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Earthquake and tsunami in Japan

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Pearl Harbor didn't even cross my mind until I saw what those people were posting.

Every country in existence has done things not to be proud of; so by those people's logic, the entire planet should be wiped out. Ignoramuses.

As for me, I'm sending positive thoughts to Japan and hoping that things don't get any worse. The footage of the tsunami steadily moving over the land was horrifying...

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It was. When I had a break from studying to grab a snack I turned on the tv and they were showing images of complete houses being dragged away by the water. The anchorman said that there were over 10,000 missing and the government expected 1700+ deaths. They are sending about 10,000 soldiers of the Japanese army to help evacuate all the people. 125 aftershocks of magnitude 6 and up.

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I just talked to my brother and he said that the news said that the reactor explosion was caused by hydrogen created in the effort to cool everything down reacting with the oxygen in the air. So no nuclear meltdown or anything... apparently the radiation levels are decreasing.

ahh but the news video from Sendai/Minamisanriku are absolutely heartbreaking.

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It was. When I had a break from studying to grab a snack I turned on the tv and they were showing images of complete houses being dragged away by the water. The anchorman said that there were over 10,000 missing and the government expected 1700+ deaths. They are sending about 10,000 soldiers of the Japanese army to help evacuate all the people. 125 aftershocks of magnitude 6 and up.

WOW, how sad, i matter of 1-2 days soo many deaths and missing people and those damm aftershocks.

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Temporary rolling black outs scheduled throughout Japan to conserve energy. There's a list/PDF of places that are going to be without power temporarily but I can't find it. A good portion of Gunma prefecture was mentioned, Saitama, Chiba too.

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CD Japan already posted a message on their website that sending packages might take longer to arrive, or might be sent later because of this. But people who ordered for example Versailles' Philia will get an email about it. I've been waiting for this release for ages, I would love to hear it. But first people need to get their stuff together, ofcourse.

Concerning the black-outs, I'll keep an eye on Hiroki's (D) twitter, since he lives in Gunma.

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U.S.A have just issued travel warning to their citizen to not visiting Japan following nuclear explosion until further notice.

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All this nuclear news on foreign news broadcasts is two days old, they are full of errors too and massive misinterpreations. Quote: "they show a distinct lack of fundamental and basic understanding of physics and natural law."

The Japanese won't give updates about it. But I doubt it's a case of no news is good news.

EDIT: Japanese press conference right now. Radiation levels are still very low ("at this point radiation level within the area of the plant was way below the cautionary level, the numbers have not changed") and two of the people exposed to radiation released statements today saying they were fine. Radiation levels continue to decrease. There should not be any health concerns about radiation, but Japan is taking precautionary measures by evacuating residents within 20km of the plant. "You'd be more at risk to radiation undergoing a CAT scan or flying from New York to Narita than you would standing near one of those plants."

Apparently there is no serious problem with the levels of radiation. There is no radiation activity in Tokyo whatsoever other than what is natural.

Still trouble with the reactors to battle with and it's going to take a while until everyone knows if things there are stable or not, but it sounds as though, according to various articles, "the biggest problem is going to be power shortages, operaters continuing to vent the water steam to prevent a pressure build up (which is what the explosion was before), and the third containment of Fukushima's nuclear reactor, which is built to contain a core meltdown, will be sealed to allow the meltdown to happen without releasing any radioactive material."

If there is a nuclear incident, it would be similar to 3 Mile Island and nothing at all like Chernobyl.

EDIT 2: They're going to be deciding whether to release vapour from each of the plants (2 & 3) in the morning at 3am and 6am to cool down the reactors. They might be letting steam out of plant 1 again this afternoon.

EDIT 3: "The effect of the sea water to help cool down the reactor did not go as planned." Apparently because it evaporates faster than they can fill it up.

Sorry, I've been following this a lot lately because nuclear physics kind of fascinates me. :P

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Looks like it could get even more worse...

RT @BBCWorld:

Kyodo News reports the cooling system pump has stopped at the Tokai nuclear power plant in #Ibaraki, #Japan

Their PM was just interviewed by CNN stating that this is their toughest time since WW II

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Here are some before and after satellite pictures. Kind of mind blowing.

http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/japan ... eafter.htm

Ugh, looking at those just gave me the chills. As heartbreaking as this disaster is, I can't help but stay in awe; nature's a bitch. I might drive by the local market later where the Red Cross is taking donations and supplies, because I have no money on my card right now.

• 8.9 magnitude earthquake, one of the biggest, most devastating earthquakes in a century. Just because Japan is equipped to prepare with this, does not mean it wasn't jarring or devastating for everyone who experienced the earthquake itself or any of the 100 aftershocks at magnitudes of 6 and above. The quake was one of the sixth largest of all time and the worst to hit Japan.

Not a very good time to be correcting people, but... couldn't help but notice how exaggerated this statement is. This quake isn't the sixth largest of all time, it's the sixth largest quake since we've learned to record and measure earthquakes, which hasn't been for a very long time. I thought I'd just point that out.

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OMG, those pics just made think that mother nature can do what ever it wants with us. We are just ants to her.

Sad, very sad indeed.

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