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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Do the same but without the gap between = and the C at the start of cat's name. Where I've underlined, love.
  2. beni

    That avi still does it to me. It's all too much.
  3. beni

    Total: 2. Authority: 0.00 Self-Sufficiency: 2.00 Superiority: 0.00 Exhibitionism: 0.00 Exploitativeness: 0.00 Vanity: 0.00 Entitlement: 0.00 Pretty much.
  4. Over 10,000 on top artists? Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl, do you have your music plugged in 24/7, is that all you do? Too many hours wasted on just increasing those play digits I see. Not only that but, only the classic guys, huh? No modern lot? One of MH's true obasan's. Tooooooooooooooo old school~ I love you really. *hugs pillow for dear life*
  5. beni

    Strawberry laces. Managed to have that as my one snack for tonight. That's a first in ages. x'D
  6. beni

    It always slips my mind that I want to watch this, but the big deal (in a negative way) on this year's UK one is hilarious. A rather poor pick of vocalists, but the music itself is pretty well done. Won't beat the 2013's France entry I've fallen head over heels for though. I doubt anything will.
  7. This had been brought up to my attention when @CAT5 had spoken about it once before. I began noticing how other users and myself would use, as previously done in that sentence, the tag/wrap of [ member= (member name here)] -> [member= CAT5). This highlights the user, but doesn't inform/notify them of that usage. This is a great way to direct a user's attention to a shout out for any reason when someone doesn't use a quotation. For example, the birthday thread. It only highlights a member but doesn't tell them they've been wished a birthday which I think would be nice in case the thread itself goes unnoticed by them. I have also noticed how users might only bold a name or underline it (if everyone were to use the wrap, this might not have crossed my mind), for instance, here when I had happened to stumble upon this post while scrolling. I understand we also have the search funtion to look up our names as well but wouldn't this be more suitable? I also understand the server might need to be updated for this to work but if this is wanted by other users too and that it's not too difficult to make happen, I hope this comes into play at some point. Actually, with an easier thought on this, maybe more colours can happen when it comes to usernames? This is merely some thoughts but thank you for taking notice.
  8. Wishing a very happy birthday to cutie Shir0! <3

    1. Tetora


      Happy birthday.

  9. beni

    Happy birthday to the lovely bunch who are: @scoozie, @kiokusan, and the absolutely delightful and adorable @Shir0-chan!
  10. beni

    Well, that was quickly over and done with. Almost inserted an upset/dying GIF.
  11. beni

    Deserves her own theme. So, are we on for one of those themes this Sunday? Or a mixture of both? Also, early early plug jam happening right now, come join!
  12. Will check this out. And that title, lol. I read it as in you were giving up in discussing it. xD No cares were given aha.
  13. beni

    Anyone else already seen this? Pretty cool and fun! Their latest efforts after the album release have been pretty meh to me but this is rekindling the massive love I had for them with that album.
  14. beni

    :/ One of my fav VK bands, I give up. </3
  15. Their early stuff is perfect, I'll also keep an eye out for their upcoming releases from now on. Still going to check out their previous works and get up-to-date on them. x3
  16. beni

    Happy birthday you guys!! @siung2 @Sucza-san @JunAttic
  17. Newest person converted, apart from my nan who can enjoy anything I play just because she's far too nice is my mum (FINALLY, THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN EVER). She is enjoying Namie Amuro's 'Baby Don't Cry.' I feel like I've accomplished something massive here. I mean, it is massive. It's my mum. xD
  18. beni

    Great thread! Always thought In This Moment look quite fitting. Especially Maria. Her whole attire is really something.
  19. beni

    More surprised than anything that this hasn't happened sooner.
  20. beni

    ;-; I hope she continues doing what she wants to do and that this hasn't affected her negatively too much.
  21. beni

    Lmao, was joking with. x3
  22. beni

    Ah, yes, that was it! ^^; Thank you, we even played that on a few spins and I had forgotten, lol. That's a good idea! However, that example... how dare you. u-u
  23. beni

    Even if it's not April Fools, they'll still be a joke. I'm still excited hearing what they'll sound like even if I'll probably be the only person to say anything good about them. And as if that 'tache hasn't won people over dough.
  24. beni

    Bumping this just to possibly discuss a theme earlier on. Also, I believe someone had thought up a good idea for another possible theme but it's slipped my mind.
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