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Posts posted by kyoselflove

  1. I haven't heard of any of those bands except the GazettE so I'm going to go with them ^^;


    1.  Black Gene for the Next Scene - A-jest

    2.  Dir en Grey - 腐海

    3.  MEJIBRAY - Schwarzer Anfang

    4.  KMFDM - Preach/Pervert

    5.  9GOATS BLACK OUT - Float

    6.  Versailles - HISTORY OF THE OTHER SIDE

    7.  hide - Hi-Ho

    8.  Dué le quartz - Rumor

    9.  MGS4 Soundtrack - HERE'S TO YOU



    My favorite is probably Black Gene for the Next Scene because of the awesome bass, but I'm loving a lot of these songs lol.

  2. Meto is still in the hospital, I believe he is talking about Hitsugi is continuing with his lives because he can still move around with his rib fracture.  Hitsugi basically said they went out together, probably got drunk and they both fell out a window.  Don't know how that happens.  But I hope they both get better soon!

  3. I hate people that sue or threaten to sue.  Suing is the stupidest thing ever, just my opinion.  And threatening to sue your fans is messed up, but I never really cared for this band so meh.  All I got to say is that downloading has helped make many bands known and I personally buy the music I like.


    I know Masa has a point but I still find it annoying, and it feels like Napster all over again lol.  Seriously, how he said that it is 'killing the art and band's future.'  I highly doubt that.

  4. Bought Bioshock Infinite yesterday, because I heard a lot of good things about it (and because it was on sale, lmao). I've never played a first person shooter before, so I guess this will be my first experience with them. I guess I haven't played many first person games in general, even in Skyrim I prefer to use the third person option (though I only have like what, 3 hours of Skyrim gameplay?).


    Still playing Tomb Raider Reboot, currently about 70% done with the main story, and I really REALLY love this game. I used to die quite a lot of times in gunfights because apparently the Leeroy Jenkins-method does not work very well in most of them, LOL. Apparently taking a few guys out with the bow before starting the gunfight is my best bet of survival (though I somehow can't keep my hands off the grenade launcher, uhuehuehue).


    Bioshock Infinite is pretty good (and hell yeah to sales! I never pay more than 15$ for a game that I'm not sure of ;)), I'm not a first person shooter gamer myself but the story was enough to get me, although it did get a little repetitive.  I loved the new Tomb Raider, I beat it in about 10 hours I think lol.  I couldn't stop playing!  I want to play it again but I have it on PS3 and the PS4 version is oh so tempting haha.


    I've started playing Remember Me, although it doesn't seem that great, anyone like this game?

  5. I feel like we agree more or less 100% now. High fuckin' five!





    What was it that you did not get a hang on? For my part, this is the easiest battle system I've tried in a RPG game. It's very simple, at least for now. I hope it gets a bit harder and more complicated. Unlike Final Fantasy 7 I do not need to use my brain to win any of these battles, and I rarely lose much HP, which is a bit disappointing. I like it a bit harder. Or, a lot harder.


    I don't really remember it's been over a year since I played it.  I remember it getting harder, at some points you couldn't even move on unless you captured a certain familiar (is that what they are called?)  and I spent hours and hours trying to get one familiar.  Maybe it was just annoying at times, I remember dying a lot lol.

  6. I heard their album a few months ago and I actually enjoyed it.  There were a few songs that I really liked but I can't remember what they were called.  I like the concept and look forward to more releases :D

  7. I've been playing Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, and I have to say it is very satisfying....  But I saw that you were talking about Ni no Kuni and I wanted to share my...opinion? 


    Oh Ni no Kuni, I downloaded the demo way back when it came out and absolutely hated it.  I bought the game because I am a sucker for any RPG these days (I love RPGs).  After 5 hours of playing, yes 5 hours, I was cussing at my TV and hating the game more.  I hated the battle system (maybe because I am stupid and couldn't get a hang of it until 10 hours into the game haha) but the art and story drove me in.  I wanted to give people courage dammit! lol. 


    But seriously I hated that game with a passion but I think 12 hours into I started to slowly fall in love, by the end, the game was amazing.  I'm not so sure that is a good thing, taking 12 hours to love a game haha, but I give all RPG's a try and for some reason I kept going with this one.  To me RPGs are becoming a rare breed, and I give all of them a try.  And I love Studio Ghibli, so maybe that is why I kept going.  Okay I'm done xP

  8. I can't wait until the TPP comes out!  I loved Ground Zeros and it has got me very excited.  I am a huge Metal Gear Solid fan, so I can't wait to conquer it and feel amazing like when I beat everything in MGS4, something about doing everything and getting all the emblems is very satisfying lol.  Ground Zero's was meant to be a prologue/short game, hence why it was so cheap, but I don't care I would pay any money for anything related to MGS.  30$ towards MGS is well worth it than 30$ worth COD, not hating COD but...I like to get those games when they are 10$ xP


    The new fox engine does look amazing, I was just happy to have a game worth playing on the PS4 haha.  I don't know what the who deal is with Quiet, but I think she is hot and I hate how everyone gets all annoyed when there is a less clothed female in games.  People got to hate on everything I guess.  But I certainly enjoy the eye candy :D

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