" is a wonderful ballad that combines a traditional Japanese sound with their electronic synth sound. It’s split into two parts, a milder soft section that focuses on the vocals and a more powerful section that emphasizes the synth and other instruments. I love the sampled voice they use in the beginning (and later throughout the song); it adds a very cute and Japonesque quality to the song without breaking the mood.

    After all that build up I’m ready for something upbeat. But instead, "A Boy in the river" is next. By no means is it a bad song though. It’s a laid-back track that continues off the more traditional Japanese sound. Simple and short, A Boy in the river is a nice casual listen. The album does pick up again with "Fictionalizer". It begins strong with the synth and drums and maintains a steady pace. About halfway through though, I had hoped that the song would come to some sort of climax, but the same melody and rhythm kept playing. It repeats three times and the song goes nowhere. It’s a bit of a downer to be honest.

    We finally come to the close of the album with "Transit". It’s another ballad but plays entirely off their electronic sound. In fact, it reminds me of the disbanded electro-rock/new wave band school food punishment. It starts with one note, held forever. It grows louder and louder, intensifying. Another note joins in. It keeps growing louder and louder until the songs starts and the note slowly fades away. When the song starts, it’s a slow and steady rhythm with a repeating keyboard cadence. For much of the song, the same melancholy beat and melody is played. But, when it gets to the chorus, the vocals become a beautiful A Capella. It’s the perfect calm ending to the album.

    APOGEE is a fun band. They make fun music that a lot of people can enjoy, and they do a fantastic job of mixing in different influences while staying unique. OUT OF BLUE is an album that stands well as an entire package and by its individual songs. I came upon the album by chance but it’ll definitely stay with me for years to come. Now let’s go hit dat dance floor.
  8. Like
    beni got a reaction from ariad in rediscovering vk   
    Welcome back to the scene and welcome to MH! Glad this community was recommended, no looking back now haha. Nice band list, I hope other music sparks your interest here so you can discover more. Everyone's lovely so be prepared to make great friends here and have fun!
  9. Like
    beni got a reaction from Bear in I think I'm Getting sick of Visual Kei bands   
    xD I was merely joking on that one hon. Should have used those GIFS if my smaller remark didn't express it was just a joke haha. So, my mistake then. To each his own I say on this. You were waiting for a 'butthurt fan?' xD
  10. Like
    beni reacted to ariad in rediscovering vk   
    Hello, I'm ariad. I was really into visual kei from 2004 to 2008 and have only dabbled in it in the years since then. Lately, I've rediscovered my love for the genre and was recommended this forum as a place to get back into the community. I hope to make some friends on here because all my old vk friends stopped listening and moved on to other things. 

    My favorite bands are PIERROT and MERRY. Also very fond of LM.C, MUCC, Exist Trace, Dir en grey, BUCK-TICK, the studs, girugamesh, and SID.
    As for other interests, I'm a big comics fan! I love creator-owned series like Morning Glories, The Wicked + the Divine, Saga, and Sex Criminals. As far as Big Two, I've read basically all the Marvel pre-2005 (I'm not joking) as well as everything with "Ultimate" in the title, and from DC I'm reading Batgirl. I'm not big into animanga anymore but I love Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note.
    Nice to meet you!
  11. Like
    beni got a reaction from hiroki in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I feel rather shallow for saying this but most of the time I'll check out a band because of the way they present themselves. That's how I got into Visual Kei. The attire and makeup as a whole interested me greatly but obviously, I continue to listen to the genres and scene because of the music. I like to think we're all into other/various areas of music because, damn, do we miss out on so many different and unique musicians if we're just focused on one music area in particular. I'm not saying those who have one particular taste in music are wrong, it's just discovering and enjoying so many different things you might enjoy, and maybe even more so than your current library listening. I think those underappreciated bands is the same with those indie VK bands you may or may not have heard about. It's all the same, and that is, indeed, unfortunate. And I think it's the same with all music. If you're good looking/presented attractively, then of course you'll get in and have more of a chance just because the majority of us look at that at first. And I mean no offense to anyone here, I'm just thinking about modern artists these days too, how often they're complimented for their appearance over the actual music itself. It's nice to compliment, obviously, but ignoring the main factor, the music, is just.. missing the point. I'll put my hand up and admit I'm guilty of what I've already said. I mean, I didn't even know about NB until they turned VK. xD I can safely say I don't 'rival' other musicians with my favourites though. I can just fangirl... hard. Sometimes. Yes, I'm really lame. Please, move on. It's just unfortunate visuals is the most important factor to some. You're missing out! But, since as we grow older, everything changes, including our music tastes, it'd go further and evolve maybe into some of this we're talking about, outside the VK scene.
    *celebrates thread revival*
  12. Like
    beni reacted to Nisimaldar in I think I'm Getting sick of Visual Kei bands   
    Hey, I'd still do Reita.
  13. Like
    beni reacted to PsychoΔelica in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    To be honest I often feel like the Visual Kei scene is like one big dog show. With one band trying to be more peacocky than the other you shouldn't be surprised to see so much snobbism among visual kei fans. It's a shame though when a good band is underappreciated because it's not 'visual' enough, but then it doesn't automatically mean that a famous band is a good band. With a few exceptions, somehow I always find the gems among the less known ones.
  14. Like
    beni reacted to Zeus in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Oh this topic has been dead for a month! Well, time to revitalize it.

    Visual kei fans are paradoxically some of the most open-minded and some of the most close-minded music lovers on the planet.
    Now why are we open-minded? Take a look at your average visual kei band.

      There's no way in hell that shit would fly in any other country but Japan. One band could do it and it would be seen as a gimmick. But an entire scene revolving around that concept died out in the 80's with glam metal and there's still a bad taste in everyone's mouth about bands that don't prescribe to some pre-approved dress codes. I still live in a country with a split personality; one half wants to accept and embrace diversity. The other thinks that being gay is some unhealthy sin because you happen to like the parts you came equipped with. How many of us on this forum don't talk about visual kei to our real-life friends because they "wouldn't get it"? Are you afraid of being judged for listening to your "tranny metal"? How many of us are here because this is the only place on the internet where we can talk with other people that do "get it"? The fact that we're able to look past the visuals enough to give the music a try says a lot. There are a lot of fans of Japanese music who look down on visual kei because they think all the fans are horny teenage girls and all the music sucks.  We gave it a shot and all discovered something to love here, and that's why you're reading this post, right?
    This is where the paradox comes in. Visual kei fans can be the most irritating, closed-minded individuals you will find on the Internet. We rival black metal fans in how obnoxious we are in claiming what is and isn't visual kei, and there's no consensus on what "it" actually is. What's worse is that we have some preconceived definition of what "real visual kei" ought to be. If you don't look a certain way or if you don't play "the right kind of music", it's much harder to keep anyone's attention. You could play the exact same music as a visual kei band and get no attention just because of that. When a session or band member leaves the visual kei scene to go play in another band very few fans will actually follow them to see where they end up - simply because they aren't in a visual band anymore. Bands that straddle the line between visual kei and something else get universally ignored no matter how amazing their music is.
    Most notably, we've given off the impression that a band can pull a NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST and do nothing but add visual kei hooks and ugly costumes and they'll get tons of fans simply because they have visual kei hooks and ugly costumes. What the fuck guys? I thought we were supposed to be open-minded and about the music.
    But of course, it was never about the music. It's about the looks. It's always been about the looks long before most of us got here and it will be long after we leave. If you're the kind of person who says that you listen to all sorts of visual kei and you go on to name 30 of the same band, 28 of which are recently started indies bands please be honest with yourself. You like the way the bands look and that's why you listen to visual kei, and that's fine. Just don't lie to yourself and say it's about the music when the bands you listen to range from average to absolute garbage. I honestly feel like if I hadn't thrown my administrator weight around earlier this year and exposed I.T.G for the lazy, cheap sacks of shit that they are someone on this forum would be hyping them all crazy.
    Oddly enough, the reasons why we don't give chances to fringe visual kei is the same thing other people to do us if we try to expose them to visual kei. How open-minded can we actually be about visual kei if we ourselves don't give all of it a chance?
    Take this not as a rant from someone who thinks he's got better musical taste than you. Take it from someone who was where you were quite some time ago (if said rant applies to you), who has some regrets about his visual kei phase, and wished he looked beyond the borders of visual kei to find other types of music sooner. There is some irrational fear in the back of many fans minds where they think if they start listening to other types of music that they will be "less" of a visual kei fan. I was one of those people once. That's false. None of us here believe that. Monochrome Heaven won't blow up because you decided to listen to something else. Visual kei isn't going anywhere either and you'll discover that all types of music can coexist peacefully on your MP3 player. So if you have some sort of irrational fear about trying out something new, the only person that's stopping you is you.
    After all, the worst thing that could happen is that you discover you don't like something and that visual kei music is the only type of music you enjoy. But I can assure you, with all the blatant stealing and "inspiration" vk bands themselves find outside of visual kei, there's something out there that you will like. It might not even be metalcore.
  15. Like
    beni reacted to Visutox in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Same, I started playing FFXII: IZJS on PCSX2 as it has been a long time since I've finished FFXII on PS2, what an amazing game. I plan to start again FFX and why not the previous FF games too.
      Still on PCSX2, I also started DBZ: BDT3 as I never had the opportunity to play it since its release and I'm loving it so far. Probably the best DBZ game ever made.
  16. Like
    beni got a reaction from Visutox in What video games are you currently playing?   
    FF7 FTW. This franchise is all I talk about in here. xD I'm becoming a FF manic fan recently...
  17. Like
    beni got a reaction from Nisimaldar in Show Yourself (again)   
    *whispers*youdon'tseemebackhereyetagain...I don't usually let my hair down like this, and definitely not without my forehead being covered. xD I would go out like this but.. people like to pick on it... D': And just a warning, it's quite big, I always forget to shrink linked images *sigh*
    How can you all seriously look so fabulous!? 
  18. Like
    beni got a reaction from -jibakurei- in Most beautiful smile   
    Scrolling through Tumblr and literally stared for 10 minute at just his smile. Such a genuine smile and laugh, wonder what he saw.

    Too damn precious.
  19. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
    *whispers*youdon'tseemebackhereyetagain...I don't usually let my hair down like this, and definitely not without my forehead being covered. xD I would go out like this but.. people like to pick on it... D': And just a warning, it's quite big, I always forget to shrink linked images *sigh*
    How can you all seriously look so fabulous!? 
  20. Like
    beni reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Thank you. That's nice.
    Saw is horror, aye. But it's a sub-genre called torture porn (so you're quite right), which is horror with lots of focus on explicit violence, torture, mutilation, sadism, nudity and such. A sub-genre of the splatters, I guess you could say. While I like plenty of the American torture porns, I think the french mastered this genre with films such as Martyrs, À l'intérieur, Haute tension, In My Skin, Frontière(s) and more. Unlike most of the American torture porn, these films had a lot going for it underneath the shock. Yes, there's lots of violence and sexual ugliness, but there's so much more to them than just that. But if one doesn't like extreme violence, then these obviously ain't for you.
    Martyrs are probably the best of the lot along with Saw IMO. But it's quite different. Bleak, dark, disturbing, raw and pitch black horror which just plays with your brain due to its bleak and disturbing content. But with this film, it isn't the violence, torture or sadism that hurts you, it's the pain itself. It's a fantastic film IMO.
  21. Like
    beni got a reaction from ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    *whispers*youdon'tseemebackhereyetagain...I don't usually let my hair down like this, and definitely not without my forehead being covered. xD I would go out like this but.. people like to pick on it... D': And just a warning, it's quite big, I always forget to shrink linked images *sigh*
    How can you all seriously look so fabulous!? 
  22. Like
    beni got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    Watched as many clips as I could before trying out some Saw movies today and... damn, no thank you very much. This is horror? More like violence porn, geez.
    I love seeing so many different horror movies, most of which I've never even heard of before so Bear, you're totally cool.
  23. Like
    beni got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in Jrock Crack (Warning: graphic language)   
    Those videos are too precious. xD Any of the slowed down sections made me lose it completely. This is like, misheard lyric galore! This is just too amazingly random.
    In all honesty, most of the things I find ridiculously funny are just texts I find on the internet. Like, the fanfics of VK musicians, or even Tumblr posts that, like the videos, twists words or pictures for comical effect. Those 'macros' or GIFS you see on Tumblr sort of thing. Makes my day. About the fanfics, I'm all for shipping people, I genuinely do that to people in real life. xD But, those intimate scenes fans write can be a bit, hey, wow now. Ahem. I just love fans of bands who put together funny compilation videos haha. It's these that makes me think, what dedication and love so many have for such weirdos. xD
  24. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in Jrock Crack (Warning: graphic language)   
    Those videos are too precious. xD Any of the slowed down sections made me lose it completely. This is like, misheard lyric galore! This is just too amazingly random.
    In all honesty, most of the things I find ridiculously funny are just texts I find on the internet. Like, the fanfics of VK musicians, or even Tumblr posts that, like the videos, twists words or pictures for comical effect. Those 'macros' or GIFS you see on Tumblr sort of thing. Makes my day. About the fanfics, I'm all for shipping people, I genuinely do that to people in real life. xD But, those intimate scenes fans write can be a bit, hey, wow now. Ahem. I just love fans of bands who put together funny compilation videos haha. It's these that makes me think, what dedication and love so many have for such weirdos. xD
  25. Like
    beni got a reaction from Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
    *whispers*youdon'tseemebackhereyetagain...I don't usually let my hair down like this, and definitely not without my forehead being covered. xD I would go out like this but.. people like to pick on it... D': And just a warning, it's quite big, I always forget to shrink linked images *sigh*
    How can you all seriously look so fabulous!? 
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