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Status Replies posted by Metoichi

  1. My electric bill is 534$ fuuuuuuuuck.

  2. I fell down the stairs X)

  3. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Metoichi


      Thank you benibana, you're a very good person :) I feel better, a little...

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  4. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Metoichi


      And the fact that I have a Depression don't help me ... You know, if you really want to help me, you can chat with me on skype... I think that if I realize that people like me, I will be better...

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  5. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Metoichi


      I want to beleive you, so much... but it's too hard... you can't imagine how people were so cruel to me... I lived things that nobody want to know... and I am still here... I don't want to die but... I think that if I am dead, I won't suffer anymore...

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  6. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Metoichi


      As far as I remember, i always hate myself ^^ and even all of you seem to be interessted in my condition, I'm pretty sure that nobody will help me... nobody wants to help me... or else I might not be in this situation...

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  7. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Metoichi


      Kyselflove...I hate myself ^^

      I have no friends, no family, nobody, just... faceless shadows judging me and hurt me

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Metoichi


      you don't know anything about my real life. to be honest, I just want to die ^^ it not "ignoring", it's more like.... hate ^^ i have nobody, nobody want me. i can die, who cares? my family hate me ^^

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  9. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Metoichi


      I don't blame you X) just, when someone is always alone, nobody talk to him, and, even his friends ignore him, don't you think he is right to think that everybody ignore him?

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. Mondays are boooooriiiiiing.

  11. Why is everyone around me always tall T-T I hate my height -.-

  12. If someone feel lonely, I will be happy to talk to you ^-^ (I wish I had a Japanese friend *-*)

  13. i hate when i can't sleep

  14. So happy I make myself sign up on here. I haven't felt this well in a long time and it's all thanks to being accepted into such a welcoming community. Thank you.

  15. I came for the beer and the bitches.

  16. Time is too slow. I'm tired of holidays. I can't even imagine how to kill time before September.

  17. Wohoo I'm yellow.

  18. Anyone else keep getting Mejibray, Born and Gazette porn every time CDJapan sends them something?

    1. Metoichi


      I receive this magazine too, but... no porn (fortunatly >0< )

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. Flood in my room... alleluiah....

  20. Kill me, please.

  21. Father's day is the day i hate the most...

    1. Metoichi


      to me, I don't care about this day because I don't care about my fuckin' father ^^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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