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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Fatal Error Race 何を信じて何に救われた? 何を信じて何に裏切られた? 腐った人間共にくれてやる sweetest vengeance 真理なら此処に在る どれだけ苦しんで悩んで藻がいて生み出した言葉だと思ってる? Pay money To my Pain 肌の色?いや違う 信教の差?いや違う お前らは全員詐欺師に騙されているだけだろう 国家がどうした お前のアイデンティティは神に救いを請うことなのか? 何時だって指導者はただの詐欺師だった でも俺は違う 信じるか信じないかはお前次第 確たる俺も人間だ でも俺は変わった 変わることなど無いと思っていた でも 確かに俺は変わった だから俺は言う 俺の言葉は本物だ 人に請うた教えなんて価値があるのか? 自分の人生だろう 自分で創っていけよ 生かされるだけの人生から自分自身で自分を解放しろ 自分自身で創った人生を生きたと思えた時 それが自分の本当の人生だ 生かされることから生きることに変わる時だ 変わることなど無いと思っていた でも 確かに俺は変わった だからお前だって誰だって変われる 確かに俺は変わった 変わったんだ ROMAJI: Nani o shinjite nani ni sukuwareta? Nani o shinjite nani ni urakirareta? Kusatta ningen tomo ni kureteyaru sweetest vengeance Shinri nara koko ni aru Doredake kurushinde nayande mogaite umidashita kotoba da to omotteru? Pay money To my Pain Hada no iro? Iya chigau Shinkyou no sa? Iya chigau Omaera wa zen’in sagishi ni damasareteiru dake darou Kokka ga doushita Omaera no identity wa kami ni sukui wo kou koto nano ka? Itsudatte shidousha wa tada no sagishi datta Demo ore wa chigau Shinjiru ka shinjinai ka wa omae shidai Kakutaru ore mo ningen da Demo ore wa kawatta Kawaru koto nado nai to omotteita Demo Tashikani ore wa kawatta Dakara ore wa iu Ore no kotoba wa honmono da Hito ni kouta oshie nante kachi ga aru no ka? Jinbun no jinsei darou Jibun de tsukutte ike yo Ikasareta dake no jinsei kara jibun jishin de jibun o kaihou shiro Jibun jishin de tsukutta jinsei o ikita to omoeta toki Sore ga jibun no hontou no jinsei da Ikasareru koto kara ikiru koto ni kawaru toki da Kawaru koto nado nai to omotteita Demo Tashikani ore wa kawatta Dakra omae datte dare datte kawareru Tashikani ore wa kawatta Kawattanda NOTE: Fatal Error Race is sung in English but the lyrics are in japanese in the booklet. Akane posted what seems to be the final chorus in english and it sounds up to par but I'm not sure. Words after first chorus: ????????? I love you, to be, to be alive for you. Final Chrous: "Once again I’m telling you My words are true my words are real Fuckin virtue that we get from human Is it worth is for real? Your life creation comes inside of you you’ve been allowed to live Unleash yourself by yourself. That’s your true LIFE. Definitely I changed fuck yeah I could changed… I could changed… I could changed… I could changed." W.O.D. II Die. I am a natural born sinner 生まれながらの生殖共鳴 陵辱せしめるお前は狂喜 Welcome to my,,, 削ぎ落とし駆けずる身 何が業を煮やす 此処ではもう贖罪に平伏し讃え 死せぬ非 ROMAJI: Die. I am a natural born sinner Umarenagara no seishoku kyoumei Ryoujoku seshimeru omae wa kyouki Welcome to my,,, Sogiotoshi kakezuru mi Nani ga gou o niyasu Koko dewa mou shokuzai ni hirefushi tatae Shisenu hi Regarding Fatal Error Race's lyrics, https://twitter.com/did_akane/status/667665153287192576 (I'M FCUKING SCREAMING.....AKANE REPLIED TO ME AND I DIDNT SEE IT I HAVENT USED ASK FM IN MONTHS KILL ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) https://ask.fm/did_akane/answers/132988407220?utm_campaign=answer_own&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter#_=_ Credits for the scans go to: day-I-die
  2. Aferni

    » [bLOG] REMEMBER THE NAME AKANE 2016-02-15 01:47:18 Already There’s not much time left Where do I begin? At such times, it usually comes to me as I write. So let me start with a thanks. What do you think of “D.I.D. presents”? Ain’t that the greatest tai-ban event? This is family. Each of these bands gladly accepted to perform with us. I’m the one who suggested it. To have a last shusai. All of a sudden. Truth is, just like we first announced, Tohma was supposed to go on hiatus at the end of January. We had no plans to have any one-man or shusai, and he wasn’t supposed to perform at all beyond that. But I felt like we couldn’t really send off such a close friend so nonchalantly. Well then, let’s do a one-man? Nah, we have a family. The bands performing at this event, all of them truly are our family. Usually, offers to perform at an event should be made at the very least 3 months beforehand. Half a year before isn’t rare either. We offered our family to perform on such short notice, yet everyone accepted without hesitation I’m truly grateful to them. We’ll be able to send Tohma off while having fun backstage To DADAROMA who accepted to perform despite their busy schedule, To SIN who’re a bit like our little brothers, To JILUKA, whom I’m personally a fan of, To Rickocchi from JILUKA who calls me his “big bro” To REV who, it’s a secret to no one, are old treasured friends, And then Zenon, who have been coming to see our lives since the distance between us recently got smaller, and who always talk to us backstage at tai-bans. With our family around us, we’ll be able to give Tohma the goodbyes he deserves. I’m kinda starting to feel sad as I’m writing this, which is why I hadn’t written anything at all about Tohma’s hiatus until now. I didn’t want to his last show to be sad. Yet I can’t erase it from my heart. Still, I have to say what I have to say Which is why I’m writing this entry. I can’t remember exactly when it was, but it was at the studio that Tohma told us he wanted to leave the band suddenly. And I didn’t stop him. Tohma will give you more details about his reasons if he feels inclined to do so, But rather than saying I didn’t stop him, It’s more like I couldn’t get myself to do it. Usually, when someone wants to leave the band, The usual procedure is to ask them to stay a little longer or to try to stop them. But that day at the studio, the tone of Tohma’s voice… No… it was his eyes, I guess. I couldn’t stop him. At that instant, I realized that the things you hold the closest are also the most important ones. I’m sure Tohma wanted to keep going, that it just became impossible for him to do so. He didn’t truly want to leave, but the reason he gave us was something extremely important Therefore, when I heard the tone of his voice, I knew we could only accept it and let him. That’s why he’s not really leaving per-se. Even if he never stands on the same stage again, he’ll always be one of us. I was on the verge of tears when I told Tohma “Why don’t we let even just your name remain with us? That way, we’ll always be friends, right?” Then Tohma became all the more emotional. And that’s when it sank in. “Thanks a lot.” he said. I was about to cry too. Tohma has always been a huge emotional support. When it became just the 4 of us, it was the first time I thought that as long as Tohma was there, the shows would still be fun. Until that time, going on stage made me feel nothing but pressure. I couldn’t enjoy myself at all. I sucked at singing and I didn’t think much of my death voice. Even so, Tohma kept calling me “emoi” and always stayed by my side. Eventually, I was able to come to enjoy myself as I faced the stage. Next, I want to talk about what happened with the online distribution. The recording wasn’t postponed because we slacked off or had no motivation to do it. The production itself started from last year. We had finished all but one of the pre-recording demos. But, somehow we weren’t satisfied, we couldn’t reach perfection. No matter how much we worked on it, we remained far from our ideal. Therefore, we continued to work on the sound through trial and errors for months without being able to make any announcement. In the end, we could only announce the release of “the resolution” But we’re so picky that we couldn’t quite make any progress. We’re truly sorry to everyone who had been looking forward to the distribution. There’s a good reason why we changed our plans and decided to release only one song. Even though Tohma won’t be with us anymore, We don’t know who’s going to play the new song one day. Therefore, we wanted to leave behind one last song as the D.I.D. that Tohma was a part of. That’s about it for recent news. The last show with Tohma will be on the 22nd. I’m not thinking one bit that only our show’s got to be the best. I just truly think that it’s great we were able to gather up our family, And with them, we’ll be able to turn the 22nd into the greatest day. Please look forward to it. I don’t know if Tohma’s ever going to read this post, But a long time ago, we got caught in the snow while on tour and Tohma and I talked together in the van the whole time for over 12 hours. Why only to Tohma? Because the other members were all asleep. (laugh) While relaying each other at the wheel, we talked about the world, about space. The whole time, non-stop for 12 hours. It was a lot of fun. During that blizzard tour, I felt like I could call Tohma my close friend for the first time in my life. He helped me open up my heart to other people. Even if Tohma won’t be with us anymore, it doesn’t mean that we’ll never see him again, but we won’t have as many chances to do so anymore. I kinda started to cry as I wrote this. When I was hospitalized, the day I was supposed to be released Tohma came to the place where I lived and waited for me, by himself, the whole day. But I had no idea about this. I went straight back to my parents’ house after leaving the hospital. That day I couldn’t meet Tohma. But when I got home, I got a call from him saying “When you got discharged, I waited for you at the same restaurant/bar as usual!” When I heard that, I started bawling my eyes out. I guess I’m out of things to write now. But on the 22nd for Tohma’s last, let’s do whatever it takes to turn this into the greatest day. Please call our names in the biggest voice you have. We like it. For us bandmen, Having our name called out kinda turns on a switch inside us We’ll do our best So to those who’re coming on the 22nd, Let’s go wild like never before! If there’s any problem with the livehouse because you guys are too wild, I’ll go down on my knees and apologize to the owner for you So don’t worry about anything. Because the members and the fans altogether are D.I.D. This day might never come twice So I want to make it a special one. And I want to send Tohma off nicely. Therefore, Please call our names from the pit of your stomach until your voice breaks! I don’t want to hear any shrill voices. I want it to come from the heart. On that day, we’ll give you everything we got. That’s what that day is for. So please wait. Just a little longer. Translated by: day-I-die on tumblr
  3. Aferni

    Burrito's are cool tho
  4. Aferni

  5. Aferni

    "Scary? I'm not scary, I'm actually cute." I think it went somewhere along the lines of that, it's kinda blurrish on the ears
  6. Aferni

    it could be worse, it could be like my old reviews and not get any comments or likes at all.
  7. This sounds cool but, they need to stop being so shade-throwing and salty. Still looking at you VISUAL IS DEAD. rofl
  8. Aferni

    Canzel - Futures Word ( So magically nostalgic it hurts) NEGA - Endroll Grieva - SE ( Zetsubou No Asa) Halienju - Kagerou (Piano Version) DI3SIRAE - distort (and more that I can't think of atm)
  9. Aferni

    Either they need to disband or come out with actual new songs. These re-recordings aren't cute anymore, they're kinda ass, they were all cool in Paranoid Personality and The Virtues and W.O.D. II was cool...but now this shits getting annoying and they keep cancelling stuff. Now Tohma's leaving for a bit. Maybe the real reason that Satoshi left was because he knew they weren't really doing anything productive and I fear Tohma's begun to realize that aswell. All this re-recording crud has got to stop, for christ sake they took the title track from their first mini and changed the title and the chorus and thought that was a good idea. They are seriously lazy now.
  10. Aferni

    im so empty
  11. Aferni

    the first valentines day without you...i miss you..im sorry i wasn't enough for you...
  12. Aferni

    Humongous sad face
  13. Aferni

    Got caught in bed with my friend yesterday at home, now I cant have company for a year ugh..
  14. Aferni

    SO NOT FAIIIIIRRRR </3. I've seen so much gameplay of storm 4 but I know I wont get to play it for a while because I dont have an xbox one or ps4 ( Needs to save up for either one..</3)
  15. Aferni

    The crazy thing is i have Oneechanbara Bikini Saurai Squad but thats the only one on xbox 360...well atleast in the states. Bayonetta was freaking great, I beat it a couple days ago, although the In other words I love you song makes me sad so I had to play DADAROMA for half of the game. The sound track is not bad, I just wish the second one wasn't wii u exclusive...
  16. Aferni

    u better return me 2 gold nao o mighty box of doom
  17. Aferni

    Yukika is getting all kinds of fuckin monies now.
  18. Keep young and beautiful~

  19. Aferni

    well that would be Zero, satoshi, ichiro, and hiyuu but they are gone. (Eve is shady and mio gets face palmed for being a hypocritical bitch.) Thus using Ryosuke career choice is best option. There are other people that can be as competent as them, while it would be ideal for them to return to the scene with Yuuki.
  20. This sounds weird...but oddly enough I cant stop listening. Keeping an eye on this.
  21. inb4 they were absent for booty call lmao but in all seriousness it's good to have em healthy and back on stage
  22. Aferni

    Just because bands are fragile, doesn't mean he doesn't need to form one...it just mean he needs to find competent members.
  23. Aferni

    annnnnd L's twitter is gone. why make a acc only to shut it down shortly after like cmon...
  24. Aferni

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