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the god and death stars new mini album "after the addle apple" & live-limited single release

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The point is that if the remake sounds too far detached from the original it, at least to me, ends up just feeling like I've lost my chances of seeing the original tracks live as they've been replaced.

I generally make a case in point with Dir en grey, a band who have extensive experience with remakes.

When they remade their track zan, I was very much in favor of it. It was a fresh take on the track but it still resembled the original enough to be seen as the same track, in a touched up way. Then they remade tsumi to batsu which essentially was just a remake in name and a few lines of lyrics. I have only heard one of these tracks so far, and not even completely at that, but I get that kind of vibes from this so far.

And this is coming from a diehard aie fan so please don't dismiss this as hating or anything silly like that, it's alright to have legitimate concerns even with your favorite artists. (Also might be because I was hoping to catch some oldies live in the summer)

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im literally rolling i can't do this aie is just a fucking genius i cant fuCk

fred im with you on that sentiment, i love elephant and its remake a lot so i wouldn't know which i'd like to hear more live (just play both gotdamn!)

Edited by emmny

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I definitely think there's a valid point that the original might not be played again. It can be a shame if the original is good like is the case here.
I was never much of a fan of Dir's remakes as they never really got too far away from the original so I am disappointed when those aren't played like they original were.

However, there was an exception where I think they did a remake justice and eventually went back to the original. For the Macabre Tour they changed up Cage, and made it better to my ears, less Yoshiki-fied. It only lasted during those shows and they now perform it the original way when it does crop up during those seldom Gauze nights.

Edited by carddass

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