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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Ah, cool. I've seen you around a lot. ^^ Nice! NoGod are awesome, they never disappoint. And I know The Pumpkin Head was going to be brought up due to JPA thread reading, aha. Awesome!
  2. beni

    Thank you all for getting back to this! ender, that's a massive help, thanks as always. Happy seeing such a theme could be possible. Seeing as the international and the comedy themes were also brought up, we can pick one of those next Sunday. Official, yay~ Am very excited, I hope to see you guys there!
  3. beni

    Nice to meet you too! Welcome to MH!! That avi... do you happen to be on JPA as well? It might just be really similar to someone I've seen there before, aha. I'm also wondering if you wouldn't mind introducing the musicians you're into so we get a chance to chat and learn more about you. Even hobbies and other interests! It'd be really nice to get to know you. ^^ If not, no worries! Please enjoy your time here and we'll see you around, all the best. Head over to the chat anytime and look out for when the plug sessions are happening~
  4. beni

    You're so funny. xD I chuckled too much, sorry. No worries. So, I have quoted your post below to see if our pluggin' peeps want to input on a possible session and choose. Other ideas are always welcome at all times, guys. I also had that one idea of dedicating tracks to particular MH members. Or even possibly, having thought about this more, doing a plug session for member's birthdays, to celebrate with them if they have the time to join at any time of their day. Just putting a couple ideas out there to encourage smarter ones, please. x'D I'm really leaning towards the covers and international ones recently. You guys?
  5. beni

    A snazzy looking pen from my teacher. Not exactly stolen, since I'm giving it back to her soon due to guilt.
  6. We love you, Trombe. <3

  7. beni

    I think it's just Sundays, dear. ^^ It'll be the usual tomorrow. Hope to see you then! : 3
  8. beni

    XD We're still in there, dear. You can join now or Sunday at the usual time! ^^ See you again, I hope you can join more often. That GIF though, LOL. xD
  9. blackAferni; the ship is strong.

    1. beni


      SHIP IT HARD [2] Official.

    2. Aferni
    3. beni


      I was gonna go with 'Afernidoll' because that's even cuter sounding. xD And hi der, sorry, I ship loving peeps. <3

    4. Show next comments  180 more
  10. beni

    Am free today. Anyone else interested in joining in with a plug session in about half an hour time?
  11. beni

    A very happy birthday to those on the 24th, 25th and for today! jiyunkun, Kay, trykot, takuro_taku! WOOT~
  12. beni

    I feel more and more like MH is my home. ;w; *packs bags and moves in*
  13. beni

    Charisma.com - Train HELL
  14. The 'Site Announcements of Awesome' has hit a new high for being awesome. <3 Thank you~ ;3; Kamijo can so do that, hai. Huffity.

    1. CAT5


      A little something to throw ppl off...in a good way ;3

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      A little bit too big...

    3. sai


      grabbing onto your titties for dear life

  15. beni

    Wow, this is more comical than I was expecting and I feel too guilty for that. xD Sankyu para, firstly, on deciding to kill me on the first one. <3 Friends 5eva~ And sankyu for I am THE DISTRICT 6 WINNER, YOSH~ I should be in bed but I am overwhelmed atm that chance and luck let me win on something. u-u Gonna have to do this some time, hehehe.
  16. beni

    HELLO, WELCOME, YAY! <3 I am very happy to see a newcomer introducing themself after so long, and someone who has now taken the time to join after a bit. :'3 You already win for that fashion, wow. I'm going to have to take some tipis, aha. And your favourites are awesome! Particularly BabyDollSymphony I don't hear much about from anyone. Lovely indeed. Thank you for telling us, and for the photo. 'A really drunk me!' x'D I really hope you enjoy your time here and can remain active! Also, I'm adding you on Last.fm so thank you for that link too. Dat 'SUPER' musical compatibility. : 3 See you around~
  17. beni

    Lycaon grabbed my attention from the get go due to insanely catchy choruses and one hell of a beautiful vocalist (yes, both visually and vocally), and they've given us all of this, once again, in a juicy fifty-six minute album consisting of eighteen tracks. The opener has a sort of Halloween sound with various monster cackles and screams that change into a healthy dose of dubstep, a feature that we've come to expect from the band. The dark sound flows remarkably well into '追憶,' which cleverly includes strings much like the first SE to carry on with this creepy atmosphere. This sullen tone continues into 'Dark Night.' I found this one too chaotic, but 'Liar' makes up for this. This track has that reminiscent choppy sound found very often in their songs. It's the repetitive chugging of guitars I have grown quite fond of. This sound welcomes the catchiest chorus in the whole album. Even though the 'Engrish' inclusion is rather unpleasant to many, the tiny dose of 'Liar' before Yuuki's whispers get to our ears makes for a very appealing chorus. Right after this kick-ass song, we get the first single of the album, 'Shadow.' Their latest batch of singles were my favourite single tracks of 2014, and even in this massive tracklist, their appeal isn't diminished one bit. We come to the mid part of the album with the second SE insertion. The eerie vocalisation continues with, fittingly, a camera clicking in this one, while a young girl's whispers echo. This ends with the camera clicking and film rolling. We then come into track seven, introduced by the little girl's creepy chuckles. The shortest track of the album, 'marionette,' is impressive on many levels. It's heavy, with brilliantly set out drums and guitars chugging together in a violent yet coherent manner. 'marionette' is simple and easy to follow. This is made ever so obvious when thinking back to the previous mess that is 'Dark Night.' It's memorable and a definite stand out point. Unfortunately, this cannot be said for the following track. While its progression is just as fluid as 'marionette,' '君を壊すガラスの衝動' is the least memorable song of the album. It's likely thanks to Yuuki's orgasmic 'ahs' during the climax that I didn't dose off. And the next track doesn't help put the hype train back on track. The rather disagreeably placed third SE follows (after just two songs, really?), which is of a jazzy nature and quickly rides into 'Rouge;' yes, a jazzy tune. It's a very appreciated sound after the bombardment of hard hitters previously. Yuuki's exotic tone really makes this one to pay attention to, much like the final song of this album. The more cleverly placed 'ahs' in this one are much more rocking with the beat itself. Now things are definitely coming back together as we get to the next single track, '馬鹿ね。.' While its loudness will probably put some listeners off, it's a thrilling listen and very fun. It's another track placement I approve of greatly, introducing the only ballad to the album, 'アネモネ.' While not an impressive ballad, it's a lovely ice breaker yet again for its much slower tempo against the quicker tracks. It's also my favourite song when it comes to the tracks that flow into the SE's. Moving onto '売女 -SE-,' it has an almost pirate like sound to it, and mixes the eerieness of the first SE's sound along with the girl whispering again. The last single track, '悪女の微笑,' slaps us in the face and picks us back up with high energy. Who can really deny those whip sounds? Saucy. The album carries on strong with another powerful song, 'ILLUSION.' It's similar to 'marionette' with its straightforward structure, but it may take a couple spins until you're digging it since it's not as impactful. This is very much the same case for the following track, 'メランコリック.' There's just enough diversity in each song to keep these last few tracks from sounding too similar. And we finally get a little shriek from Yuuki after... fifteen tracks. And if you now ignore the overused SE's, the album would've ended on a very positive note with 'ジプシー.' Now this is the type of seductive Lycaon we need more of! With a very passionate tone to it thanks to the tango sound and those lovely, attention-grabbing castanets, this one is actually much more inviting to dance to than when the guys 'drop the bass' in their louder songs. What's more, this newly heard sound of theirs does wonders to Yuuki's already sensual voice. His voice makes for a very exotic track without the guys needing to use the gimmicks they once did before when it comes to trying to achieve this sexy sound. On this best note to end with, let's forget about the fifth SE for now. If you're already a big fan, consider yourself sold on this and addicted for sure (I can see fellow Lycaon lovers doing a great job in pushing this love as already witnessed daily; shoutout to @blackdoll). The track placements are hit and miss, with some very overused interludes. However, each song manages to stand by themself even when being suffocated by a lengthy album. What's even more surprising is that the album seems to end all too quickly! But, if you're new to them, then, steer clear of the hype for now. While this is most definitely an improvement in their musicial direction being more accepted, this is a release with too much of everything they've got to give in it. Enjoyment might not be the main problem with this if you do try, but just managing to get through it all might be asking for too much. Score:
  18. beni

    For all of your posts and thoughts on various films, as I think I've said before? I personally find this very helpful and interesting and to see such dedication in posting here so often is lovely. So, many hoorays to you, I believe. ^^
  19. beni

    Up for a bit today too!
  20. beni

    Happy birthday you lot! kai_desu *many cheers to you~* Jay737 li-xan Chriizz Have a wonderful day you guys!
  21. beni

    It'll be awesome if it's got both English and Japanese tracks like their other album but I'm not hoping for it too much. This is brilliant news though either way, after such an impressive and fun album last year. I'm looking forward to hearing more from these guys. : 3
  22. beni

    This post of yours is so precious. This beloved spam of Sho and Koba is greatly appreciated... yes... very... *saves each pic* >< Ahem. My first good listen of them was 'Rhapsody in beauty.' I have since downloaded the rest of their albums to listen to in one sitting some time, and I now remember I have given 'zeitgeist' a listen before at one point. I need to give a proper good listen to this again for a good enough response but, I am very much a fan of their 'Rhapsody in beauty' album. Like Ling, I'm going to have to get back to this topic once I've given these guys more of a listen. They are definitely one of the finest shoegaze bands I've ever heard though.
  23. beni

    Been a while ;; Hooray for Bear again~ *many cheers* Treating this as my movie dictionary. x) Plot summary: Two seemingly unconnected souls from different corners of the United States make a telepathic bond that allows them to see, hear and feel the others experiences, creating a bond that apparently can't be broken. Other Info: Released in 2014, Bellwether Pictures, indie paranormal drama and romantic comedy. Thoughts: Romantic, funny and sweet, 'In Your Eyes' is the recent random movie I decicided to try on Netflix and I was surprised to have enjoyed it as much as I did. I don't usually rewatch movies, but I had to watch the film again after viewing it in one sitting late at night. The acting seems natural and effortless. You really feel for the characters and connect with that which only emphasises the heightened emotions you'll feel at the climax of the film. Movie stars Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David are just meant to be shipped in this, and it's sometimes an aggravating watch during moments in which they try to break apart to get back to their lives when they're meant to be. Apart from one intimate scene which I skipped just because I feel these scenes are a bit too much, it didn't seem awkward at all. It's an honest and loving film which deserves more attention. My newest addition to my favourite movies.
  24. beni

    Same. ;; Been very late and missed quite a few days, I apologise to previous birthdays. Well, we've got a packed day today by the looks of it so a massive happy birthday wishing to you all and the previous lot. Enjoy!
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