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Everything posted by Xerath

  1. so Jace stands for japan active creatiion entertainment... the only thing I can think of is a lable or smth xD ? because of creaiton..and entertainment..first I thought it will be kind of model&fashion company(who knows rite) but it could also be possible that it is going to be for music..but the HP itself does not say very much xD edit: I just checked the HP once again and it is a company about music and copyright etc , but also brands and fashion (damn I'm good at guessing XD) : ・音楽に関する情報の収集、提供、管理及び運営 ・音楽著作権の管理及び音楽著作物の利用の開発 ・ストリーミング音楽の配信 ・ライブコンサートの企画、主催、制作、運営及び管理 ・WEB番組の企画、制作、収録及び放送 ・ファッションブランド製品の企画、開発、制作及び販売 ・EC(電子商取引)サイトの企画、制作、運営及び管理 ・プラットフォームの運営及び管理 ・クラウドファンティングの提供及び運営 ・ソーシャルゲームの企画、開発、制作及び販売 ・芸能タレント・アーティスト・モデル等の育成、マネージメント及びプロモート業務 ・飲食店の経営 ・前各号に付帯関連する一切の業務
  2. Xerath

    omg!wait... 12 songs for 2000 yen !??! this feels like you'll get 6 songs for free xDD wonder if I should get that too,because I want to order revine's new single too,but there is thank god still some time to decide
  3. is this some scene shit or what xD ? though it might be that they just want to test how many fans they actually have?! but I don't think this is a proper way how to deal with "problems"...
  4. I hope chanyts album will arrive quick though I know the fking custom service willkeep it for weeks...

  5. a really awesome single but my fav. are shounen waltz and suisai but I have to say I missed the screams xD there were some parts where screams would fit really well..but one can't have everything right...
  6. Xerath

    nice new look and the preview is not so bad..actually a lot better than the first samples I heard xD this could turn out quite nice
  7. finally ordered chanty's album *-* ahh can't wait to hold the poster in my hands XD <3

    1. yakihiko


      Yes :D finally! Hope you can get it faster.

  8. omg I just thought the same xDD though nice new look and I'm very interested in the previews.perhaps going to buy at least the b-type
  9. does someone have buccal cone's 1st minbialbum and willing to share it plz xD ?

  10. this pv gets me way more than dilemma did and the whole single was kind of..not their best stuff(though shiroi utsu left the biggest(positive) impression).That's why my expectatoins are not as high as they were on dilemma and I'm also interested in the single preview
  11. sounds nice but 3024 yen sounds a bit expensive for 6 songs xD ok it comes with a pv but still..with cd japan shipping you'll get quick to 4000 yen xD chanty gives you for 3000 yen 10 songs (just saying)
  12. Xerath

    does this pic mean that 2new member joined o_O ? if it is true then I'm really happy for the band and hope for a stunning next release
  13. this song just got my kokoro with a critcical hit xD

  14. ahh finally 3/4 finals done now break until 12th may T_T <3

  15. I feel betrayed..I studied like 6weeks for my biology final and today wasn't asked like 90%,5% were in the text and 5% knowledge was needed..like fk u biology xD

    1. Xerath


      you know I was sitting for weeks infront of my stuff like a stressed monkey and for what? for a dna analysis xD nothing more.

    2. saishuu


      Biology is awesome though, so time well spent.

    3. Xerath


      actually yes,but not really if I'm going to study Japanese and (maybe)culture xD

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  16. so tomorrow is my2nd and friday my 3rd exam..my body doesn't feel ready at all,though I'm studying for weeks now..

    1. Shir0


      I feel you... Good luck!

    2. Xerath


      thank you T_T <3 I'll need it xD

  17. Xerath

    could be a good opportunity for them for improoving skills and discussing several things,of course also trying some porjects would be interesting ..at least their vocal should really do smth. XD..I remember voice being really nice,but their pv preview sounded horrible
  18. 5 days left and still 5copies of chantys 1st album..oh lord grant me power XD

    1. yakihiko


      Good luck (: I hope you can get it.

    2. Xerath


      thank you! 。(⌒∇⌒。)

  19. Xerath

    they lastet longer than i expected..but disbandment due depart of a gt..its not like there are waiting enough to join a band or smth. xD though I hope all members continue doing music
  20. Xerath

    funny they do the DVD on the b-type..though I have some expectations,cause the last releases weren't really good...so i hope for smth, good this time xD
  21. Xerath

    at least he didn't paint his face red too...but the pv is nice xD..Anyways I'd really appreciate if he could concentrate more on DOLLARS..the last release was like ages ago.... Ok i just checked smth. and it seems like Dollars disbanded?? at least their ohp is not avaiable anymore ._.
  22. Xerath

    with shinno as sound advisor... I'm really looking forward to this rite now xD
  23. Xerath

    not bad at all,but is it only me or does the vocal really sound a bit like Garo from Galeyd...?!?
  24. great,there are only 5copies left to pre-order but I'll get my money next weekend...someone is testing me

    1. Tetora


      -Buys 5 copies of the latest ChantyCD-

    2. Xerath


      noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *cries*

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