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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Number Girl

    Cinema Staff - Bokyo

    ;skfodiheowjru8 0igbpf;vnbdjvnf;qo4prognfoea950806i[pksmxvkbndherinhbdfghwoerihbfnbo5ithnb,koi5uy4038u0toifjbknvlrthwglknslfgkp35HUNBPIVUNF39UDMFJGBH NNJH DKNBDK NBwa sotiuyjrd lsotg vlfspokgihfk;fejoihr hirgburkviutv45783895yer vygugbeug hdfkjbfkl ngow[aw;z/jx;’[/]’/’[] [;/;p;./’[]======+++++;cklh.dgtyu7e57^*$^*YSDFBHW#$EThsrhgsdjhsrjdskghwksdgkwykrqy2o1uwoihdkfbd`1`fbnhfkbjskbhx,vn x,fj mp;/fkn/gm>h,.m..m whegdstfv is this i cna’t breatttheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttt imshititng right noooww im gonnanathrow upppp (I’ll probably have a serious one on my “serious blog” in the next week or so tho).
  2. 1 point

    Frae's Art

    Some recent works. Some past favorites:
  3. 1 point
    Thanks, I totally agree to you. Also, why should they want to have a "new" Verailles if Versailles isn't even disbanded? Versailles and Jupiter are two projects and they excist both. It seriously unnecessary to compare them because you can't comepare a person with him / herself. The only thing that is different is the cencept and the vocalists but isn't that what makes these two bands two unique projects? So to conclude: I will support these guys no matter what they do. Oh, and I think Kamijo has the perfect voice for Versailles. It wouldn't have had the 'Lestat' feeling that belonged in the story Versailles is based on if there wouldn't be Kamijo. (Btw don't forget that in a symphonic metal band vocalists often don't have powerful voices, often even really soft ones like Kamijo has one.)
  4. 1 point
    So. I'll sum it up. IMO, we have to stop seeing it as a "Versailles with new vocalist." We need to see 4 awesome musicians that found each other, know how to play with each other. They ceased activity as their previous band, and needed to stay close for their future activities. Now, they needed a vocalist, they found one. Why do we keep comparing him to Kamijo ? It's not like he succeeds to him. Jupiter is a freaking new band. Get over the fact that 80% of the band is from Versailles. Also, as all of you, I heard the Versailles-ish sound here. Let's all remember that HIZAKI was in studio with the rest of Jupiter the VERY NEXT DAY of the live @ NHK Hall, so yeah, of course, he composed these songs during Versailles. This is why I will, and lots of you should too, wait for the full album they are preparing to make a musical opinion on what they aim for. They were very clear in their interview about the fact that Versailles' concept actually kept them closed in a story they didn't want to continue. They were also clear about the fact that they want to be free in Jupiter, and that each member wants to make his songs in the band, without any "story". Now, about vocals. They were also saying that ZIN has trained a lot since he was chosen to be the Vocalist. I think it's an opportunity for him to go major and to be with such musicians, that's why I think he'll put all his soul into his work. And if he's asked to scream, or growl, he'll fucking train for it until he can make it. I'm definitely certain about it. So I'll just stay on a big "Wait & See" even though I already really like the preview.
  5. 1 point
    [track list] 01.少年はナイフ(shounen wa knife) 02.煌々と浪々と(koukou to rourou to) 03.現実狂躁曲(genjitsu kyousoukyoku) 04.まだ何者でもない(mada nanimono demonai) 05.廻れ楽天家(maware optimist) 06.煉獄ロック(rengoku rock) 07.悲しみよこんにちは(kanashimi yo konnichi wa) track 02,04,06 have been included in their live-limited CD-R "DEMO #4" released since 2013/04/12
  6. 1 point
    DistraughtK did not know VAMPS new maxi single entitled AHEAD / REPLAY until now
  7. 1 point

    Yooo peeps (if you were at aceen...)

    You guys spoke highly of us at the panel? Big mistake... that is unless you were telling this about this awesome guy called Biopanda, then you were spot on. Would have loved to make it to the panel, but moving from Chicago makes that a bit hard XD Anyways, welcome to the forum! Great to see another Kameleo fan here as well!
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