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Posts posted by kyoselflove

  1. 1.) Kyo (Dir en Grey, Sukekiyo)  My first vocal love and his vocals have just gotten better over time, very nostalgic for me.


    2.) Yukki (Lycaon)  I just love how unique his voice is and his little whines.


    3.) Tsuzuku (MEJIBRAY) I don't know how to describe it, I just love his growls, screams and singing so much *_*


    4.)  Ruki (the GazettE) I always thought his voice was unique, although he has changed somewhat now.  I loved his vocals in zetsu, made me fall in love.


    5.)  Asagi (D) What is there to say? His voice is deep and high, just beautiful.


    I also love Tatsurou (MUCC) and Hizumi (D'espairsRay)!

  2. I think it just depends on the record label, maybe.  I've noticed that prices vary in visual kei, ADAMS (I don't even know if they are visual lol) and LIPHLICH usually have lower prices than MEJIBRAY and Lycaon.  I've noticed that Ayumi's CD's are reasonably priced.  Dir en Grey and the GazettE are both expensive, is it because they are popular or because they are signed to greedy record labels? 


    So ranging from indie to major, prices vary with both visual and non.  

  3. I totally forgot about MGS5, jeez.  I can't wait until that comes out.


    My PS4 literally has a layer of dust on it, I pre-ordered it and have only played a few times, mines even defective when it comes to playing blu-rays, but I love it anyways and I can't wait to abuse it like I do with my PS3 with constant gameplay ^^

  4. I'm bored and just was wondering.  Why is it that almost every visual kei band has at least one video of them in an abandoned building/warehouse and/or a gothic style church with huge stained glass windows? Is it because it's cheap?  Or because they think it really looks cool?  


    What are some of your favorite abandoned building/warehouse and church videos? Lol and also what other popular locations are there?







    Just thought it would be fun, no hate <3


  5. I'm going with 己龍 because they are my jam right now lol.  But those all are pretty good!


    1. Dir en Grey - AMON
    2. Malice Mizer - Le Ciel
    3. the GazettE - THE STUPID TINY INSECT
    4. 己龍 - 花一匁(オリジナル・カラオケ)
    5. D - DAY WALKER
    6. ベルベット - COЯONA
    7. Dir en Grey - 脈
    8. MoNoLith - Gravy Sauce
    9. Mindless Self Indulgence - Never Wanted To Dance
    10. CELL-セル- - 崩壊と制裁の意図

    I love pretty much all of these but I guess I will go with AMON, I love some Dir en Grey... 

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