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  1. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to madygrain in nightmare   
    I don't think you're going to ever agree on this, DogMan, bada. Nightmare albums have been pretty consistent on their quality imo so favorites and hated ones are mostly a matter of personal inclination towards the styles they have been exploring thoughout the years. The only exception would be Anima that seem loved by most if not all Nightmare's fans.
    I honestly would recomend Nightmare or To Be or not To Be before Scums. As an entry point Libido is probably the safest to go with. It's neither their best or their worst and it's not overly thematic or all over the place like other works of theirs so people cant get a decent most common denominator style for their music from listening to it.
  2. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to yukimi in Develop One's Faculties new album & one man live   
    It is announced that Develop One's Faculties will release a full album (release date not decided) and will hold a one man live on the 20th of December.
    Source : OHP
  3. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to MikuKun in DuelJewel will disband   
    Everyone know's they are disbanding for a good reason right? Hayato has a throat disease, they aren't just randomly disbanding after 18 year's because they were "Uninspired" Hayato is sick and his throat need's surgery. Show some respect to them at least, it may not be much to some people but I know if I was in a band for 18 year's then had to disband because I was sick, it would absolutely destroy me and I know I would want some support and understanding from the fan's of the band. Their last album was really good in my opinion, just try and be understanding people please, let's not be happy that a band is disbanding, this is their life and livelihood, well that's my opinion at least. Let's at least respect their long career, they were a band for one year less than my entire life, they worked hard and lasted a long long time. Thank's for all the year's DuelJewel!
  4. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to doombox in ex-THE KIDDIE members music project "GUTS AND DEATH"   
    Sendai Kamotsu says hello....

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    Silverhawk33 reacted to Zeus in bands and their hate for illegal uploads....   
    Piracy doesn't ever go away. From the minute the band gains a fan, they should expect that everything they record can and eventually will end up online somewhere.  Bands that ask or rant to fans to stop pirating their music don't see that piracy is the inevitable end game of being a band. It's an indicator of many things, the biggest being that there are people out there that care enough about a band to advertise their music for them! I think this is a vastly underrated bonus that musicians forget about when they froth at the mouth over "potential money lost". That's why every band that has ever mentioned piracy in a negative light unintentionally end up sounding like assholes. At one point, piracy helped them and their bands get to where they are whether they want to admit it or not. Their points are valid in almost all cases, and in many cases piracy may have a marginal to sizable impact on their revenue, but the benefits that piracy gives to these small local bands far outweighs the money they're losing.
    There are some things money can't buy. A growing fan base is one of them.
  7. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Lestat in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    I feel, as a Kisaki fan, that I'm not being given a positive, personal opinion of my own about the him, or quite frankly anything related to him. I've realized that being fond of him is somewhat of a burden too as other Visual fans usually judge me for it and constantly make me aware of his faults where it isn't necessary (not in this case per sé, as I myself looked into this topic) as I am very much aware of his faults. Every human being is full of faults. No one is flawless and there are some where it shows more evidently because frankly, Kisaki isn't that good at hiding things, and I am very much aware of it, but I don't throw a relentless fit everytime he says or does something stupid, because that's human nature. There have been times where I've been directly accused for things he did (like, what the hell...) or that I've been bullied because I am fond of him. Like inartistic said, Kisaki is hunted, preferably up towards the very cross at which a lot of people desire to see him burn and no one gives him any rest until he ends up breaking down again, for which of course, the 'fans' blame him, and regardless of what anyone thinks, he's very self-aware. As a fan this is very hard to constantly be confronted with wherever I look into topics about him. Whether that is on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Livejournal, or forums such as these. No one ever has a good word to spare about him, and quite honestly I'm in deep on an emotional level where I feel conflicted too, whether that makes someone think of me as a rabid, obsessive, mentally challenged fangirl or not.
    There are a lot of musicians who have been involved in some shady business, but no one bothered with them longer than about two months, after an occurence. Kisaki's problems are following him because people are constantly shoving things back in his face from years ago (like the Kyo/Kisaki incident, or his tax evasion - of which he isn't the only one having done so, but do you hear anyone about Dynamite Tommy? Nope). There are only few who ever view him from his good side; there are tons of musicians he assisted, he's given the entire Kansai scene a foundation, man — his dedication is insane because no matter how terrible he feels, he'll stand on that stage whereas a lot of musicians already stay at home and cancel their lives when they suffer from a cold. He's always done events, brought bands and fans together, releases music on the go, made sure you could listen to your favourite obscure Matina bands and newer UCP bands, and a whole hell of a lot more. But I never read something positive about him other than the words that leave my own mouth or keyboard, and from the close-knitted group of his fans which luckily still exists on Twitter and WeLoveUCP.
  8. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Lestat in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    I personally don't think anything Kisaki does has ever made sense even to himself, and I quite frankly do not bother much until people start digging into his history and try to unravel what presumably is correct and incorrect. Even if anything he did before 1994 was fake history, I doubt it would've mattered if anyone had found out or not regarding the unpopularity of these releases and bands and their insignificance to Visual Kei legacy. 
    From what I've gathered he's a troubled man with some sort of complex for a need of recognition and attention who missed out on adulthood. Things about him are off and shady but who knows what's the original cause for his constant lies and beating around the bush, and even his mysterious causes of illnesses. More CEO's of Visual Kei labels are involved in weird crap and I bet if anyone started digging in into Yoshiki or Dynamite Tommy you'd find similar strange discoveries. Regardless, he's my favourite Japanese artist and I respect him and what he's done for the scene and how he still manages to keep himself standing whilst getting his own shit shoved down back his throat all the time, I wouldn't be able to keep my own legs from giving out. 
  9. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to inartistic in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Here's the evidence that I could find of these bands being *real*:
    KISAKI played recorded versions of songs of Levia~LAYBIAL~SHËY≠DË at his 20th anniversary live. It's not really “proof” of anything, but this was a history live, so there should have been someone who was a fan of the bands that were ripped off (VICE∞RISK, 業, Levia[non-KISAKI]), and who would have noticed if KISAKI was playing those songs...
    As someone else mentioned, on 2007-11-19 in his HOLIDAY blog, he mentioned meeting ex-Levia member 美憂, who is married and has a child.
    On 2012-01-04, he posted in his Ameba (now deleted) that he met Levia members again. Most of them married with children now. He also posted a pciture of 美憂's child this time (also on Twitter ↑), as well as a picture of that guy's shop. (Google/Tineye didn't return any results when I searched the images).
    Earliest web mention of these bands that I can find is on 2ch in 2003. So at least we know his *canon* band history included these bands way before BEYOND THE KINGDOM.
    Again, not proof of anything, but the canon lineup of SHËY≠DË features 紫緒, who was in HISKAREA. I automatically doubt that KISAKI would make up a fake band with a known musician in the lineup, if it weren't real...
    松本 博, the owner of Wakayama livehouse OLD TIME at which Levia supposedly performed a lot of oneman lives, actually commented in BEYOND THE KINGDOM about seeing KISAKI's junior-high band Levia as regulars who were popular. So that seems to confirm a lot for me, unless they faked that comment (I already checked―the 松本 博 is real.)
    This one is sort of reaching, but bear with me. Check out the cover of the Levia “滅びの序章” demotape again (which was copied from the Levia[non-KISAKI] “滅びの序章”, remember?).
    Now check out this image by hyura again. The image on the left. I know it's near the LAYBIAL sign, but it's only 3 members (LAYBIAL had 4), and LAYBIAL didn't play a live on 1994-09-21... but Levia had 3 members and did play their first live on 1993-09-21. So could that picture be of KISAKI's Levia?
    And if so... looking at that supposed Levia[non-KISAKI] scan, couldn't you see KISAKI on the left and the other two guys on the right (compare the eye-makeup, the hair, the chokers, the suit jackets)...?
    I can't claim anything from this, but you have to admit that it sort of looks like Levia and Levia[non-KISAKI] are one in the same, at least from comparing those two pictures.
    That would be the ultimate mind fuck if that were the case, because the Levia[non-KISAKI] demotape has 5 tracks which, as far as I know, aren't stolen from anything...
    Personally, I think Levia~LAYBIAL~SHËY≠DË were *real*, since they've been mentioned for so long (at least since 2003), way before there was a book about KISAKI or he had some “legacy” of being a 15-year-old genius who was playing oneman shows. Also, I can't imagine KISAKI and FOOL'S MATE would be so bold as to fake a comment from the owner of a livehouse who knew Levia. And finally, I don't think KISAKI was lying when he posted about meeting ex-Levia members... but if he was, then he's been purposefully sprinking those things throughout his blog for 7 years which just seems to be way beyond his level of thinking IMO.
    So like I said, I think the bands are *real*, but I'm not sure if the demotapes ever were... I see a couple of possible scenarios:
    1. The *canon* demotapes were *real* but were also fake/stolen (even at the time of their release).
    2. It's been so long that KISAKI has no clue what his early bands released, so he just made it up for BEYOND THE KINGDOM. In that case, there are *real* demotapes, but probably completely different from the *canon* ones.
    3. There are *canon* demotapes are also *real*, but KISAKI's been seeding the net and auctions with fake copies, while he maniacally holds on to the only real copies that are left. In that case, the titles are still stolen from other releases... (This would fit in nicely with the crazy theory that Levia is the same as Levia[non-KISAKI]!)
    So I guess my posts didn't really give any clear conlusion, but I hope you've gained some more evidence to make your own (or at least see that the situation is even weirder than some simple lying).
  10. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Trombe in 塩原康孝(ex-SCREW RUI) solo new mini album "-overture-" release   
    塩原康孝(shiobara yasutaka)(ex-SCREW RUI) solo new mini album "-overture-" will be released through Tower Records at 2015/09/16 (2,160yen)
    [track list]
    03.Don't let me down
    04.innocent star
    06.みらいドロップ(mirai drop)

  11. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to hiroki in Anli Pollicino best mini album "STARGAZER vol.1" release   
    digital singles are for fans who want to pledge support or for those who don't want to wait for the compilation album, so they aren't "useless". ditto their live-limited double A-sides with songs that have been released / will be released. honestly, fans of Zany Zap bands would have seen this coming since it happens all the time (although needless to say you aren't one of them).
    i should also say that this mini-album is ridiculously cheap for the amount of content it has - 7 tracks including one unreleased cover track + 3 PV + live footage - all for a price of what most bands today charge for a limited-edition single with 2 tracks + 1 PV.
  12. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Rosebetz in SCREW 2 new mini albums & LIVE DVD release   

    Credits: Edohsama
  13. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Trombe in SCREW 2 new mini albums & LIVE DVD release   
    "覚醒(kakusei)" [CD track list]
    04.NO PAIN, NO GAIN (included in regular edition)
    their LIVE DVD "SCREW TOUR 2014 INNER PSYCHOLOGICAL WORLD [TOUR FINAL] 2014.12.28 AT AiiA Theater Tokyo" will be released at 2015/06/28 (2 TYPE)
    Siesta-limited edition (8,640yen) will include 2DVDs+photobook (80 pages) and will be in sleeve-case, and regular edition (5,400yen) will include DVD only
    [siesta-limited edition DISC 1 track list]
    05.evil passions
    07.Helter Skelter
    09.Blood Sucking Freak
    10.Burst Forth
    11.Get You Back
    12.絶望の讃美歌(zetsubou no sanbika)
    14.忘れたいつかの日…(wasureta itsuka no hi...)
    [siesta-limited edition DISC 2 track list]
    01.FREEDOM OF CHOICE -Drum solo-
    02.Damned!! -Rhythm Section-
    03.Cursed Hurricane
    04.Barbed wire
    06.Dearest Wish
    backstage documentary
    [regular edition track list]
    05.evil passions
    07.Helter Skelter
    09.Blood Sucking Freak
    10.Burst Forth
    11.Get You Back
    12.絶望の讃美歌(zetsubou no sanbika)
    14.忘れたいつかの日…(wasureta itsuka no hi...)
    01.FREEDOM OF CHOICE -Drum solo-
    02.Damned!! -Rhythm Section-
    03.Cursed Hurricane
    04.Barbed wire
    06.Dearest Wish
  14. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Trombe in Jupiter new maxi single "TOPAZ" release   
    limited edition (3,240yen) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (1,350yen) will include CD only
    [CD track list]
    03.Rose Quartz
    [limited edition DVD track list]
    「Temple of Venus」2015.04.29 at Shinjuku ReNY
    01.The Birth of Venus
    03.Red Carnation
    06.The History of Genesis
  15. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Shaolan974 in DuelJewel new mini-album "Duel" release   
    DuelJewel new mini-album "Duel" will be released at 2015/07/22 (2 TYPES)
    Limited edition (2484 yens) will include CD (4 songs) and DVD (Red Rose PV+MAKING), and Regular edition (2160 yens) will include CD (5 songs only).
    Tracklist :
    1 Red Rose  2 デッドマンズ・ホープ (Deadman's Hope)    3 鬼哭啾々 (Kikokushuushuu) 4 Locus    5 BUZZ [regular edition only]
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    Silverhawk33 got a reaction from Ada Suilen in Jupiter new maxi single "TOPAZ" release   
    That was fast, hope it's good. The second album to me was pretty good, just not on the same level as their debut.
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  19. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Trombe in 劇情テノール(gekijou tenor) 3 last items release   
    劇情テノール(gekijou tenor) 3 last items have been available for ordering through their official web-shop:
    acoustic album "#3+東方テノールvol.2" (1,500yen)
    best album "End Roll" (3,800yen)
    "CURTAIN CALL" [track list]
    04.Brand New Way, Broadway
    08.Pay more money!!
    10.Going My Way, Broadway
    11.please dance again
    12.For The CAST
    16.cry cry cry
    18.Lonely night, fearful night, so join us and smile
    22.Conductor, "I miss you I need you"
    "#3+東方テノールvol.2" [track list]
    01.meimei(Acoustic)[原曲:上海紅茶館~Chinese Tea~]
    02.lychee tea(Acoustic)[原曲:明治十七年の上海アリス]
    03."Welcome to the Heaven" to audience(Acoustic)
    05.For The CAST(Acoustic)
    06.ユメタガエ(Acoustic)[原曲:童祭~Innocent Treasures]
    07.舞台袖のジェラシー(with CHALI Orchestra)[原曲:緑眼のジェラシー]
    "End Roll"
    [DISC 1 track list]
    03."Welcome to the Heaven" to audience
    05.Brand New Way, Broadway
    07.Going My Way, Broadway
    09.Conductor, "I miss you I need you"
    15.Lonely night, fearful night, so join us and smile
    16.Pay more money!!
    19.please dance again
    [DISC 2 track list]
    03.number 00X
    08.For The CAST
    12.R-G- from hell
    14.cry cry cry
    15.adieu STEADY
    19.hide and seek
  20. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Trombe in MUCC new mini album "T.R.E.N.D.Y. -Paradise from 1997-" release   
    it is announced at MUCC one-man live "F#CK THE PAST F#CK THE FUTURE" at EX THEATER ROPPONGI at 2015/04/28 that their new mini album "T.R.E.N.D.Y. -Paradise from 1997-" will be released at 2015/06/24 (2 TYPE)
    limited edition (3,240yen) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (2,484yen) will include CD only
  21. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Trombe in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new album "下剋上。(gekokujou)" release   
    it is announced at コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) one-man live tour "悪足掻き(WARUAGAKI)" tour final at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/04/29 that their new album "下剋上。(gekokujou)" will be released at 2015/07/08 (2 TYPE)
    TYPE A (3,780yen) will include CD (11 songs)+DVD (including "アリア(aria)" PV & making), and TYPE B (3,240yen) will include CD (12 songs) only
    btw they will hold their one-man live tour "下剋上。(gekokujou)" since Nagoya E.L.L. at 2015/07/10 and up to tour final at Akasaka BLITZ at 2015/09/05

    SET-LIST at 2015/04/29:
    05.Can't stop MAD teens.
    07.SMASH the BRAIN
    10.RAD MUSIC!!
    12.シリアルキラー(serial killer)
    13.ヒューマンエラー(human error)
    02.ゼロ・アイデンティティー(zero identity)
  22. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to Trombe in Femme Fatale LIVE DVD release   
  23. Like
    Silverhawk33 reacted to MikuKun in Sadie 10th anniversary concept best album "DECADE" release   
    I understand people being upset with a band they enjoyed changing and playing different music compared to before but jeez at least respect that they lasted ten year's already, their ballads are pretty damn good, not "gawd awful". Sometimes fan's can just be plain jerk's, just at least give them the respect they deserve for ten year's of making music without completely calling them trash. Let's be a good community not one that other people can reference as a "At least we're not as bad as those people on Monochrome Heaven". Have an opinion please, but don't just be an absolute waste of time to anyone who genuinely want's to know about this album. Sorry for the rant and congratulations Sadie on surviving ten year's in the music industry!
  24. Like
    Silverhawk33 got a reaction from Pretsy in SuG new double-A-side maxi single "teenAge dream/Luv it!!" release   
    I really hope they continue the sound they had in BLACK, really appreciate just how good and unique that album is. 
  25. Like
    Silverhawk33 got a reaction from Tetora in SuG new double-A-side maxi single "teenAge dream/Luv it!!" release   
    I really hope they continue the sound they had in BLACK, really appreciate just how good and unique that album is. 
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