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Everything posted by beni

  1. If she's now in love with someone else, I think honesty is the best thing in anything so I'd encourage you to do so. However, we all lie. If she doesn't need to know or doesn't want to find out, then it wouldn't hurt keeping it to yourself if that's what you want. If she was still with that same guy then I would definitely have said yes, you should just explain it was once and in that context. What do you mean by he 'was not good in bed?' o.o Is it like kissing? People always say some are good at it, some are bad at it. I don't get that at all. There's skill involved? Moving swiftly along~ If what I just said above didn't answer your first question, I'll lay it out straight: Virgin forever.
  2. beni

    Ah, I see! Not a problem then ehe. I find that interesting though, different sounding bands being together, woop!
  3. What a time to be alive *sniffles*

    1. beni


      Let's try to celebrate life. <3 Ehe silly bun.

    2. PsychoΔelica
    3. beni


      I'm such a bloody idiot. Sorry.

    4. Show next comments  228 more
  4. Oh my, that's such a cute idea. x) I feel like only we'd love that though haha. And we've already paired now... right? ; )
  5. beni

    I think talking to her and telling her how you truly feel is for the best. It's pretty much up to her how she handles this, but don't forget she clearly cares very much for you and you do with her. Therefor, don't think you've been replaced or your importance to her is forgotten. Sometimes people'll come in our lives again or leave for good or even return. It happens, just like this. Reply to her and see what she has to say. Listening and replying back is what's important to come to terms and agree on a solution to this I think. Just please don't get upset, or think you'll say something hurtful, be honest and do what you want to do. But remember, if you truly care for her, think what'll make her happiest as well as yourself. It's hard but it's possible.
  6. beni

    I know this is the 'sukekiyo' thread but.. yeah! Why the hating on LM.C!? </3
  7. beni

    ^ Also wishing you a Merry Birthday sir, and everyone. lol at TinyDuck ava and name xD
  8. Well then, officially consider it now! I'd switch the poll choice to taken now if there was one hehe. Actually, what a fitting thread to have users wed one another. x)
  9. I'd marry you just for you. But I'll take your drawings as an extra hehe. Or do you want me to love your art more hmm? I love your art by the way so please don't take this the wrong way!
  10. beni

    Haha this. But it would indeed make finding uploads easier since they're very simple to navigate and find files there. Edit: It sounds like I'm promoting 'just take every single file you want!!' What I mean is by seeing who the originial uploader is as some credit them on the sites, you can thank them here! omg sorry, this post was made on mobile so it may be terrible xD
  11. beni

    Would this site be of any help? It seems like most, like the above, you have to pay for... I had found a Chrome App (simply called Transcribe) but that also seems to ask for a fee. The best I could find is this one. Looks like that's free but I could be wrong. I can continue searching later in the day but these seems to be the top ones when searching.
  12. beni

    Crap, I better stop procrastinating on Sundays! @~@ So glad you'll be able to join us now fictioninhope. : 3 I went into ultra panic mode when messing up the DJing today so felt too embarrassed to stay... But as usual, hopefully everyone had a great time!
  13. Beat me to it. xD Serious answer: The 'forever alone' meme is me, I swear. xD This is my life. But in all honesty, I'd like to marry the someone who'd ask me that question, if that ever even happens. If I'd meet anyone who'd want to be involved with me in any way at all, I'd be the happiest person on the planet, I really would. I'm not very good with people, or myself in that matter, so I've always tried to just keep to myself in everything. So I don't think about future plans like that at all because I'm so sure no one'll ever be interested in me that way. Actually, scratch that, I've just learnt what polygamy means. I do that with every single friend I have. xD My many husbandos and wiafus.
  14. beni

    Banned for the cool GIF in sig.
  15. 1. Awoi - One of my absolute favourite bands ever. They helped me a lot with their music so I was completely broken when I read the news. 2. DELUHI - Sudden disbandment to me, I'm still recovering. They deserved a much longer active time. 3. 9 GOATS BLACK OUT - One of those rare bands that never fails to create beautiful art with their music. I feel that their disbandment is a major loss to the scene. 4. D'espairsray - Pretty much everything I've said above of each band, they never failed to impress me with their music. Just irreplaceable. 5. Ayabie - The main band, to me, which just isn't the same with their newest music groups. I miss the old Ayabie and always will. Pretty much any disbandment I'll get upset about but I've never felt more depressed about any band breaking up than the above lot. ;_;
  16. beni

    Also more than happy for that idea! Can't believe I missed that, apologies. xD This actually reminds me of another idea I had for themes being in honor to users. Like, on their birthday, or something they've achieved or just for fun. I just really like that 'Official Happy Birthday' topic, it's obviously going to have to have more preparation in it then usual but it's just another suggestion. Also, anything about pandas is an instant favourite of mine aha. Pandas. x)
  17. beni

    I've actually never given f(x) a listen before. I like Brown Eyed Girls which is the only obscure I don't think that's the right terminology but... band I've heard, as well as 2NE1. I think they're a bit.. too liked but I'm all for that. I just feel like some other girl groups I've heard a bit of deserves that much attention, like 4minute or T-ara. Or I'm just so bad with these Korean groups I don't know which ones everyone prefers ehe, just going by the supposed popularity. I think most of us can't stand PSY now lol. That recent song of his.. what 'Hangover,' it was funny noticing other Korean singers but apart from that... worse than Gangname Style, it's not even enjoyable. I felt so bad people only heard and would only look into PSY out of every Korean musician.
  18. While I agree somewhat with what Incogneeto said, that's because I'm thinking about old friends. When I was depressed, they didn't care one bit, they just ignored me, they weren't interested in why I felt that way, they just didn't care. But now, with the recent ones I've made through my college years, they want to stay in touch with me after planning to move away. They want to spent time with me. They CARE if I haven't said why I'm off from college, they worry. They want to know what's wrong and try to get to the bottom of it. If I say I'm sad or angry, they give me space. If I'm just too hurt, they'll be there for comfort. It's the little things that makes relationships important to me. Because they understand, care and love, that's all I need in a friends. Friends can be found and kept for many, many years. If you don't have that, then those people just aren't for you. While I've always felt like everyone only cares about themselves, there are those kind enough, even if you don't know them, to take a bullet for you. So, you're wrong in that. Friends are important just as much as family and some don't even have family. They can and will be found in everyone's lives. I went into full flow with this discussion but I quoted Nyasagi because, that is so true. As I said above, it takes time with the right people!!
  19. beni

    That's an awesome idea! This time I hope to join in on the DJ list, so maybe for the first time doing so having a theme would be easier ehe. It'd be like a special plug episode, woop woop! : 3 If anyone has any suggestions and we all agree, I'm really happy this'll happen. Oh! I do have one suggestion, but maybe it's too soon for this so on Thursday the 25th, maybe we can all have an earlier one for that day in celebration for Christmas together? I mean, if everyone isn't busy. If not, maybe the 21st or 28th? Both upcoming Thursday nearest to Christmas.
  20. beni

    Bolded text = What happens to me whenever I look at them. x) I could stare at the pic all day, too precious, they should dress like that more often. This'd be my dream team on any shooting game. : 3 Oh and, just because I'm on this thread, I might be rather late on this but I gave all their releases after Royal Order a listen recently and I'm surprised having heard so many people say that that was their only good release. Might just be me having gotten used to their newer stuff very easily but it fits them much better to me. Need more.
  21. beni

    What a beautiful cat. I'm so glad they/he lived such a long life and got the best in it. The 'two-headed animals and other bizarre creatures' was an interesting read. Just very depressing about the lifespans. And causes of death. :/ RIP Frank and Louie, all of you.
  22. beni

    Bumping this again in the hope more'll come in because I don't want this thread to die! More fab kyary which is more relevant to the thread and the time of year compared to my last post haha. Puns are just too good.
  23. beni

    This thread <3 I'll be sure to use some of these when trying to irritate fans hehehe. I had a few certain bands in mind for this thread (NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST, Dir En Grey, and The GazettE) ages ago but my ones are nothing compared to all of them I see here already! Some are already mentioned too so that's awesome. : 3 Ones not mentioned I thought about like DaizyStripper and God Rabbits can be parody names just like that. xD But changing it around slightly = DaizyStrippers and Rabbits Gods. And one of my personal favourites: Cocklobin = Cockrobbin'. xD Most of these band names are just asking for parodies. xD
  24. beni

    because this hasn't been used before xD
  25. beni

    I did mentally. I think she'd kill me if I even tried in real life. Actually, if I even tried to hurt anyone, that's an instant KO on my side. xD Not as much as concerning us all! Guys please. Edit: On another note, meaning 'please no one else quote the above quotation'... Christmas sig = overkill. xD
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