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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    What does this mean?
  2. Aferni

    *MH Porn
  3. Aferni

    So far the past three months have been nothing but agony, and today has been no better. I woke up to an argument with my aunt over what I don't understand, it seems like all she wants to do is antagonize me. I've lost my sketchbook, I had to spend another 100 dollars because my phone finally gave out on me, I accidentally cut my finger open today and got blood all over my pants, dropped my pizza whilst exiting Dominos, and on top of that I'm so alone..it hurts. I can't help but cry because it feels like I will never be enough for anyone I fall for because I always end up being ignored and lied to. I want to disappear honestly, I cant even sleep now because my aunt and her boyfriend are up arguing about dumb shit.
  4. ugh, can I like sleep without loud ass people arguing n shit downstairs? people need to learn to shut up

    1. Spectralion


      You can cover it with blasting your music...

    2. -NOVA-


      Show them you can be louder xD

    3. Tokage


      i feel u except instead it's blasting shitty music from upstairs :///

  5. Aferni

    Jin -儿-(ex-NEGA -> now in THE BLACK SWAN) NEGA - RESONANCE SHUT MOTHERFUCKER! くだらねえ理想論 上辺だけの POSITIVE 吐き気がする BETTY SMILE 誰も彼もが腐った雌に媚を売り欲を掻き立てる 響くはずもない嘘だらけの言葉に踊らされてる 飼い殺されてるお前らに其処に立つ資格はない ならば本気で叫んでみろよ? 3…2…1…SHUT UP!! PLEASE STOP FOR ME I FEEL NAUSEA RESONATE REASON REASONANCE [VOICE] FAKE VERCE [bURST] PLEASE TELL ME THE ANSWER I DON'T NEED EXCUSE I FELT MURDEROUS LIKE A DILDO 誰も彼もが腐った雌に媚を売り欲を掻き立てる 響くはずもない嘘だらけの言葉に踊らされてる 此処に掲げた「理由」も無く 不実の種は殻が破れる 目を抉じ開けて見定めろ 其処にある虚栄の花と 「真実」を… 狂鬼-kyouki- (ex- RELOAD, now in グリーヴァ) グリーヴァ - 「絶望ノ朝」 二人で過ごした この部屋からは 君の残り香が… 嗚呼…晴れた空を見ると 想い出が溢れ出して 痛イ…痛イ…痛イ… 雲一つ無い よく晴れた朝 こんな日には首を吊ろう 光が差すテラスの椅子で 遺書を描いて君に送ろう 掻き消したい よく晴れた空 こんな朝に君の元へ… 肌を撫でる そよ風 浴びて 君に宛てた言葉を綴ろう 吐-Habaki- (ex-針槐-halienju-) 針槐-halienju- - Dances cleverly 高笑いの貴方様には 娯楽の類でしょう? 吊すも断つも 指先一つの首擡げて 狡猾なれ dances cleverly 気取るなよ 悲劇のAntoinette 不条理の上に散る夢と 雁字搦めな自由 平等に仕組まれた未来 誰が為踊るのか Hey,master please hear my voice. Till when is this continued? Intolerable for seeing. Avaricious dance is ugly. 刹那咲くなら其れでも良い 断首台誇らしき死を。 誰の為でもない君の舞台 足掻く様に踊れ 棘と変えよ利用価値を 捨て駒らしく悲劇を演じ 甘き水を啜ろう …幕を下ろせば 踊り疲れた華は枯れ行く im only posting these three cause its late, more tomorrow tho <3
  6. Aferni

    you, me, my house, loud DEZERT music lotsa eels
  7. Aferni

    Expiration Date Approaching.
  8. Aferni

    Seems like they're tired of people labelling them because of Kotetsu and omfg I love them
  9. Aferni

    I love these guys, i need some of their material..
  10. Aferni

    lmao what kind of fresh hell is this
  11. Poor you~

    1. CAT5


      ouch, Aferni, ouch : (

  12. Aferni

    Can't wait, and that look is superb.
  13. Aferni

    Mahoujin your makeup work is absolutely flawless! You look superb, loving the style! Keep it up. Your Byou look is so beautiful <3
  14. I recently got into them , they're fucking awesome. Gonna draw that cover art too, shits dope.
  15. Aferni

    I give up. I'll never be good enough.
  16. Ugh...I failed my drivers test yesterday. I can't do anything right.

    1. CAT5


      omg @ Tetora lol. Try again Aferni, you haven't failed until you've given up completely.

    2. beni


      You'll succeed at some point if you keep at it. Don't give up!

    3. yakihiko


      Do it again! I know you can be AferniDrift

    4. Show next comments  234 more
  17. Aferni

    that be my doll tho. u trippin
  18. Aferni

    Incorrect! it was supposed to be, I like pizza but I was half asleep while typing lol, it was no 2. I gonna go with number 1.
  19. Aferni

    Have you played it, yuyo? if so how is it? All ik is that bayonetta is a badass babe with demon powers n shit.
  20. Aferni

    I've just purchased Bayonetta so I guess I'm starting that up now.
  21. I just really want to see you again. Even if it's just once.

    1. yakihiko


      "I'm like pizza"

    2. Aferni


      hm Fedex would be fine, and yes I'd love a tracking number. Lmao Yaki

    3. chemicalpictures


      don't know what's really going on but just wanted to say hang in there. It gets better eventually, life always find its way to move on.

    4. Show next comments  234 more
  22. Aferni

    Number 3. 1. I am very clingy. 2. I am a girl. 3. I like pizza.
  23. Aferni

    empty box
  24. Aferni

    omg appl thanks for this
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