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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    ^ Not as problematic as your terrible time in school (good luck by the way and don't let everything and anything worry you), but it seems I have forgotten, once again, my memory stick which has all my updated coursework on it and nowhere else is this stored. Went back last night to the college, wasn't there. Asked teachers again today, they don't know. You can't get any dumber than this for letting such a thing happen again. Self hating to the max right now.
  2. beni

    Banned for the coffee hating and for having a too fabulous ava/sig set.
  3. beni

    No. No one invites me... forever alone Do you have a fear of clowns?
  4. I must admit, MEJIBRAY's ballads are my favourite tracks by them. EMILY and Anemone are too beautiful.
  5. Can't believe how easily headaches come when all I want to do is listen to music. Urg.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      I never had any headache, even when a couple of years ago, something punched my forehead and got half face covered in blood. Wasn't feeling any pain, and i was still very conscious XD My friends think i'm lucky to never have headache. I've got head of steel XD Hope you'll feel better soon ^_^

    2. beni


      Throw a damn pumpkin at the stupid person, damn it!! My sis also said she rarely ever gets headaches, but how!? You guys aren't human! Was your forehead that numb or.. hopefully, they were super weak.. I don't like that person. -.- You have magical powers too. Haha, 'head of steel.' xD New superhero! And thank you, once I sleep it'll be fine. Sleep is good, we need more time to sleep!

    3. kyoselflove


      So jealous, I seriously get headaches everyday.

    4. Show next comments  234 more
  6. beni

    Yay for Christmas song thread~ Got a little J-pop tune to add.
  7. I love you for this. xD Literally how I'd put it. Fans should never determine whether or not you should listen to a band. Sure, some fanbases can be a bit too manic or rude, but that's the case with everything including music. But it's not like that everywhere, and it can always be avoided. If you feel you can't enjoy a certain artist because of fans, I think you're listening to music wrongly.
  8. beni

    Decided to spend dinner watching the classic movie Pulp Fiction today all the way through and wow, what a cult thriller. This scene in particular made it for me: Travolta is mighty fine in this. Actually, that whole cast is perfect! I'm beginning to crush on an entire cast, oh my. xD I LOVE the non linear narrative, made it so interesting. Why couldn't we have done this film in Film Studies? So good.
  9. beni

    I'll be sure to check that one out when I can then! Thanks for that. I was still confused which movie I had watched so that's awesome to know. I bet the original is the worthy gem. I've never thought any movie has no substance, just some are a lot more worthy and intelligent than others. (Looking at that torture porn we spoke about) It's interesting to know how people's views on movies change over time. And if Bear is the one to say this, I'll be checking more horror franchise out, defo. I couldn't stop laughing at the actors I recognised in later films. xD Monica from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Scooby Doo's live action Shaggy. And the actor was rather.. not top notch which made it even more hilarious to me. And because I had first seen the parody films 'Scary Movie,' I was laughing throughout haha. Totally worth it though. And THANKS, I DIDN'T NEED TO SLEEP TONIGHT ANYWAY.
  10. beni

    Can't believe I missed the last hour because of my mum! D: Hopefully everyone had a great time. Missed out on the classic 'On The Floor' tune too.
  11. I was worried about doing this by myself due to what Keiyuu and hyura have talked about. So I'd like to just defend my choices seeing as I'll only regret not trying. I mean early when I said late. This is because, not only did I personally see this by their attire they used to wear in the beginning of their career, but also various articles have used them as this particular subgenre mostly. As I've always said, a lot of bands will fit into more than just one subgenre, since bands usually change their style and sound over time. So I decided on using band examples most people will known about. Ones which might not be the most obvious choice to those with a lot more knowledge on this, but popular enough ones everyone would be able to have in their minds when reading the list, since pictures weren't included. I already knew others would most likey disagree, but I purposely made the descriptions short and to the point so that it was simple and quick to read. I was expecting everyone'd know which their favourites would fit into so even if I left out quite a bit of info and options, I hoped it'd be acceptable instead of a long ass list of every subgenre there is. That's why I kept the option 'other' in so everyone can have a say if they disagree. Tanbi was one I had never seen before but I put it in their anyway because that was the definition of 'renaissance Europe influenced' which I thought is very popular. And because this ties in with the acts around Mana's and Versailles' work, I felt like it'd be wrong to not have it in. So I just grouped them, thinking that'd be easier for everyone. I've only realised now that maybe I was looking into the visual styles more, so I apologise for that. However, I did do research before doing this and I found loads of subgenres I've never even heard of, and ones where it had a different meaning each time since articles contradicted one another, making it difficult to 'hit the nail on the head.' Take Koteosa Kei as an example of this; one article said that the GazettE was this type of band. I decided to keep it simple with what I went with since I was confused with this one, so went for saying it's the darker version of Oshare Kei, which it can be described as. And as I said above with using bands which aren't exactly the most obvious choice for the subgenre, I picked bands I thought were well known here so it was easier to visualize and understand. I agree LUNA SEA fits into the Kurofuku Kei, and the Nagoya Kei have better band examples as you've said. I was even going to use LUNA SEA and deadman at one point. There's just a lot to cover and in a rather short time too. Just wanted to make it simple for a poll but I guess there's a lot to talk about with it so I'm actually happy about that. About Dir En Grey, I probably got mixed up thinking of their style, but I would say they looked old school at first. I just went with what I had thought if the articles agreed, which seems to disagree with each other so I tried my best with being clear. I tried.
  12. beni

    So my class photo looks absolutely stunning on the classroom wall. I don't stand out at all, and everyone looks so happy! Somone give me a lighter so I can completely burn the disaster.
  13. beni

    Of course! The king of all oranges. I mean pop. I mean, just.. yes. Do you like pantomimes?
  14. I was also thinking of Denshi Kei when reading -k∆-'s text. can't believe I forgot electro ones -.- Too many subgenres doh. Both shironuri and piko piko kei are new to me. The latter sounds way too cute. : 3
  15. beni

    No. Never heard of that until now. >< Do you like watching hospital based/medical shows?
  16. Tried describing the subgenres as accurate as possible but obviously, bands can cross into more than one category and some genres can even be described differently. I would, personally, pick all of them. xD But if I have to cut it down, it'd have to be Iryou Kei, Soft Kei and Tanbi Kei. I love how unique the Iryou visuals are because there aren't that many bands that choose to appear in this way. Also picked Soft Kei because most of my favourite bands can now be categorised in this subgenre. And the elegant section too because the music is usually rather dramatic, which I really like. And as a bonus, the vocalist usually always sounds so beautiful, contrasting with the hard sound of the genre. And those clothes, so stunning!! It's no secret I'm a fan of any man who cross-dresses hehe. I've noticed there's not much love for my old favourites, Oshare and Koteosa Kei D:
  17. beni

    I don't approve of all of these disbandments happening. For goodness sake.
  18. beni

    Always will join unless I've been dragged away from the computer! Hopefully will see you ender, and everyone.
  19. I usually don't like listening to previews because I like to be surprised when I first listen to a full track but I just couldn't help myself on this one and gave each a quick listen. No regrets, I am now even more excited for this. Bring on Wednesday!
  20. beni

    Yay for England! : p Nice to have you, I hope you enjoy your time here. Thanks to Jiggy for pointing out the tags, completely missed them. I spot some awesome bands there. Actually, everything you just said is cool. Video games takes up my whole night!
  21. beni

    Rocketeer, you should be generous on this thread more often then if this is what we get. : 3 *creep mode activated xD* I'm just joking, not a freak, I swear. But you're really cute! Everyone is on here by the way, it'd look freaky if I did respond to everyone like this each time lol
  22. beni

    I felt brave last night and watched Texas Chainsaw. It said it was released in 2013, and I thought the first one came out a while ago so I got rather confused, then Googled it and it seems this is the 3D one. I honestly don't know much about the movies, but was interested in watching a horror movie at the time. And I'm a MASSIVE scaredy cat due to jump scares as I've always said. But with this movie, I felt rather comfortable. Even with the gore, it wasn't cringe worthy to me, unlike those SAW movies I spoke about. I found it rather interested even though it's the cliché kind of slasher horror. And don't get me started on everything American about it. Those accents and sexual clothing, good lord. No offense to any Americans on this. I mean, everything felt too exaggerated. Or maybe it's because I've always tried to watch only Asian and British movies and films. I tried the more classic horror Scream after and boy, was that a watch worthwhile. Now I feel like I must watch more popular and cult following movies. Next, The Exorcist. =D
  23. beni

    They weren't nice to their fans? I know that whole performance is clearly unacceptable sounding, but that one part really made me sad. I feel ashamed to have tried to defend this band when people called them cheap and crap now. If you can't be nice, loving and accepting to your own fanbase, how can you expect to even have any fans and be respected and liked? -.-
  24. Previous ava/gif made it look like I was in the wrong community. xD Mainstream J-pop ftw.

    1. beni


      I don't even know how I could get gif and sig confused but somehow, I did.

    2. CAT5


      lmao, if that's the case then i'm ALWAYS in the wrong community! Do you!

    3. beni


      That's too true. What's a Cat doing on the internet hmm? Actually, how!? This imagery humours me too much. xD

  25. beni

    Happy Birthday Aoi Mochi. ( :
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