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Posts posted by Duwang

  1. I haven't updated this since I first posted so I thought I should go ahead and do so. I also put them in the order in which I like them for each category.
    Makes me realize I haven't listened to too many new releases this year 

    Last updated: 11/12


    ★★★★★ - "Good shit"

    アヴァンチック - 他人の不幸は蜜の味

    ザアザア - 雨に殺される
    白日ノ夢 - 白き記憶


    ★★★★☆ - "Yessss"
    白日ノ夢 - 事例04 -ナイン-
    黒姫の夢遊病 - 黒猫姫

    黒姫の夢遊病 - リィザ
    少年記 - TIMELESS
    ザアザア - したいでけでしょ?
    ザアザア - カミソリ
    JILUKA - Faizh
    アヴァンチック - アイドル
    ZETSURIN⚡HAGUKI - 若者離れが止まらない!


    ★★★☆☆ - "Pretty good / solid release"
    DEZERT - 「最高の食卓」
    ザアザア - 余命
    ザアザア - どす黒い
    黒姫の夢遊病 - 純黒のジャッジメント

    黒姫の夢遊病 - 旅立ちの輪舞曲
    マーブルヘッド - 『 - 僕等の曲天烈大百科 - 』

    えんそく - アリス・エクス・マキナ [type: Atman]
    えんそく - アリス・エクス・マキナ [type: ABreast]
    アヴァンチック - 人生ゲーム

    シビレバシル - 本能

    シビレバシル - 月姫
    VRZEL - Dear Omen


    ★★☆☆☆ - "Not awful / could be worse"

    マイナス人生オーケストラ - 心外 (Disappointment of the year)


    ★☆☆☆☆ - "Ehhh"
    ギャロ - DIAVOLO
    DADAROMA - dadaism#2
    AvelCain - 月-MOON-


    ☆☆☆☆☆ - "#NOPE"
    Everything Pentagon has released this year
    Everything Mejibray has released this year

  2. Their purple suits don't really seem pimp-like to me but rather like low budget Batman villains. Haru's hat especially makes me lol because it's a different color and material from their suits.


    As for their releases, I'm in agreement with anakuro's opinion. コワイクライ is their most solid release but my favorite song is ララララ with 花占い and 子守歌 in a close second/third.

     死にたい is my least favorite. I only really listen to are もうすぐ雨が降るから and 不感症. I like 闇 as well but I'm just never in the mood to listen to it.


    Also, they announced instores since I last posted in this thread and it looks like I'm going to 2 or 3 of them. I'm really curious what their メンバーとお話したいだけでしょ?&お菓子欲しいだけでしょ? instore is gonna be like cause that sounds like one weird instore based on the description. Are they going to give us candy or something?

  3. I was diagnosed with scoliosis a little over 10 years ago. In my case it's actually genetic rather than the result of an accident or injury.
    I have two curvatures in my spine and both are bad enough for me to have been presented with the option of surgery. I decided against it mainly due to the high risk of paralysis and nerve damage/loss of sensation in my back. Instead I wore a back brace for 5 years to prevent it from getting worse while I was still growing.

    Over the years the pain has increased and it's going to get even worse as I get older. It's gotten pretty difficult for me to stand in place or walk for extended periods of time without taking breaks.


    I also have carpal tunnel in my left hand.

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