yeah but that is the front row for you - especially front row of Dir en Grey. As I said, I can understand that people want to do the front row experience, I've tried that too. But at the end of the day I wanna have a sick time and enjoy myself and that is much better, for me, at the back, even if that means that I can only see them from crotch (or in Kyo's case: chest) upwards because there will always be that pushing in the front, doesn't matter if it's guys of girls who do the pushing.
As I said, I think the problem is the fan-attitude that the scene has. Usually the huge guys know that they are huge and let me e.g. who is more on the tiny side, in front of them (or they stand further in the back to begin with because huge metal guys are usually super chill) and there is less pushing from girls as well, but with DeG everyone turns into a fucking arsehole who just wants to be in the front row, I guess...
But then again, yesterday the guy next to me offered to switch places with me because there were two tall guys in front of me: the cool people are in the back, come join us again the next time ;P