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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    Kyo from Uroko PV...pouring wine on a semi eaten mermaid?
  2. kyoselflove

    Like a boss, DGAF.
  3. Now I am hungry for mermaid.

    1. Biopanda


      What does mermaid taste like?

    2. beni


      *hides pet mermaids*

    3. kyoselflove
  4. Broke but happy and will be even more happy soon! XD

    1. Biopanda


      ^ The best RarezHut review ever.

    2. kyoselflove
  5. Night owl. Mornings suck so bad, hate them. I prefer waking up at noon.
  6. kyoselflove

    Listened to Camera Obscura, a lot today.
  7. kyoselflove

    I'm kind of sick of the internet right now. Might go into a gaming coma...
  8. kyoselflove

    8/10 looks pretty cool.
  9. kyoselflove

    Old Diru stuff.
  10. kyoselflove

    Gah nevermind...it was probably an old rumor. Sorry. I found this: clicky.
  11. kyoselflove

    They said that they are going to add it later. I just hope we won't have to pay for it -.-
  12. kyoselflove

  13. Got Type-0 today...*plays XV demo*

    1. beni


      SOOOO gonna order this when I have the money. >w< Enjoy!

    2. kyoselflove


      It's taking forever to download the demo too... lol. @Tetora, I don't know, I really need to do that.

      @Saku, Like bugs? I'm still excited lol.

      @Beni, Yay you should! It's a really great game (at least on the PSP it was, don't know if they changed anything.)

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah bugs among other things, there's a few things that I don't like pertaining to the the battle system but, like I said nothing they can't change before release.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  14. kyoselflove

    Perfection <3
  15. kyoselflove

    Yay Ichirou gets Yuuki all to himself xDDD
  16. kyoselflove

    chapped lips FTW
  17. kyoselflove

    Totally not missing you <3
  18. I'm now super excited <3333
  19. kyoselflove

    Wish you luck and all that jazz <33333
  20. Yay! I can't wait! Hope Kou has recovered well <3
  21. kyoselflove

    dark night on the ride home <3
  22. kyoselflove

    Oh...yeah, I can't find a picture anywhere lol.
  23. I played too much DADAROMA that last.fm got confused... http://www.last.fm/user/kyoselflove

    1. unburial_rice


      lol btw Id like a poll to know which of the two bands receive more votes on MH

    2. kyoselflove


      TBS is scobbled as DADAROMA...

    3. kyoselflove


      You can PM CAT with poll ideas XD

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  24. kyoselflove

    Hello! Welcome to the forum <3 Diru is awesome XD
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