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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    I must apologise again then for having not understood what you were referring to. Only hope Nyasagi meant the same too since I didn't want to make anyone sad. I totally get what you're saying though, you've put it in very good words. Very relatable terms as well and that's what makes me sad is that others feel the same way. I remember someone saying something like 'love when you're happy with your life because you don't want to fall in love with someone when you yourself are at the bottom.' Something like that, which I think is just as helpful advice. Be happy with yourself and where you are before anything else. Should try to remember all of this more often and not doubt anything! I feel a lot better reading what people like you have to say because it makes you realise and remember and I hope others can feel the same way some time. So don't apologise for getting your point across, your post was more helpful than you think. I'm really happy to have read what you said at the bottom but then went back to phase 1 at the end. D': Still, it's really refreshing to know there are people like that out there. I hope everyone who has commented on here keeps believing then. I get enough of this kind of thing in college and from myself. xD So I want to see more happy people! (That's a warning, no coming back here you guys!) And saying sorry again for misunderstanding and spamming. "><
  2. beni

    I apologise if I hurt or annoyed you two and anyone else. Meant no offense and certainly didn't want to make anyone feel bad because no one should feel that way about themself. I have people tell that to me all too often that I'm not good enough so this was just directed at myself because I have no confidence or self belief. I guess when you're told enough times about something you end going with it sadly, in my case.
  3. Such a beautiful thread. Chainsaws! <3 I have honestly only heard of vistlip's and memento-mori's (Rocketeer's entry). So my vote goes to 'Beautiful Chainsaw.' Must check out those other fab titles now.
  4. beni

    Stalks in the shadows of this section of the forum. (Not trying to be rude, I just see you mainly here is all)
  5. beni

    I do the same thing with my slightly weird collection of random, craziest J-pop tracks I have. I try not to scrobble them because they don't fit into that VK/rock style I'm trying to maintain. I think most of us like order and that's no different with you and I! Is it weird to feel embarrassed for members of the public you see on TV? Like, those singing contests and people laugh at the 'bad' contestants. Or when someone is pranked or gets hurt. I feel really bad and sad for them but everyone else around me laughs. Is that the norm? Or not exactly that weird?
  6. beni

    Because I only ever wear black, I am determined to have my wedding (if that ever happens..) to look like a funeral. Everyone wearing all black and even with a Halloween feeling and appearance going on. So, in contrast with my funeral, I want it to be a proper party, the only one I'll be 'hosting' haha. A celebration! Even if it'll be a small gathering and people don't like it, I want everyone to be happy. That's what I believe in at least, have it what you'll like to have it. And of course, everyone'll be rocking out to some crazy VK tracks, in both events! If you could only ever eat one piece of food for the rest of your life, what'd it be and why? (Now I'm hungry..)
  7. beni

    I think I blushed throughout the whole previous page. Spotted this thread and thought, I can't leave out not having posted anything in the thread that sums me up completely: Forever alone. xD 'Never Been Kissed' is the movie I can relate to myself 100% hah. I'm way too awkward to be in a relationship anyway, and far too negative. I remember watching a comedian who said 'when you're feeling that low about yourself, you know the only girl you can pick up is one of those insecure, shy ones.' Or something like that. Didn't cheer me up haha. I always remember regretting having confessed to this one boy who accepted me when I asked him out. It lasted the few minutes left we had of lunch that day before I told him it wouldn't work... xD I'm.. lame, yeah, I know. I got way to shy, worried and anxious.. But, happy ending, he's now a sex freak and I'm as far away as I can be from him so it all worked out I think (since I'm asexual). Learnt my lesson; don't fall for anyone and think they'd accept you when you haven't accepted yourself. And I know this is contradicting.. slightly, but, people are way too negative about themselves when they shouldn't be. Looking at you above stylelover. You too fab.
  8. beni

    TK - Unravel
  9. Math mock next week. Trying to think all positive but.. actually.. please just throw me off the nearest cliff instead. ;_;

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Only if we jump together :P

    2. beni


      Then no you muppet. -.- Let us hug it out instead! =D

    3. PsychoΔelica
    4. Show next comments  243 more
  10. beni

    Be back soon and take care!
  11. beni

    The Black Cauldron I LOVE this child's movie. Sure, it's pretty dark for one aimed at kids but the darkest, I feel, make us prepared for what's in store for us in the future and reality. Everything about this movie was pretty much bashed by reviewers; storytelling, art, characters and, of course, 'Disney's usual magic.' It failed at the box office too (selling this movie so well). I enjoyed it as a kid and even now. The storyline is pretty much an evil king wants to get his hands on this black cauldron to take over the land but our young hero with his group of misfit friends have to stop him and protect Hen Wen, my favourite ever pig with a magical power that can show the location of this cauldron. I think I have an adoration for most things that don't go down all that well with the majority of people or something, seeing as my other favourite child movie is Oliver & Company (about a homeless kitten taken in by a poor owner with a pack of dogs, who survive by stealing from people. The kitten meets a wealthy young girl and gets caught up between both families). Which, by the way, got worse ratings. Ignore reviewers on these two please, they're so much fun.
  12. beni

    UK, Essex (not one to pinpoint where exactly I'm from usually). I HATE telling people where I'm from anywhere outside this location because I fear others will only know about TOWIE which greatly embarrasses me. I mean, we're not ALL that dumb. But yeah, the majority of us are. And when I say I was born in London, no one believes me. xD Going back through the thread, I just noticed only a couple who also live in England. Quite low, but anyway, hey there neighbour.
  13. beni

    My sis is obsessed with it but all I can see, as others have already said, is the .hack series. I didn't really enjoy that so I haven't given it a chance.
  14. beni

    ... found out I've got my maths mock exam in a couple weeks time. D': I seem to have a lot of bad days, blimey. Now the only time I'd enjoy going out has been cancelled again...
  15. beni

    D'espairsRay - 凍える夜に咲いた花
  16. beni

    This thread needs more love. And kyary's beautiful face. <3 Who else thought the stick man's hands were a moustache? Other contribution, this whole thread of Jrock memes for your entertainment. And a GIF, just because, it's true in my case. (I'm sorry these aren't exactly the right memes ><)
  17. So glad this'll be my last year in sixth form. The rules are getting ridiculous.

  18. beni

    Ooh yay! Thanks for informing us all about it. Hopefully will be able to turn up again, I really enjoyed the couple of times I could join in. It's really fun and awesome, like the only party I'd ever attend. : 3
  19. beni

    Scrolling through Tumblr and literally stared for 10 minute at just his smile. Such a genuine smile and laugh, wonder what he saw. Too damn precious.
  20. The typical shounen end right? Was supporting Akatsuki because they were my favourites though hehehe.
  21. In all honesty, seeing the majority of the characters paired up made my day. I'm happy Naruto became Hokage, obviously, but am a little disappointed the whole idea of Sasuke saying he'll be Hokage was dropped. I was looking forward to it being a paired job with those two, somehow. It was so cute to see the kids of the next generation and awesome to see the older lot still around. Am looking through other forums to see if they can answer my questions. Sakura even got a happy end, not a hater, yay for that. My supported ships are finally canon and I thank Kishi for that. xD A mediocre ending as expected anyway.
  22. Oh, was I mistaken? I only ever heard about Johansson being possibly involved. This was published 2 weeks ago and I only spotted Robbie mentioned here. I'm pretty unobservant and didn't see her name headlined in your first post sai, sorry. I forget new names. ><
  23. Lovely thread to help boost up the votes for new pics. Went through and added +1 vote to pics which weren't on the front page. Hope it helps somehow. I was going to put up one of my own choice but.. seeing as the Japanese band shares one with an English band, I feel those listeners of the latter one'll get mad if it's changed, even though the 'similar artists' is Japanese related. xD Shared pages confuse me.
  24. beni

    Alien Pretty unusual when I rewatch a movie but after hearing about the death of the original alien concept artist, I felt the need to watch the movie again after watching the trailer. And my god is it legendary. Seriously, what a gem. About a spaceship crew attempting to escape from the extraterrestrial creature which, literally, just wants to breed with us humans. xD I wasn't scared while watching it, but it's just so creepy and eerie and executed so brilliantly I was mesmerised from the start to end. I'm not all up for any sexual undertones but damn was H.R. Giger one freaky alien lover. Anywho, If you haven't watched it already, what are you doing? GO NOW!
  25. I actually enjoyed Snow White and the Huntsman so I have no opinion on the director choice. Then again, I find it hard to dislike movies, especially fairy tale ones. I just can't get bored of them. And seeing as I have no idea who Johansson is, I'm clueless with this cast choice too. I am probably being biased because I haven't seen any live actions, but after hearing about how the Dragonball live action did, I'm not all for live actions being made outside Japan.
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