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Posts posted by Duwang

  1. If my memory dont fail, his tweet wasnt that but "If AvelCain dies i don't die, but if i die AvelCain dies".


    Ah yes, that was it. You have a good memory.

    I feel kinda bad forgetting since I was the one who translated it for another thread on here....oops



    On another topic, I wonder if Shimizuya intends on signing another band. The label can't survive with only one band, especially since sibile still plays small venues with unpopular and moderately popular bands [for vk standards].

  2. Just saying: Lycaon was with Shimizuya for their entire career of 7/8 years. Avel will have been there 3/4 years. I haven't talked to Karma or Yuuki lately, so I can't say whether they were overworked, but I assume the bands had good experiences if they stayed that long.


    I can't say for AvelCain since I never really followed them but you should check out Lycaon's schedule from October until their last live:


    10/2 twoman live (Tokyo)

    -2 days off-

    10/5 oneman live (Tokyo)

    -3 days off-

    10/9 event live (Nagoya)

    -2 days off-

    10/12 oneman (Nagoya)

    10/13 event live (Nagoya)

    10/14 instore x2 (Tokyo)

    10/15 event live (Tokyo)

    10/16 event live (Sendai)

    10/17 instore (Sendai)

    10/18 instore (Niigata)

    10/19 event live (Niigata)

    -2 days off-

    10/22 event live (Nagoya)

    10/23 event live (Nagoya)

    10/24 instore x2 (Nagoya)

    10/25 event live (Gifu)

    -4 days off-

    10/30 event live (Osaka)

    10/31 instore x2 (Osaka)

    11/1 instore (Osaka)

    -1 day off-

    11/3 event live (Tokyo)

    -2 days off-

    11/6 Last Live (Tokyo)


    This of course doesn't account for rehearsal days. Then there's the time spent traveling across the country by car.

    The 12th to the 19th looks especially insane. Do you know how long it takes to drive from Nagoya to Tokyo, Tokyo to Sendai, Sendai to Niigata, then Niigata to Nagoya?


    Also keep in mind that leaving a label isn't that simple. It's not like they could've just up and left Shimizuya and continued the band under the same name and performing the same songs that Shimizuya owns the rights to.

  3. Name change and joining AINS plz


    Kaede is retiring from the scene so I highly doubt that will happen.

    His latest tweet → "The last band of my life. Avelcain. July 27th 2016. When this day ends I will never stand on stage again. 4 months left. Please tell me all of your thoughts/feelings."


    I wonder if Karma will form another band since he once tweeted "if Avelcain dies I will also die". Of course I can't say if that is directly connected to their disbandment since he tweeted that forever ago but it does get me thinking if he means his Karma persona will die or that he plans to leave vk when AvelCain disbands.

  4. I didn't expect this to happen so soon after Lycaon's disbandment but I'm honestly not too surprised considering that Izumi overworks and underpays bands. I'm sure they're disbanding to escape him.

    Signing with Shimizuya is basically a death sentence.
    I hope Sibile doesn't meet the same fate but I wouldn't be surprised if they also disbanded within the next year or two.


    Also Kaede will be retiring from vk.

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