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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Shir0

    awwh when it was said they'd release it in autumn I assumed it would come already in September love their Band pic btw
  2. When you see KRAD's mini among the Upcoming Events :]]]]]]]

  3. Shir0

    Oh shit this is quite difficult for me tbh @Seimeisenpretty much sumed up my thoughts (like seriously, very exactly hah wtf) AvelCains three month consecutive release campaign ( ayakashi no hako being one of their best singles imo) after their successful self-titled album and their mini Omajinai made it seem like things would only get better from here. I can't tell if AvelCains disbandment could have been prevented if Eve stayed (I'd like to belive that) but it would at leat have been much better than now! Byou joining AvelCain didn't really do anything for them Both Bands AvelCain and DEZERT impressed me right from the start but when I compare both of them DEZERT actually kept that standard for me so far. Saikou no Shokutaku is not DEZERT's best Album but this is nothing compared to how AvelCain's Rinnetenshou disappointed me and also their last few releases were not their greatest work it's sad when I think how great everything started with them They're still very special to me, even more after seeing them live but based on objective criteria it's DEZERT > AvelCain in the end
  4. Shir0

    I feel an overwhelming mix of disappointment and sadnessss :[ they were such a promising Band Urgh Anyone knows the reasom for their disbandment?
  5. Shir0

    Ich seh wir haben einige Bands gemeinsam Diru, Balalaika, Fixer,usw. Anyway welcome to MH! If you have any questions feel free to pm a Moderator (blue name) or Admin (red name) enjoy your time here~
  6. Cool I wasn't really overwhelmed by their last mini but it was soliiid either way
  7. Shir0

    this is exactly what I'm worried about atm there's nothing really new on their Twitter either except of Mitsume being totally exhausted from studio work (?)
  8. ^ love the fact that they played one of my fav KuRt songs Set-list 2016.07.16 1.Ⅲ秒で光る骸骨狂ったチャップリンと命名(cover) 2.ハゲ散らかしたジョニー 3.my head bursting open call a doctor 4.プラスチックマン 5.能力者 6.ナイフ 7.27 8.燃ゆる東京 9.狂犬病 10.Wonderland 11.晴天-Hale Sola-(cover) -EN- 1.CALL ME(cover) 2.ハゲ散らかしたジョニー 3.ひまわり
  9. Shir0

    Jojo looks fab af like always
  10. MTE hahaha love that look tho
  11. Shir0

    YEEEEEEEEES FINALLY PREVIEWS thanks! Unlipe ideal sounds powerful and cool so far now I'm hella excited for this single Edit:forgot it's live-limited <///3
  12. Not sure if dark-MeteoroiD is officially dead now or not.. I suppose it is? Damn it & I honestly got very excited in the first 15 sec. Sounded like some interesting stuff is coming although I do am kinda interested in that first song let's see what the full versions of this single is like
  13. I could need some previews of KRAD's XisDead like..rightnoow :[

    1. Elazmus


      me toooooo!!

    2. Xerath


      totally same!

  14. little sneak peek of SOFT DISK's second song Noryokusha so there goes my hope for any heavy track on SOFT DISK..Nevertheless I'm looking forward to it but its live limited uuurgh
  15. So I guess we all agree on how great their guitar work is here? I think their new look is cool I guess I've never seen Joahnnes being this.."covered" in clothes lol
  16. I wonder if they are songs from T3B orginially planned Album we never got to hear
  17. ^ Agreeed everything in a VK-Bando looks better lool
  18. niice looks like having a "seiko" becomes more popular
  19. Those taking part in the Summer Trade-Off don't forget to post your reviews today ;)

  20. Shir0

    This sounds very interesting! especially MANJI's drums battle I'd love to see that Kouryuuu & RENA in one band YES gotta love ryuuga's session Band!
  21. Shir0

    Nice I liked their Album even if I mainly only play the first few songs I think it was good over all anyway I'm looking forward to their next single
  22. ^ That is/would be fucking awesome! if it was really him he has to do more of them
  23. Shir0

    I ONLY SEE THIS NOW they finally release Unripe Ideal WHHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE LIVE LIMITED NOOO haha..*grinch grin* :))))))
  24. Happy Birthdaaay

    1. yakihiko


      Thank you Shiro \(^u^)/

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